You can find here all ideas or planned functions that will be implemented in the package. Feel free the discuss about them, or make request for non listed ones.
Color : | Desc : |
β« | Is in backlog. |
π | Is in work. |
π£ | Is implemented but need validation. |
π’ | Is implemented and verified. |
π΄ | Is broken. |
- Random Number Utilities
- Preset lists
- String Manipulation
- Date and Time Utilities
- File and Directory Utilities
- Collection Utilities
- Math Utilities
- Validation Utilities
- Conversion Utilities
- Reflection and Type Utilities
- Threading and Asynchronous Utilities
- Network Utilities
- Data Structure Utilities
- Serialization and Deserialization
- Encryption
- Hashing
- Error Handling Utilities
- Configuration and Environment Utilities
- Localization and Internationalization
- GUI and User Interaction Utilities
- Debugging and Diagnostics
- Miscellaneous Utilities
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | Generate a random integer within a range. |
π£ | Generate a random double within a range. |
π£ | Generate a random boolean value. |
π£ | Generate a random string value based on lenght. |
π£ | Generate a random long value. |
β« | Select a random element from a list. |
β« | Generate a random alphanumeric string. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | A List of Months. |
π£ | A List of Days. |
π£ | A List of Hours. |
π£ | A tuple <string, string, string, int> of ISO-3166 Country name. |
π£ | A List of most used langages. |
π£ | A List of Official langages. |
π£ | A List<char, string> of a reversed alphabet. |
π£ | A List<(string, int)> of order of magnitude from -30 to 30. |
π£ | A List of the first 255 hexadeciaml chars. |
π£ | A List of primal nubers of n length. |
π£ | A List of fibonacci numbers of n length. |
π£ | A List of Mersenne numbers of n length. |
π£ | A List of triangular numbers of n length. |
π£ | A List of Hexagonal numbers of n length. |
π£ | A List<(string, string)> of common HTMl colors. |
π£ | A List of common used password. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Capitalize the first letter of each word in a string. |
β« | Convert a string to camelCase, snake_case, or kebab-case. |
β« | Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. |
β« | Count the occurrences of a substring within a string. |
β« | Check if a string starts or ends with a specific substring. |
β« | Concatenate a list of strings with a separator. |
β« | Replace multiple spaces with a single space. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Add or subtract days, months, or years from a date. |
β« | Calculate the difference in days, hours, or minutes between two dates. |
β« | Get the current date and time in UTC. |
β« | Convert a DateTime to a specific string format (e.g., ISO 8601). |
β« | Parse a date string into a DateTime object. |
β« | Check if a year is a leap year. |
β« | Get the number of days in a month for a given year. |
β« | Convert UNIX timestamp to DateTime and vice versa. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | List all files in a directory with a specific extension. |
β« | Delete a file or directory if it exists. |
β« | Copy a file to another directory. |
β« | Move a file to another directory. |
β« | Read a file line by line. |
β« | Append text to a file. |
β« | Get the size of a file in bytes. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Find the minimum, maximum, and average value in a list. |
β« | Find the index of the first or last occurrence of an element in a list. |
β« | Check if a list contains any duplicates. |
β« | Flatten a nested list into a single list. |
β« | Merge two or more lists into one. |
β« | Remove null or empty elements from a list. |
β« | Split a list into chunks of a specified size. |
β« | Find the intersection, union, or difference of two lists. |
β« | Convert a list to a dictionary with a specified key selector. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | Number is odd method. |
π£ | Number is even method. |
π£ | Sum to N numbers. |
π£ | Substract to N numbers. |
π£ | Factorial of N. |
π£ | Negative factorial of N. |
β« | Calculate the square root, power, or logarithm of a number. |
β« | Generate a Fibonacci sequence. |
β« | Determine if a number is prime. |
β« | Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers. |
β« | Calculate the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers. |
β« | Convert degrees to radians and vice versa. |
β« | Round a number to the nearest integer, or to a specific number of decimal places. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Validate if a string is a valid integer, float, or decimal. |
β« | Validate if a string is a valid IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). |
β« | Validate if a string is a valid credit card number. |
β« | Validate if a string matches a regular expression pattern. |
β« | Validate if a file path is valid and accessible. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | Convert an integer to a binary. |
π£ | Convert an integer to a hexadecimal. |
π£ | Convert an integer to an octal. |
π£ | Convert a binary to an integer |
π£ | Convert a binary to a hexadecimal. |
π£ | Convert a binary to a octal. |
π£ | Convert a hexadecimal to an integer. |
π£ | Convert a hexadecimal to a binary. |
π£ | Convert a hexadecimal to an octal. |
π£ | Convert an octal to an integer. |
π£ | Convert an octal to a binary. |
π£ | Convert an octal to a hexadecimal. |
β« | Convert a DateTime to a UNIX timestamp and vice versa. |
β« | Convert a collection to a comma-separated string. |
β« | Convert a string to a byte array and vice versa. |
β« | Convert a list to a dictionary using a custom key selector. |
β« | Convert a file to a base64 string and vice versa. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Get all properties or fields of a class. |
β« | Check if a class has a specific attribute. |
β« | Dynamically invoke a method by name. |
β« | Clone an object using reflection. |
β« | Check if an object is of a specific type. |
β« | Get the assembly name of a class or method. |
β« | Create an instance of a class dynamically. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Run a task with a timeout. |
β« | Execute multiple tasks in parallel and wait for all to complete. |
β« | Execute tasks in sequence with delay. |
β« | Implement a simple thread-safe counter. |
β« | Create and manage a thread pool. |
β« | Implement a retry mechanism for failed tasks. |
β« | Use a semaphore to limit concurrent task execution. |
β« | Run a background task and report progress. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Send an HTTP GET or POST request. |
β« | Download a file from a URL. |
β« | Check internet connectivity by pinging a server. |
β« | Parse a URL into its components (protocol, host, path, query). |
β« | Encode and decode URL parameters. |
β« | Get the local machine's IP address. |
β« | Send an email with attachments. |
β« | Fetch DNS records for a domain. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Implement a basic stack and queue. |
β« | Implement a priority queue. |
β« | Implement a binary search tree. |
β« | Implement a linked list (singly or doubly linked). |
β« | Implement a hash map or dictionary. |
β« | Implement a graph and common graph traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS). |
β« | Implement a set with basic operations (add, remove, contains). |
β« | Implement a trie (prefix tree) for efficient string searching. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Serialize an object to JSON, XML, or binary format. |
β« | Deserialize a JSON, XML, or binary string into an object. |
β« | Serialize and deserialize a collection of objects. |
β« | Pretty-print a JSON string. |
β« | Serialize an object to a file and deserialize it back. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | Encode a string with code Casear. |
π£ | Encode a string with AtBash. |
β« | Encode a string with Base64. |
β« | Encode a string with Scytale. |
β« | Encode a string with RailFencer. |
β« | Encode a string with Playfair. |
β« | Encrypt and decrypt a string using symmetric encryption (e.g., AES). |
β« | Encrypt and decrypt a file. |
β« | Sign and verify data using a digital signature. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
π£ | Hash CRC8 method. |
β« | Hash CRC16 method. |
β« | Hash CRC32 method. |
β« | Hash CRC64 method. |
β« | Hash InternetCheckSum method. |
β« | Hash Fletcher8 method. |
β« | Hash Fletcher32 method. |
β« | Hash Adler32 method. |
β« | Hash Xor8 method. |
β« | Hash LunAlgorithm method. |
β« | Hash DamnAlgorithm method. |
β« | Hash RabinFingerprint method. |
β« | Hash TabulationHashing method. |
β« | Hash ZobristHashing method. |
β« | Implementation of PersonHash method. |
β« | Implementation of PJHash method. |
β« | Implementation of MurmurHash method. |
β« | Implementation of FarmHash method. |
β« | Implementation of XXHash3 method. |
β« | Implementation of DHash method. |
β« | Implementation of Blake3 method. |
β« | Implementation of HMAC method. |
β« | Implementation of SipHash method. |
β« | Implementation of HighwayHash method. |
β« | Implementation of Blake2s method. |
β« | Implementation of Blake2b method. |
β« | Implementation of Blake2x method. |
π£ | Implementation of SHA256 method. |
π£ | Implementation of SHA512 method. |
β« | Implementation of SHA3 method. |
β« | Implementation of SpectralHash method. |
β« | Implementation of SWIFFT method. |
β« | Implementation of Whirlpool method. |
β« | Generate a salt and hash a password. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Log an exception to a file or external service. |
β« | Wrap a method with a try-catch block and log errors. |
β« | Implement a custom exception class. |
β« | Rethrow an exception with additional context. |
β« | Capture and log unhandled exceptions globally. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Read and write settings to a configuration file. |
β« | Get an environment variable value. |
β« | Set or update an environment variable. |
β« | Determine the operating system and architecture. |
β« | Get the current application directory. |
β« | Parse command-line arguments. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Format a number as currency for a specific culture. |
β« | Format a date and time for a specific culture. |
β« | Translate strings based on a resource file. |
β« | Detect the user's current culture and language. |
β« | Convert a number to words (e.g., "123" to "one hundred twenty-three"). |
β« | Implement a simple translation service. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Display a simple message box or alert. |
β« | Prompt the user for input with a dialog box. |
β« | Open a file dialog to select a file or directory. |
β« | Update a progress bar during a long-running task. |
β« | Create a simple notification or toast message. |
β« | Capture a screenshot of the current window or screen. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Log method entry and exit points. |
β« | Dump the contents of an object to a readable string. |
β« | Measure the memory usage of a block of code. |
β« | Attach a debugger to a running process. |
β« | Create a simple performance profiler. |
β« | Track the time taken by individual methods. |
β« | ... |
Status : | Purpose : |
β« | Generate a universally unique identifier (UUID). |
β« | Implement a basic observer pattern. |
β« | Calculate the checksum of a file. |
β« | Implement a basic publish/subscribe mechanism. |
β« | Generate a QR code from a string. |
β« | Implement a simple finite state machine. |
β« | Detect changes in a file or directory using file system watchers. |
β« | Implement a rate limiter for controlling access to a resource. |
β« | ... |