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83 lines (63 loc) · 2.35 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (63 loc) · 2.35 KB
graph TD;
    SearchActivity --> SettingsActivity;
    WordListAdapter --> WordListActivity;
    SearchActivity --> WordListActivity;
    SettingsFragment --> SettingsActivity;
    WanicchouSharedPreferenceHelper --> SearchActivity;
graph TD;
    SearchActivity --> |Request| SearchViewModel;
    SearchViewModel --> || VocabularyRepository

Get Vocabulary Display the first result From Vocabulary, grab the definition of it from the repo There can be multiple definitions per word LiveData<List<List>> List is per word, the outer list corresponds to the word Foreach word in LiveData, get List

Maybe I don't need the whole Vocabulary? this could be potentially expensive. Should test whether it's more time expensive to get List or to get the all the relevant IDs and then display the only selected, querying for it after

DB Diagram

Definition --> Dictionary : DictionaryID
Definition --> Vocabulary : VocabularyID

DefinitionNote --> Definition : DefinitionID
VocabularyNote --> Vocabulary : VocabularyID

VocabularyRelation --> Vocabulary : VocabularyID
VocabularyTag --> Vocabulary : VocabularyID

VocabularyTag --> Tag : TagID

DefinitionNote : INT DefinitionNoteID
DefinitionNote : INT DefinitionID
DefinitionNote : NVARCHAR(MAX) NoteText

VocabularyNote : INT VocabularyNoteID
VocabularyNote : INT VocabularyID
VocabularyNote : NVARCHAR(MAX) NoteText

Tag : INT TagID
Tag : NVARCHAR(100) TagText

VocabularyTag : INT VocabularyTagID
VocabularyTag : INT VocabularyID
VocabularyTag : INT TagID

Dictionary : INT DictionaryID
Dictionary : NVARCHAR(322) DictionaryName

VocabularyRelation : INT VocabularyRelationID
VocabularyRelation : INT SearchVocabularyID
VocabularyRelation : INT ResultVocabularyID

Definition : NVARCHAR(MAX) DefinitionText
Definition : INT DefinitionID
Definition : INT DictionaryID
Definition : INT VocabularyID
Definition : VARCHAR(2) LanguageCode

Vocabulary : INT VocabularyID
Vocabulary : NVARCHAR(420) Word
Vocabulary : NVARCHAR(420) Pronunciation
Vocabulary : VARCHAR(4) Pitch
Vocabulary : VARCHAR(2) LanguageCode

Note: VocabularyRelationID and VocabularyTagID can be used for sorting later

Drag right to assign the different options? Dictionary, MatchType, Language Populate Dictionary/Lang from DB ideally