probe in batches, apply expression, fix faulty build side selection
probe in batches, apply expression, fix faulty build side selection
initial innefficient and buggy attempt at spatial join
initial innefficient and buggy attempt at spatial join
Force push
initial innefficient and buggy attempt at spatial join
initial innefficient and buggy attempt at spatial join
slap lock around proj initialization
slap lock around proj initialization
replace filter projection map after filter pullup
replace filter projection map after filter pullup
make sgl::geometry non-copyable/moveable
make sgl::geometry non-copyable/moveable
fix forcing vertex layout for nested geometries, fix st_asgeojson
fix forcing vertex layout for nested geometries, fix st_asgeojson
Merge branch 'v1.2.0' into dev-march
Merge branch 'v1.2.0' into dev-march
fix rtree index scan when filter is completely pruned out
fix rtree index scan when filter is completely pruned out
initial native centroid implementation in sgl, needs more testing
initial native centroid implementation in sgl, needs more testing
clear proj cache before destroying context
clear proj cache before destroying context
we dont even need geographiclib anymore yo
we dont even need geographiclib anymore yo