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ViteJS Boilerplate

This project is just a simple ViteJS boilerplate ready to go.

Stack Used

Getting Started

⚠️ If is your first time running the project you should start on here

Install all dependencies with pnpm:

pnpm install

This command also copies the contents of .env.example in a newly created .env file, which the frontend will use to interact with your deployed contracts. Before starting the development server make sure the contract id and token id environment variables are set to the corresponding contract addresses.

Then, run the development server:

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the pages by modifying src/pages. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Project Structure

  • /public contains publicly accessible assets;
  • /src contains frontend code (assets, components, hooks, etc).

Environment variables

name description
VITE_FUEL_PROVIDER_URL Fuel-core network url normally set as http://localhost:4000 for development
VITE_FUEL_FAUCET_URL Faucet API url normally set as http://localhost:4040 for development
VITE_FAUCET_RECAPTCHA_KEY Recaptcha key used only on live environment
VITE_CONTRACT_ID Exchange contract id this is automatically set by the swayswap-scripts
VITE_TOKEN_ID Token contract id this is automatically set by the swayswap-scripts