- android: app icon (f0710b7)
- animation: loading (2f25c50)
- api: github endpoints (a6a70de)
- api: graphql query (65b9079)
- api: update types (e437b0b)
- Badge: common components (8a87b4a)
- Badge: Icon badge (428c674)
- BottomSheet: Stargazer view (c14e3d0)
- Card: User and Repos (a84b166)
- ios: app icon (9368209)
- List: uset and repo list (acc15d9)
- List: virtual user (c95dcca)
- Route: application routing (6d10a29)
- Route: main router (85ec1ed)
- Screens: Home and Repos (231bd8a)
- View: no data placeholder (011ef40)