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NodeAtlas is an MVC(2) Server-side JavaScript Framework makes it easy to develop scalable websites with SEO and W3C compliance. It is designed to running indexable and localizable simple web pages or creates HTML mockups with only the view part activated. But you can activate controller part to build powerful data-oriented, component-oriented and/or service-based web apps with great real-time features and modern compliance!

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NodeAtlas it's :

  • The starting point for Front-end Developers into Node.js ecosystem.
  • Pure JavaScript ; for beginners come from PHP (Laravel) / Ruby (Rails) / Python (Django) / .NET or Java or for JS experts.
  • A progressive system with:
    • a view-only system without care of controller,
    • scalable control of controllers and hooks,
    • i18n (internationalization) and l10n (localizations) quickly.
    • Express.js (web server) and (client-server real-time connection) already configured together, easy to use and extendable,
    • EJS, Pug, Less and Stylus preprocessors ready to use,
    • internal tools for HTML Mockups Serverless or bundles, minifications, obfuscations, optimizations of CSS and JS,
    • isomorphism and server-side rendering with tools of your choice like Vue or React,
    • and more like DOM server manipulation, back-end code debuggable into browsers, easy HTTPs to setup.
  • Combinaison of severals NodeAtlas instances for service-oriented architecture like usage as API REST,
  • All npm modules, Express.js/ middleware, plugins usable (sessions, SQL/NoSQL databases, load balancing, proxy, hot-reload).
  • A French and International Guide step by step, with a community support on Gitter (Chat) [EN][FR](
  • Web and JavaScript <3 enthusiasts!
  • And maybe you soon?

NodeAtlas Official Website

For a complete documentation, you could refer to the NodeAtlas Official Website (Mirror README here).

Websites Example

Quick Start


npm install -g node-atlas

and try a standard NodeAtlas website with the help

node-atlas --create hello-world

or try a Vue + NodeAtlas + SSR website with the help

node-atlas --create hello-vue

Usage Explaination

Step 1 - Install

Install NodeAtlas with one of two existing way:

  • npm install node-atlas preferred for an API usage.
  • npm install -g node-atlas preferred for a CLI usage.

Step 2 - Configure

Create a webconfig.json file and dependencies files for configured your website.

website.json example for development:

    "languageCode": "en-gb",                /* Set the principal language. */
    "pageNotFound": "/page-404/",           /* Assign the 404 dedicated view. */
    "view": "common.htm",                   /* Assign the common layout file for view. */
    "variation": "common.json",             /* Assign the common variation file for localisation. */
    "controller": "common.js",              /* Assign the common controller file for all pages called. */
    "post": false,                          /* By default, avoid POST request on pages. */
    "bundles": "bundles.json",              /* Set CSS and JS files bundled together and minifies with an external file. */
    "htmlGenerationBeforeResponse": true,   /* Generate page currently displayed into `serverless` directory. */
    "cssBundlingBeforeResponse": true,      /* Minify CSS into `.min` files before response pages. */
    "jsBundlingBeforeResponse": true,       /* Obfuscate JS into `.min` files before response pages. */
    "enableLess": true,                     /* Use Less files with `.map` for development phase. */
    "routes": "route.json"                  /* Set all urls provided by website with an external file. */
} example for production:

    "httpPort": 7777,                       /* Set the real application HTTP port if port 80 is already listened. */
    "urlPort": 80,                          /* Set the frontal port for application on the world wide web (proxy). */
    "httpSecure": "security/server",        /* Set the directory for find `server.key` and `server.crt` file for HTTPs. */
    "urlHostname": "",    /* Set the hostname for the application on the world wide web. */
    "urlRelativeSubPath": "example",        /* Set a subdirectory for the application url. i.e.: "". */
    "languageCode": "en-gb",
    "pageNotFound": "/page-404/",
    "view": "common.htm",
    "variation": "common.json",
    "controller": "common.js",
    "post": false,
    "routes": "route.json",

routes.json example:

    "home": {                               /* Set a key to use parameters defined or from url into code. */
        "url": "/",                         /* Set the url to request for a page. */
        "output": "home.html",              /* Set the pathname for save an HTML file represent the output in static. */
        "view": "home.htm",                 /* Assign the view file used to render content information. */
        "variation": "home.json",           /* Assign the specific variation file used for localize page. */
        "controller": "home.js"             /* Assign the specific controller file used for the home page (get last articles, number of suscribers, etc.). */
    "presentation": {
        "url": "/presentation/",
        "output": "presentation.html",
        "view": "default.htm",              /* A same view with... */
        "variation": "presentation.json"    /* ...different variation can generate different content page (see "error"). */
    "members": {
        "url": "/members/",
        "output": "members.html",
        "view": "members.htm",
        "variation": "members.json",
        "controller": "members.js"
    "memberV2": {                           /* A new version of `member` render for pages. */
        "url": "/members/:member/",         /* The `:member` part represent the current member requested... */
        "output": "members/bob.html",       /* ...and a fake user is used for a static render into generated files. */
        "view": "member.htm",
        "variation": "member.json",
        "controller": "member.js"
    "member": {                             /* The old version of `memberV2` page... */
        "url": "/members-profile/:member/", /* ...with old route... */
        "redirect": "/members/:member/",    /* ...kept to redirect to the new page... */
        "statusCode": 301                   /* permanent. */
    "contact-us": {
        "url": "/contact-us/",
        "output": "contact-us.html",
        "view": "contact-us.htm",
        "variation": "contact-us.json",
        "controller": "contact-us.js",
        "post": true                        /* Allow POST support for send an email with custom form. */
    "home-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/",
        "output": "francais/bienvenue.html",
        "view": "home.htm",
        "variation": "home.json",
        "controller": "home.js",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr"             /* A language code specifc for this page. */
    "presentation-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/presentation/",
        "output": "francais/presentation.html",
        "view": "default.htm",
        "variation": "presentation.json",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr"
    "members-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/membres/",
        "output": "francais/members.html",
        "view": "members.htm",
        "variation": "members.json",
        "controller": "members.js",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr"
    "memberV2-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/membres/:member/",
        "output": "francais/members/bob.html",
        "view": "member.htm",
        "variation": "member.json",
        "controller": "member.js",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr"
    "member-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/profile-de-membres/:member/",
        "redirect": "/membres/:member/",
        "statusCode": 301
    "contact-us-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/contactez-nous/",
        "output": "francais/contactez-nous.html",
        "view": "contact-us.htm",
        "variation": "contact-us.json",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr",
        "controller": "contact-us.js",
        "post": true
    "error-fr-fr": {
        "url": "/francais/*",               /* All pages begining with `/francais/` for french error page. */
        "output": "francais/page-404.html",
        "view": "default.htm",              /* Shared view into different routes (see `presentation`). */
        "variation": "page-404.json",
        "languageCode": "fr-fr",
        "statusCode": 404                   /* An appropriate 404 status code for error pages. */
    "error": {
        "url": "/page-404/",                /* Default error page setted into `pageNotFound`. */
        "output": "page-404.html",
        "view": "default.htm",
        "variation": "page-404.json",
        "statusCode": 404

other files...

Step 3 - Create

Create files to develop your website!

NodeAtlas default file hierarchy:

├─ node_modules/             ⤆ All Node.js module for your application.
│  └─ node-atlas/
│     ┊┉
├─ assets/                   ⤆ All public files could be accessed in HTTP(s) without a specific route set.
│  ├─ javascripts/
│  │  ┊┉
│  │
│  ├─ stylesheets/
│  │  ┊┉
│  │
│  ├─ media/
│  │  ┊┉
│  │
│  ┊┉
├─ views/                    ⤆ The View part with each type of view for render.
│  ├─ common.htm
│  ├─ home.htm
│  ├─ default.htm
│  ┊┉
│  └─ partials/              ⤆ All re-usable view.
│     ├─ header.htm
│     ├─ footer.htm
│     ┊┉
├─ variations/               ⤆ All files for content filling with `en-gb` in default...
│  ├─ common.json
│  ├─ home.json
│  ┊┉
│  │
│  └─ fr-fr/                 ⤆ …and `fr-fr` too.
│     ├─ common.json
│     ├─ home.json
│     ┊┉
├─ controllers/              ⤆ The controller part for manipulating view, variation and model with database and url parameters.
│  ├─ common.js
│  ├─ home.js
│  ┊┉
│  ├─ modules/               ⤆ All internal modules.
│     ├─ form-contact-us.js
│     ┊┉
├─ models/                   ⤆ The Model part with model files used into controllers for filled views.
│  ┊┉
├─ serverless/               ⤆ All HTML mockups generated and usable for Back-end not in Node.js.
│  ┊┉
├─ server.js                 ⤆ File used to run and configure NodeAtlas for API usage.
├─ webconfig.json            ⤆ File used to run the website on localhost for development.
├─       ⤆ File used to run the website on world wide web for production.
├─ routes.json               ⤆ File used by `webconfig.json` and "" to address route.
├─ ⤆ Example file used to run only `en-gb` part on a port…
├─ routes.en-gb.json         ⤆ …with english routes defined in this file…
├─ ⤆ …and run only `fr-fr` part on an other port…
├─         ⤆ …with french routes defined in this file.

Step 4 - Run!

Run NodeAtlas into the my-website folder in your development environment:

  • with your server.js file:
node server.js
  • with CLI:
  • for generate mockups:
node-atlas --generate

Run NodeAtlas on your production server:

  • in standard:
node-atlas --path /var/www/my-website/ --webconfig
  • with Forever:
forever start /usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-atlas/ --path /var/www/my-website/ --webconfig


About NodeAtlas

NodeAtlas vs Others

Type Top Features Suitable For Pure Node runtime Extensions Data sources Main support language
NodeAtlas Web MVC(2) framework Simplicity, Evolutivity, Modularity Websites, Web apps, REST APIs, Templating Yes Atlas plugin, npm module, Express middleware Built-in: In-memory /file (JSON), REST. With external npm module: NoSQL (MongoDB...), SQL (MySql...) French
Express HTTP server library HTTP routing, middleware Simple web apps Yes Express middleware English
Hapi HTTP server framework Modularity, security Web apps, APIs Yes Hapi Plugins English
Sails Web MVC framework Rails familiarity, MVC Web apps, APIs Yes In-memory, File, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB English
Restify REST HTTP library Simplicity, REST routing Simple REST APIs Yes English
LoopBack API framework Enterprise connectivity Web apps, APIs Yes In-memory/file, SQL NoSQL, ATG, Email, REST, SOAP English
Meteor Full-stack JavaScript app platform Framework Front-end et Back-end Web apps No Meteor package and repository, npm module MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL via 3rd-party Meteor packages English