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Bookmarks to threads not catalogued in [[Quality Contributions]].
- "Wikipedia is not trust worthy in controversial topics." [[Wikipedia's Bias]]
- "The Guardian, the UK's most reputable left wing paper, has just published two articles criticising transgender activists." [[LGBT]]
- Science Is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial - on [[Wikipedia's Bias]] & [[Science's Bias]]
- "Christopher F. Rufo just announced Critical Race Theory Briefing Book" [[Critical Race Theory]]
- "Are you part of any community where identity politics have successfully been put away with to the satisfaction of both groups of people?" [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- "TheMotte manages it by moderating for tone and not content" [[Moderation]]
- "One of the more frustrating things about the deplatforming and activists who cite diversity and inclusion while excusing the behavior by citing the "Paradox of Tolerance" is just how abused and out of context they cite it." [[Paradox of tolerance]]
- Quillette: Are Activists Protecting Asians from Hate—or Protecting Their Narrative of White Supremacy from Criticism? [[Model Minority]]
- "Bret Wesintein video pulled, warning given on channel" [[Censorship]] [[Science's Bias]] [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "How to save the world, in three easy steps." (Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.) [[COVID-19 Response]] [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- Steve Kirsch: "Should you get vaccinated?" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "Science Based Medicine—Book Review: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" [[LGBT]]
- "North Korean defector says 'even North Korea was not this nuts' after attending Ivy League school" [[Critical Race Theory]]
- "Dr. Sylvia Karpagam - India's Vegetarian Myth" [[Nutrition]]
- "The obesity wars and the education of a researcher: A personal account" [[Science's Bias]] [[Nutrition]]
- "Activists’ attempts to cancel Factorio developer backfire, result in positive reviews for the game" [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- Social Media Success Is Driven by Hate [[Social Media]]
- "How do people deal with how nuts the rest of Reddit is at the moment? Just withdraw?" [[Social Media]]
- "Report: United States Ranks Last In Media Trust" [[Mainstream Media]]
- "It appears there's an effort underway to 'cancel' non-establishment views on nutrition. Seems impossible, yet it's happening. Non-orthodox opinions are being suppressed in many fields-why not nutrition?" [[Nutrition]] [[Cancel Culture]]
- "The Scientific Reality of Meat and Human Health - The full story in 15 min!" [[Nutrition]]
- "It is impossible to steelman CRT, in my opinion, because CRT denies personal responsibility to effectute genuine personal change" [[Critical Race Theory]]
- "I had gender dysphoria too-- I was born female and have been on hormones for over 3 years now so that I can present as male." [[LGBT]]
- ABC model of anxiety: "If you remove the Activating event without changing the Beliefs, then it's likely that the patient will find some new trigger that, in conjunction with their beliefs, causes social anxiety." [[Well-being]]
- "VAERS is VASTLY underreporting." [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "the psychology of woke left" [[Culture War]] [[Well-being]]
- "A PTA Purge of Asians" [[Model Minority]]
- "The Biden administration is telling Facebook which posts it regards as "problematic" so that Facebook can remove them." [[COVID-19 Vaccine]] [[Censorship]]
- "YouTube Fined By Germany For Removing Pandemic Protest Video" [[COVID-19 Response]] [[Censorship]]
- "EFF: Right or Left, You Should Be Worried About Big Tech Censorship" [[Censorship]]
- "Human Nature and Morality as a Weapon" [[Wokeism in Tech]] [[Cancel Culture]]
- "Equivalent interference with obesity would be on the order of 'government paid stomach staplings, appetite-suppressant pills, straight-up rationing, massive punitive taxes on soda & fast food and straight up shaming along the lines of the mask debate'." [[Nutrition]] [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "Science in the 21st Century: Knowledge Monopolies and Research Cartels" [[Science's Bias]]
- "Twitter thread on the backbone of woke education" [[Critical Race Theory]]
- I detest the idea that the purpose of your whole life is to acquire a pile of concrete within which to raise a "traditional family" [[Well-being]]
- Google / Facebook to mandate vaccines [[COVID-19 Vaccine]] [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- Finding heterodox communities online [[Censorship]]
- A "a well-funded cabal of powerful people" as it was evidently the case in 2020 election, or the ongoing Big Tech censorship, or pushing CRT in schools. [[Collusion]]
- Emails show collusion between US government and Facebook over online coronavirus “misinformation” [[Collusion]] [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "Substack's position on moderation / censorship is quite sensible" [[Censorship]] [[Moderation]]
- "Covid vaccination & virus transmission" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "We conclude that memory antibodies selected over time by natural infection have greater potency and breadth than antibodies elicited by vaccination." [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "I work at a woke corporation. We got an email from HR asking us to include our pronouns in our email signatures to be good allies." [[Wokeism in Tech]] [[LGBT]]
- "previously infected individuals do not gain any additional benefits from the vaccine, in regards to getting re-infected" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "You are missing the larger pattern" [[Collusion]]
- "A better question would be HOW can the people say no to this?" [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- "Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory" [[Science's Bias]] [[Wikipedia's Bias]]
- "Which orthodox views in science today do you think will be established to be false in 100 years or latter?" [[Science's Bias]]
- "You will see a lot more of this in the coming days" [[Collusion]]
- "Is faking a vaccination record not easily possible?" [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "on the whole the Republicans’ COVID policies have been better" [[COVID-19 Response]] [[Critical Race Theory]] [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "Changing gender identity as a cure to social stigma" [[LGBT]]
- "A nonprofit news ... got shut down practically on a whim by some wokegoloid on twitter (the main sin apparently being the admission that "we're not woke")" [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- Do Masks Work? [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "Preventing disinformation has become an industry in and of itself , backed by many wealthy and influential people, and its intentions may not be as benevolent or impartial as it purports to be." [[Censorship]] [[Collusion]]
- India's Ivermectin Blackout: "One can see the bias in Wikipedia by going on the "talk" pages" [[Wikipedia's Bias]] [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "Iron Law of Oligarchy -- coined by Michels, this refers to the idea that coordination is the essence of power" [[Collusion]]
- "The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday." [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "[Wikipedia has] a gigantic war chest of $180 million" [[Wikipedia's Bias]]
- "Do I gather, then, that you actually understand what intelligence actually means" [[Moral hypocrisy]]
- "Has anyone in the rationality community reviewed The Folly of Fools by Robert Trivers" [[Moral hypocrisy]]
- "Was the Pfizer vaccine actually approved?" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "A wise choice. My diet is way more ... extreme than yours" [[Nutrition]]
- "Shouldn't it be suspicious to you that the vaccine availability was not announced until the Monday after the election week?" [[COVID-19 Vaccine]] [[Collusion]]
- "This Israeli preprint study shows that compared to those previously infected; SARS-CoV-2-naive vaccinees had a roughly 13-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant, a 7-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease, and a greater risk of hospitalization." [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "this is the distinction I see every provaxxer evade from when making their arguments to vaccinate everyone" [[COVID-19 Response]] [[COVID-19 Vaccine]]
- "CDC: 94.9% had at least 1 underlying medical condition" [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "would you say that, without supplementation, your serum level of Mg is low" [[Nutrition]]
- "Berlin’s university canteens go almost meat-free as students prioritise climate" [[Nutrition]]
- "An online survey found 30% of EAs were vegan" [[Nutrition]]
- "I think I discovered a "first principles" way (as Elon Musk would say) to living optimally" [[Well-being]]
- " How did American “wokeness” jump from elite schools to everyday life?" [[Critical Race Theory]] [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- "Writer Christopher Rufo was unverified on Twitter after exposing controversial Google employee trainings" [[Wokeism in Teh]] [[Critical Race Theory]]
- "Study: Left-wing authoritarians share key psychological traits with far right" [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- "YouTube: George Carlin - Germs, Immune System" [[COVID-19 Response]]
- "There are small number of people with a pathological hatred of the guy who invented Urbit. They tend to make a disproportionate amount of noise about in places like HN or Reddit." [[Wokeism in Tech]]
- "‘Staggering’: New Research Shows that Child Obesity Has Soared During Pandemic" [[COVID-19 Response]] [[Nutrition]]