A node graph, using a flowchart-like interface on a large screen, can easily display a thumbnail ('postage stamp') beside each node. This aids you in visualizing the result from each progression of steps. On top of that, you can easily set the Viewer on any of the nodes in the node graph easily.
On a device with a limited screen size, we can do this by setting the Viewer on the pipeline. You can imagine having the Viewer be on top of the pipeline on a mobile device as shown below:
1. Read media (none) >
2. Premult (1) >
Long Press
3. Read media (none) >
4. Color Correction (3) >
5. Transform (4) >
6. Gaussian Blur (5) >
7. Merge (2,6) >
8. Viewer (7) >
If we "long press" on node 2, the software can automatically render the pipeline up to this node on the Viewer.
You can also 'cycle' through and view the output of each node by "long pressing" on each of the nodes. This 'Viewer Cycling' through the nodes helps visualize and understand what is going on and remove the need to pan around a flow chart like node graph to view the thumbnails ('postage stamp').
This quick setting of Viewer is especially useful in our merging node in step 7. We could view the output of the intermediate node 2 and node 6 before 'merging' them.
Next, check out on Directed Acyclic Graph Generation.