- Fixed a mod compatibility issue for mods that interacted with advancements. (Such as Clickable Advancements)
- Textures improved to fit better with planks/doors colors by 16N1C0
- Translations added
es_es - 16N1C0
fr_fr - BlackJamesYT
pl_pl - Vakarian89
- Fixed jungle doors and jungle trapdoors have different color
[Automated Build]
Changelog for this build: https://github.com/klikli-dev/occultism/releases/tag/release/v1.16.5-1.16.0
Find changes for all versions at https://github.com/klikli-dev/occultism/releases
Fixed dispenser helper registering behaviors multiple times for fluids.
Added an ownership system for ItemDisplayTile, intended to be used on servers
Fixed water block class setting waterlogged state even when the block was placed in a non source fluid
v 0.17.5: bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where ropes on posts was preventing the game to load with optifine
- Fixed some rendering issues with flower boxes and wall lanterns when optifine/shaders were installed
- Fixed candy recipe not working
- Further improved caged mobs system. Now caged water mobs will properly react to water when a cage is waterlogged
- Empty blackboards are no longer tile entities
- Added an optional ownership system that prevents any player other than the one that placed them to interact with certain blocks like signs, boards and so on. Intended for servers
Generated using ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre10.