is a Content Addressable Storage (CAS) abstraction over a file system.
It has no folders nor files. Instead, it has blobs which are identified by their content.
Essentially, it provides two main operations: put
and get
. The put
takes a blob and stores it in the underlying file system and returns the blob's hash digest.
The get
operation takes a hash and returns the blob, which matches the hash digest, if it exists.
builds on top of crudfs
, and crudfs
—in turn—builds on top of
File System Access API.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { nodeToFsa } from 'memfs/lib/node-to-fsa';
import { FsaCrud } from 'memfs/lib/fsa-to-crud';
const fsa = nodeToFsa(fs, '/path/to/folder', {mode: 'readwrite'});
const crud = new FsaCrud(fsa);
const cas = new CrudCas(crud, {hash});
The hash
is a function which computes a hash digest string
from a Uint8Array
Here is how one could look like:
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
const hash = async (blob: Uint8Array): Promise<string> => {
const shasum = createHash('sha1');
return shasum.digest('hex');
Now that you have a cas
instance, you can use it to put
and get
const blob = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);
const hash = await cas.put(blob);
console.log(hash); // 9dc58b6d4e8eefb5a3c3e0c9f4a1a0b1b2b3b4b5
const blob2 = await cas.get(hash);
You can also delete blobs:
await cas.del(hash);
And retrieve information about blobs:
const info = await;