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143 lines (110 loc) · 5.13 KB

Contributing to sssMOR

Contributions to sssMOR are welcome, as we try to keep the software up to date with newest MOR routines and numerical linear algebra algorithms.

In the following are a few guidelines to respect when developing code for sssMOR. If you have any questions on how to contribute, just get in touch with us at [email protected].

Note: The Gitlab repositories hosting the sss and sssMOR projects will become public soon, making it even easier for you to contribute to the sssMOR project. Sign up for our newsletter under to stay up to date.


The file programmingGuidelines.m contains some general programming and naming rules aimed at improving the quality of the code, its readability and the overall functionality. Here is a summary of the most important points.

Naming conventions

  • general variable and function names should be mixed-case, starting with a lower case, and be self explainatory. Acronyms should be lower case. Underscores should be avoided! Abbreviations should be avoided unless they are commonly used in the domain
krylovSubspace, shift, reducedOrderModel, html, tum
rom = reducedOrderModel %examples of acceptable abbreviations
fom = fullOrderModel
  • amounts, number of objects: nObjects
nShifts, nPoints
  • avoid plurals
shift % one
shiftArray, shiftVec % many
  • indices: iObject
iShift, iFile, jPosition
for iPoint = 1:nPoints %example of nested loops
    for jFile = 1:nFiles
  • booleans: use positive bolean names
isFound %instead of isNotFound
  • Structures begin with upper case letter. Fieldnames do not repeat the name of the structure
Segment.length, Options.MAX_ITERATIONS, GeneralOptions.fieldName
  • Functions that return only one value are named by that value
mean, moment, maxError

Definition of execution options

Whenever a function can be executed with different parameters or even in different modes, the execution options should be passed at the end of the inputs such as

  sysr = cure(sys,..,Opts)

Opts is a structure containing some of the parameters that the function accepts. Default paramters are defined at the beginning of the function in which they are used with a default structure

  Def.<fieldname> = ...

Then, the input should be parsed and the current options structure updated with the function parseOpts:

  if ~exist('Opts','var') || isempty(Opts)
        Opts = Def;
        Opts = parseOpts(Opts,Def);


  1. Johnson (2014): MATLAB Style Guidelines 2.0
  2. Hung (1999): The Pragmatic Programmer


As the size of the project and interconnections between functions increases rapidly, it is essential to test the bais functionality of the toolbox every time we committ a change. For this reason, we have implemented unittest routines for every function that can be run within the test suites test and testSssMOR.

Whenever functions are changed and new functionalities added, the unitest checking for the correct usage must be adapted as well. You can run the unittest for a single function by executing


or even of a just one test function within testXXX by calling


In addition, before pushing any changes to GIT you must make sure that all test run clear by executing the function test (sss + sssMOR) or testSssMOR and that the header is formatted according to headerTemplate.m.


For the tests, a unitTest environment has been created. New functionalities, as well as new ways of calling the functions, should be included as test cases. You can find more information about this in the "test" directory of sssMOR.

Important: in oder to run the tests you need the add the benchmarks from the SLICOT library (available here) to the directory "benchmarks", since ".mat" files are not included by Git.

Please make sure to avoid using following benchmarks for testing since they are badly conditioned: LF10, beam, random, SpiralInductorPeec

Here is a table of different benchmarks and the worst condition number for (A - s0 E) using IRKA shifts:

benchmark O(max(condest(A-s0 E)))
CDplayer 10^5
build 10^5
eady 10^3
fom 10^3
heat-cont 10^3
iss 10^5
rail_1357 10^3
---------------- ------------------------
LF10 10^9
beam 10^8
random 10^7
SpiralInductorPeec 10^6

Continuous Integration (CI)


Set-Up with Jenikns Next, we need to tell Jenkins the location of our git repository. The first step is to install the git plugin for Jenkins (how to install plugins is explained here).