- fix double digit version parsing for formatter
- fix formatter
- update dependencies
- update readme
- upgrade deps
- add multi base file support (by shovelmn12)
- add doc comments for generated keys (by chenasraf)
- fix lint warnings (by NotTsunami)
- improve difference detection between translation files
- fix analysis
- minor changes
- add additional lint ignores (by NotTsunami)
- solve issue where having a space or dash in yaml key generates an error
- throws argument errors if file names are invalid
- all translation files must contain all the keys at same location as en-us
- check inconsistency when building
- add analyzer exceptions (by WilkoV)
- format generated files (by simolus3)
- add languageCode and locale only to top class
- fix bug in message map generation
- update packages
- export translations as a static map (by marcin-jelenski)
- add locale and language code to generated classes
- updated build package
- minor change
- stable null safe
- support null safety (by joecks)
- minor changes
- change names of generated classes
- minor changes
- minor changes
- update dependencies
- stable release
- update readme and package description
- support for russian plurals (by 0rbb)
- update dependencies
- implement suggestions
- minor changes
- minor changes
- update packages
- add logger instead of prints
- Minor changes
- Revert 0.9.3+1
- Minor changes
- Minor changes
- Refactor
- Test support for German language
- Modifications to work with Hot Reload
- Fix Typo
- Minor modifications
- Update dependencies
- Initial fork from original library