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Releases: MarketSquare/robotframework-browser

Browser library v16.0.0

06 Feb 19:56
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilises Playwright tool internally. Browser library 16.0.0 is a new release with:

New Browser to skip if exists and switch (#1319) BWIC

  • New Browser keyword does by default switch to an existing browser as long as it is configured the same way.

Get Browser Console Logs support (#2176)

Take Screenshot keyword supports returning the image (#2625)

  • Take Screenshot keyword now supports returning the image as a variable and deactivate its logging.

All issues targeted for Browser library v16.0.0 can be found from the issue tracker.

Browser library 16.0.0 was released on Monday February 6, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16/18 LTS and Robot Framework 5.0.1+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.30.0

Browser library v15.2.0

01 Feb 13:33
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 15.2.0 is a new release with:

See the full Release Notes 15.2.0 for more details.

All issues targeted for Browser library v15.2.0 can be found from the issue tracker.

Browser library 15.2.0 was released on Wednesday February 1, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16/18 LTS and Robot Framework 5.0.1+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.30.0

Browser library v15.1.0

18 Jan 16:01
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 15.1.0 is a new release with new Mouse Wheel keyword and allowing providing parameters to the node process. Also there is bug fixes when installing the librqry with rfbrowser init command. All issues targeted for Browser library v15.1.0 can be found from the issue tracker.

Browser library 15.1.0 was released on Wednesday January 18, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 4.0+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.29.2

Browser library v15.0.1

16 Jan 18:27
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 15.0.1 is a new release with bug fixes on the Plugin API usage with JS extension. All issues targeted for Browser library v15.0.1 can be found from the issue tracker. Browser library 15.0.1 was released on Monday January 16, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 4.0+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.29.2

Browser library v15.0.0

11 Jan 12:07
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally.

Browser library 15.0.0 is a new major release with backwards incompatible changes.
Browser library 15.0.0 was released on Wednesday January 11, 2023.

⚠️ Version 15.0.0 contains several backwards incompatible changes ⚠️

Browser supports Python 3.8+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 5.0.1+ ⚠️ . Library was tested with Playwright 1.29.2

Most important enhancements

  • 🔌 Python & JavaScript Plugins can now be used together. See Plugin Documentation for more information and examples.
  • Calling "New Page" fails after creating the context using "New Persistent Context" with recordVideo argument (#2214)
  • New Context with recordVideo without size does not default to viewport. (#2530)
  • Value of variable '@{attributes}' is not list or list-like. (#2513)
  • "New Context" and "New Persistent Context" keywords should always return a Path-object with full video path in recordVideo dictionary (#2215)
  • Reimports of Browser library cleans ${OUTPUT_DIR}/browser during the same robot run (#2522)
  • Remove support for direct value assignment for Type/Fill Secret (#2523)
  • Keyword "Fill Secret": Too tight/incomplete coupling with CryptoLibrary (#2536)
  • Topic/fixes & removed deprecations (#2524)

⚠️ Backwards incompatible changes

Return values of some keyword are not always list.

The keyword Get Attribute Names, Get Classes and Get Selected Options did return lists except if there was only one value to return, then it was the single value. This was inconsistent and now all of them return lists even if there is nothing to return. In this case it would be an empty list.

New Context and Video Recording

The deprecated arguments videoSize and videosPath are now removed.

The docs of New Context mentioned that if no size in recordVideo argument was given, it would record in the viewports dimensions. That was not working correctly, which is now fixed. (#2530)

Also is the path value of recordVideo was behaving inconsistent. It is now always relative to ${OUTPUT_DIR}/browser/video except if it is an absolute path. Also empty strings can be used as path attribute.

New Persistent Context

The New Persistent Context keyword does actially opens a new browser, a new context and a new page. It howevery only returned the contextID of the currently opened context. The Id of the browser or page could only be fetched from the browser catalog. This has changed and New Persistent Context now returns nowthe browserID, contextID and dictionary of NewPageDetails as well. NewPageDetails is a dictionary with the keys 'page_id': and 'video_path': .

Removed deprecated Keywords

Get Element State & Execute Javascript were deprecated some time ago and now removed. (#2524)

Secret handling and direct value assignment

Fill Secret, Type Secret do not log the secret value given. They deprecated the assignment of variables or values a while ago. Now the direct assignment is removed. (#2523)

They only accept variables in the form of {variable} now!

Also the password attribute of httpCredentials needs to be in this special variable syntax now.

All three do also support cipher decryption of CryptoLibrary, if it is installed and imported. (#2536)

Browser library v14.4.0

06 Jan 22:27
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 14.4.0 is a new release with plugin API enhancement and bug fixes to logging. All issues targeted for Browser library v14.4.0 can be found from the issue tracker. Browser library 14.4.0 was released on Saturday January 7, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 4.0+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.29.1

Browser library v14.4.1

06 Jan 22:42
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 14.4.1 is a new release with bug fixes to version numbers. Other ways this is exactly same as 14.0.0 All issues targeted for Browser library v14.4.1 can be found from the issue tracker. Browser library 14.4.1 was released on Saturday January 7, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 4.0+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.29.1

Browser library v14.3.0

04 Dec 19:19
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 14.3.0 is a new release with enhancements for the Wait For Condition keyword. All issues targeted for Browser library v14.3.0 can be found from the issue tracker.

Browser library 14.3.0 was released on Sunday December 4, 2022. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16 LTS and Robot Framework 4.0+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.27.1

Browser library v14.2.1

27 Oct 17:49
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 14.2.1 is a new release with bug fixe to presenter mode in library import. All issues targeted for Browser library v14.2.1 can be found from the issue tracker.

Browser library v14.2.0

27 Oct 16:05
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Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 14.2.0 is a new release with updates dependecies to resolve security problems and provides support for Python 3.11. All issues targeted for Browser library v14.2.0 can be found from the issue tracker.