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TryCatch.js is a JavaScript library to help you handle your errors in a more clean & structured way.
How to use TryCatch.js:
import {tryCatch} from '[email protected]/dist/trycatch.min.js';
// Example 1: try-catch-finally
function() {
// some code that may throw an exception
function(e) {
// handle the exception
function() {
// code that is always executed, whether or not an exception is thrown
// Example 2: try-catch-else-finally
function() {
// some code that may throw an exception
function(e) {
// handle the exception
function() {
// code that is always executed, whether or not an exception is thrown
function() {
// code that is executed if the try block returns undefined
// Example 3: try-catch
function() {
// some code that may throw an exception
function(e) {
// handle the exception
// Example 4: try-finally
function() {
// some code that may throw an exception
function() {
// code that is always executed, whether or not an exception is thrown
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.