The @Dynamic
annotation and @dynamic
template tag allow you to specify arbitrary rules to control access. For example:
Simple (contrived) examples
- Allow access if today is Tuesday
- Allow access if a user has a date of birth defined
Some more complex examples
- Allow access if the user is a beta tester AND the controller/action/template area is available for beta testing
- Allow a maximum of 300 requests per hour per API key
- Deny access only if user registered within the last 30 days
In order to make these decisions, information is helpful. You may need access to the session, or the current request. Both are available from the Http.Context
object passed into your DynamicResourceHandler
(DRH) implementations.
In Play 2, sessions implement the java.util.Map
interface and so data can get accessed in the usual way, i.e. session.get(key).
public class MyDynamicResourceHandler implements DynamicResourceHandler
public boolean isAllowed(String name,
String meta,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Session session = ctx.session();
String foo = session.get("bar");
public boolean checkPermission(String permissionValue,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Session session = ctx.session();
String foo = session.get("bar");
You can also store write data into the session - just don't forget that sessions are stored as client-side cookies! Any and all confidential information should be kept out of sessions.
Using the Http.Request#queryString()
method, you can get a map of all query parameters for the current request. For example, for the URL
a call to queryString()
would result in a map containing the key userName
mapped to the value foo
public class MyDynamicResourceHandler implements DynamicResourceHandler
public boolean isAllowed(String name,
String meta,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Request request = ctx.request();
Map<String, String> queryStrings = request.queryString();
String userId = queryStrings.get("userName");
public boolean checkPermission(String permissionValue,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Request request = ctx.request();
Map<String, String> queryStrings = request.queryString();
String userId = queryStrings.get("userName");
A major problem here is that your DRH needs knowledge of the methods - or, more precisely, the parameters of the method - to which it is applied. This can be alleviated somewhat through the use of convention, or by passing metadata into the DRH. Both will be covered later in this chapter.
When using a HTTP POST or PUT operation, the request body will typically contain information. Bodies can be accessed in a variety of formats, including custom formats.
public class MyDynamicResourceHandler implements DynamicResourceHandler
public boolean isAllowed(String name,
String meta,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Request request = ctx.request();
Http.RequestBody body = request.body();
JsonNode json = body.asJson();
public boolean checkPermission(String permissionValue,
DeadboltHandler deadboltHandler,
Http.Context ctx) {
Http.Request request = ctx.request();
Http.RequestBody body = request.body();
MyCustomType o =;
Once you have obtained the information from the body, you're back in the decision-making process of your rule.
Path parameters are, unfortunately, the point at which we hit a problem. Play encourages developers to create clean, RESTful URLs, for example
in place of the query parameter example used earlier,
The benefits of clean URLs are many - they can be bookmarked, are easily shared and are more easily cached, to name just a few. The one thing that path parameters are not, in Play 2, is available at runtime. There is no way in Play 2 to get these parameters without deriving them manually by comparing the route definition with the actual URL.
It has been stated on the Play! Framework group ( that path parameters should not be accessible by calling Request#queryStrings(), because path parameters are not query parameters. This is correct, but doesn't really help in the real world - things will be much easier when path parameters can be accessed as easily as other request information.
To the best of my knowledge, there are three ways in which to use dynamic resource handlers in Deadbolt 2:
- Use a single
that deals with all dynamic security - Use multiple
and use specific ones in specific places - Use a single
that maps the name given in the annotation and creates a new, specific handler to deal with the request.
A friend of mine, sitting in a second-year university course discussion on object-oriented design, witnessed a student put up his hand and say, "I don't get it. Why don't we just put everything in one big class?". If you would ask a similar question, this is the approach for you. For the rest of us, I think we can all appreciate that any DRH dealing with more than a couple of separate dynamic restrictions would get very large, very quickly.
// todo
// todo