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File metadata and controls

75 lines (53 loc) · 3.43 KB


A full setup for streaming tweets with tweepy, storing them in mongoDB and sending emails if a non-trivial error occurs.


  • Search for keywords.
  • Add tweets to mongoDB database.
  • Send mails about non-trivial errors.
  • Sleep for 15 minutes (optional) on non-trivial errors to avoid problems with Twitters rate-limit.
  • Dump collection every n tweets collected and clear collection. Resumes collecting tweets automatically. Uses mongodump. (Not default behaviour)
  • Filter out retweets.
  • Sample streaming - i.e stream for n hours at a time, then sleep for n2 hours and resume.

Getting started

'$' signals that the following should be typed into the terminal.
'>' signals that the following should be typed in mongo shell.


First make sure you have installed the dependencies:


  • python=>3.5
  • tweepy
  • pymongo
  • mongoDB (only local install has been tested)

Installing python packages

$ pip install tweepy pymongo

Installing mongoDB


  1. Make a copy of the file “” and give it a fitting name (e.g. “” if you’re collecting tweets about politics).

  2. Fill out the details in the new file for connecting to your database, twitter application, and gmail. I recommend creating a new twitter account and a new gmail account specifically for collecting tweets.
    You will need to create a twitter application (very easy) at to obtain the needed keys for connecting to the API.

  3. Add your keywords and languages.

  4. Run the file in terminal, e.g.:
    $ python


Open a new terminal and type:
$ mongo
> use <database name>

To see how many tweets have been collected, open a new terminal and type:

> db.stats()

To show the text fields of the first 10 tweets with the pattern 'test':

> db.<collection name>.find({text:{$regex: 'test', $options:'i'}},{text:1}).limit(10)

To count the tweets with the pattern 'test’:

> db.<collection name>.find({text:{$regex: 'test', $options:'i'}}).count()

To dump the database to disk (e.g. for backup):

In terminal (NOT within mongo shell), type:
$ mongodump --host <host>:<port> -d <database name> -c <collection name> -o <output directory path>
$ mongodump --host -d test_db -c test_collection -o out/

You might have to create the output directory first.

To export specific tweets to a csv file:

In terminal (NOT within mongo shell), type in one line:
$ mongoexport -h <host>:<port> -d <database name> -c <collection name> --type=csv --fields _id,created_at,id,text,source,,,user.screen_name,user.location,user.url,user.description,user.time_zone,user.lang,user.verified,user.created_at,user.followers_count,user.friends_count,user.statuses_count,user.favourites_count,retweeted,lang,timestamp_ms -q '{text:{$regex: "<search pattern>", $options:"i"}}' --out test_output.csv

These are the fields I usually include, but you can choose the fields you need.


I have currently only tested with ubuntu 17.10 and 17.04. It should work on other operating systems as well though. Otherwise, let me know.