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jvoight edited this page May 15, 2017 · 7 revisions

Possible projects for the June Warwick meeting:

(1) Insufficient Hecke eigenvalues

The issue is here: The main issue is to have "no gaps".

First step: write a short script first to see the scope of the problem and the sizes of the gaps.

Probably we just delete Hecke eigenvalues after any gap. (I don't think we can always guarantee that there will be as many Hecke eigenvalues as primes, as the list of primes may increase; but they should be complete up to a specified point.) But if this is a drastic action, the spaces should be recomputed.

(2) L-functions data precomputed ( + Asai L-functions)

The issues are here:

First step: We need mathematical input from Andy: how many Dirichlet coefficients are needed (for reasonable precision in the zeros, to make them similarish enough to the other L-functions).

I think we should start with the HMFs over real quadratic fields not coming from elliptic curves (and with trivial character). In this case, there are already a lot of a_pp's. We can always compute more.

We have an undergrad, John Martin, who is precomputing L-functions for elliptic curves over real quadratic fields (where it's easy to get more coefficients) using Booker's code (which we barely understand). We'll have that data before Warwick, maybe already in beta; but we'd also like to know if we can claim that what we computed is rigorous.

(3) Central Character

The issue is here: The forms coming out of the function HilbertCuspForms() do not necessarily have trivial central character; rather, they may have a character coming from the narrow class group of the base field.

Here's an example to see that something is wrong: It says that the sign of the functional equation does not have absolute value 1! So wrong.

First step: Edgar, Naomi, and I are meeting on Friday to discuss the "diamond" operators that compute the action of the narrow class group, and to write this up coherently. I've worked out some of this with Lassina already.

We'll see then what the next course of action should be. Probably we want to only show the HMFs with trivial character, since otherwise we have to display this character, and it opens an enormous issue of labelling and begs the question why we don't have other characters.

(4) Cyclic permutation of eigenvalues (not matching elliptic curves)

First step: I need to coordinate with y'all about the status of the elliptic curves and which ones are still missing. I would like to identify the scope of the problem, which I thought I had identified and resolved but must have been mistaken as I thought the issue was restricted to odd degree fields.

At you can see a log of my elliptic curve searching, still working on some of the sextic fields (scroll to near the bottom). Look at the list of commits to see how hard I have been working ;)

(5) Development of "ModularForms/GL(2)/Bianchi".

As previously discussed?

(6) Bianchi-modular genus 2 curves.

Into LMFDB under the path "Varieties/Curves/Genus 2/OverNumberFields".

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