This tool is an Electron application used to interact with your Medical Imaging Server for DICOM. It currently has the ability to upload one or many .dcm
files to a given server.
To use the DICOM Electron tool, install the latest version of Node JS. The installer is available at here. This is only required the first time you launch the tool.
In a terminal window, navigate to the directory for your Electron Tool. Run the following commands to launch the tool:
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm start
Once the Electron Tool launches, navigate to Server Settings. Select 'Change' to update the address of your DICOM Server.
NOTE: If you deployed the DICOM Server through Azure, you can find the URL on the Overview page of the App Service.
NOTE: If you have enabled Authentication settings, you can access your Bearer Token using the Azure CLI. Instructions are available here for a similar resource.
To upload files stored locally on your device, click 'Select File(s)'. You can upload multiple DICOM files at once to your server.
You can get sample DICOM files at ../../docs/dcms
The change feed offers the ability to go through the history of the Medical Imaging Server for DICOM and act upon the creates and deletes in the service. Learn more about Change Feed here.
Navigate to Change Feed to update the Offset value, which is the number of records to skip before the values to return.
The application is packed with electron-builder
To package the application for Microsoft Windows you can run the following command:
.\node_modules\.bin\electron-builder -w