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Zhiyuan edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 8 revisions

We highly recommend the native database system in NPL: TableDatabase. It is way faster and built-in with NPL runtime.

Using MySql Client

Install Guide

  • On linux platform, mysql client is by default installed when you build NPLRuntime from source code. You should find a in NPL runtime directory.
  • On windows platform, you must manually install the mysql client connector plugin.

Once installed, you can use it like below:

local MySql = commonlib.gettable("System.Database.MySql");
local mysql_db = MySql:new():init(db_user, db_password, db_name, db_host, db_port);

A Better Way to Code

It is recommended that you write a wrapper file like which exposes a global object such as my_db that contains functions to access to your actual database.

An example in the Admin web site framework is here.

  • script/apps/WebServer/admin/wp-includes/

It will manage connection strings (passwords, ips, pools) from global configuration files, etc. In all other server pages, you simply include the file, and call its functions like this

local query = string.format("select * from wp_users where %s = '%s' ",db_field,value);
local user = wpdb:get_row(query);
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