subcategory |
Security |
This resource creates Personal Access Tokens for the same user that is authenticated with the provider. Most likely you should use databricks_obo_token to create On-Behalf-Of tokens for a databricks_service_principal in Databricks workspaces on AWS. Databricks workspaces on other clouds use their own native OAuth token flows.
// initialize provider in normal mode
provider "databricks" {
alias = "created_workspace"
host = databricks_mws_workspaces.this.workspace_url
// create PAT token to provision entities within workspace
resource "databricks_token" "pat" {
provider = databricks.created_workspace
comment = "Terraform Provisioning"
// 100 day token
lifetime_seconds = 8640000
// output token for other modules
output "databricks_token" {
value = databricks_token.pat.token_value
sensitive = true
The following arguments are available:
- (Optional) (Integer) The lifetime of the token, in seconds. If no lifetime is specified, the token remains valid indefinitely.comment
- (Optional) (String) Comment that will appear on the user’s settings page for this token.
In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
- Canonical unique identifier for the token.token_value
- Sensitive value of the newly-created token.
-> Note Importing this resource is not currently supported.