- /tank/null
- Advanced Peripherals
- Architect's Palette
- Cucumber Library
- Dark Paintings
- Decorative Blocks modded compat
- Iron Jetpacks
- More Red
- Nature's Starlight
- Refined Storage Large Patterns
- Tactical Fishing
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)
Added new config option for loot table modification and tweaked recipes
- re-texture everything by Vik - MelanX
- fix manasteel aiot doesn't except sword enchantments - MelanX
Advanced Hook Launchers (AdHooks-1.16.4-⟶AdHooks-1.16.4-
- added: ability to hook dropped items
- added: 'shooterWeightFactor' parameter to control player's weight advantage/disadvantage over the hooked target (thanks to EpicDRC)
- increased: player's weight advantage when using Pudge Hook to avoid excessive pulling towards the hooked mob (thanks to catomax26)
- increased: entity hitboxes for easier hitting the target
- fixed: hooks being attached to grass and plants
- requires: ForgeEndertech or above
-Added new Music Disc by LudoCrypt, Thime, obtained from seal bartering
-New textures for Orca
-New textures for Grizzly Bear
-Buffed Enderiophage attack
-Buffed Mantis Shrimp against shulker
-Shulkers killed by Mantis Shrimp always drop a shell
-Kangaroo can now wear pumpkin, player heads, etc.
-Fixed not being able to use name tag, spawn egg on Cachalot Whale
-Fixed Endergrade not dropping saddle on death
-Fixed Leafcutter Anthill not registered properly
-Fixed crash with Straddler and Stradpole
-Fixed Cachalot Whale ignoring mobGreifing
-Fixed Raccoon not triggering taming advancement
-Fixed Cachalot Whale lag when targeting a creature outside of water
-Fixed Kangaroo armor never breaking
-Updated various translations
Fixed client command not being thread safe
Ported to 1.16.5
Fixed the weight of endermen bosses being 99 (should've been 1).
Fixed compat with Quark Ancient Tomes
Lowered the attack damage multiplier of endermen bosses.
Reduced the default spawn rates of Tome Towers.
- Properly fix for Neptunium Hoe issue with Ensorcellation
Architectury v1.12.145 for 1.16.4/5
Updated at 2021-04-17 14:08.
- Add interruptTrue/Default/False as util methods
- Bump to 1.11
- Some more (mostly Entity-based) Events (#75)
- Re-license header
- Add docs
- Add getCustomEquipmentSlot
- Close #39
- Fix invalid events
- Bump forge event priority to HIGH
- Add EntityHooks.fromCollision to retrieve an entity from block collision (#64)
- Add @SubscribeEvent to ColorHandlersImpl
- Remove addListener from ColorHandlersImpl
- Fix Forge Screen Events to be consistent with the fabric implementation: InteractionResult.SUCCESS should also indicate that the event should be cancelled.
- More annotation event migration
- Migrate Forge ReloadListeners events to annotations
- Bump to 1.9
- Change at
- Rewrite the GuiEvent.SET_SCREEN mixin to fix #35
- Update plugins
- Add lightning strikes to the debug mod
- Update plugin
- Update plugins
- Add EntityRenderers (#52)
- Fix BlockEntityExtension @Shadow remapping
- Update architectury-plugin to 3.0.89 and fix #51
- Revert "Remove locals requirements from BlockLandingInvoker"
- Remove local testing build of transformer
- Remove locals requirements from BlockLandingInvoker
- Update architectury-plugin to 3.0.88
- Implement onDataPacket (#48)
- Add null checks to networking for better errors.
- Remove jcenter from settings.gradle
- Bump to 1.8
- Fix block entity without position
- Implement Tag#equals and Tag#hashCode on forge because forge is nice
- Add license
- Add test mod and fix game rules on forge
- Add licenses and implement optional tags, requires some testing.
- Fix forge publishing as fabric
- Migrate to Arch Plugin 3
- Update README.md
- Publish the platform specific jars on a different artifact id to resolve issues with transitive dependencies.
- (Retroactively) bump version to 1.6
- Fix falling block land event to handle all (vanilla) blocks correctly (Modded blocks need to have super.onLand(...) and then they'll be fine too)
- Delay the breakage of ALL THE THINGS™ until 1.17 You're safe, NetworkChannel... for now
- Add LightningEvent, FallingBlock land, move break/place to BlockEvent
Heal now damages undead similar to health potions
Strength is now capped up to level 3
Adds enchanting recipes for mana boost and mana break
Fixes broken reactive 2 recipe
Fixes spells ignoring chunk claims
- [Neubulae](https://github.com/ochotonida/artifacts/issues?q=is:pr author:Neubulae): Updated Simplified Chinese translation
- [kuroneko1996](https://github.com/ochotonida/artifacts/issues?q=is:pr author:kuroneko1996), sportiboy: Updated Russian translation
- Fixed Mimics counting towards the hostile mob spawn cap
- Fixed a crash that could occur when removing mods that add entities
- Fixed villager hats not spawning in snowy and taiga village chests
- Fixed pocket pistons rendering incorrectly on slim player models
- Remapped to Mojang mappings
Bamboo Everything (Forge) (bambooeverything-1.16.3-forge-1.0.0.jar⟶bambooeverything-1.16.5-1.0.0-forge.jar)
Updated to 1.16.5 and use architectury
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project does not adhere to Semantic Versioning. This project uses MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
[1.16.5-] - 2021.04.01
- Fixed rendering crash #15
[1.16.4-] - 2020.11.21
- Fixed Optifine crash #14
[1.16.4-] - 2020.11.20
- Added Additional Banners integration
- Added Ice and Fire: Dragons integration
- Added Rats integration
- Added French localization (thanks Lykrast!) #10
- Added Russian localization (thanks BardinTheDwarf!) #8
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.4
- Fixed villagers not recognizing decorated beds as valid beds
[1.16.3-] - 2020.09.29
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.3
[1.16.2-] - 2020.08.17
- Added Chinese localization (thanks qsefthuopq!) #7
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.2
[] - 2020.08.05
- Added Croatian localization (thanks COMBOhrenovke!) #6
[] - 2020.08.03
- Updated texture blending and compression
4.0 - 2020.07.04
- Ported to 1.16.1 Forge
- Fix merge conflict. - Tyler Hancock
- Allow fire to be put out with a water bottle. - Tyler Hancock
- Added config to turn off punching out fire blocks. #9 - Tyler Hancock
- Punching out fire will now set the player on fire. 1 second for fire, 2 seconds for soul fire. - Tyler Hancock
Like the mod? Consider following me on Twitter and joining the Discord
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Diablo Crasher
- BigAl607
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
0.3.5b - Bug fixes and additional language files
- Added russian and swedish language files - thanks to pgkrol and torrtoise
- Fixed automatic extracting/inserting from/into frame and illusion chests causing crashes - you can now connect them via hoppers or cables without crashes (fixes #21, #32 and #33)
- Fixed frame and illusion walls: they are now more similar to vanilla walls
- Add support for Ellpeck's More Flower Bushes mod. - Tyler Hancock
Like the mod? Consider following me on Twitter and joining the Discord
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Diablo Crasher
- BigAl607
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge) (buildersaddition-1.16.4-20210214a⟶buildersaddition-1.16.5-20210421a)
~ Fixed some panel-related recipes overriding vanilla recipes.
- Removed Breakout from the arcade.
Added more ways to detect when cats can jam
No changelog available.
Current version:
- Rework how mending is applied - Jared - Wed Apr 14 14:43:14 2021
- mark mcmt as compatible for now - Jared - Tue Apr 13 15:30:29 2021
- Add discord webhook - Jared - Tue Apr 13 15:27:55 2021
- Fix mending Calculation. Thanks @TheNormMan! Fixes #60 - Jared - Sat Apr 10 19:04:30 2021
- Migrate to deferred register, safeRunWhenOn, add localization (#54) - Chloe Dawn - Tue Feb 16 04:37:37 2021
- update to 1.16.5 - Jared - Sun Feb 14 20:31:57 2021
- Mark MCMT as incompatible - Jared - Mon Feb 8 04:21:14 2021
- Fixed Clumps and Mending close $49 - Jared - Wed Feb 3 22:02:56 2021
- proper port to 1.16.4 - Jared - Sun Dec 13 01:25:18 2020
- Cleanup and Efficiency (#42) - ChampionAsh5357 - Sun Nov 1 23:40:27 2020
- Implement XP orb events (#41) - FalseHonesty - Sat Oct 3 22:25:05 2020
- port to 1.16.3 - Jared - Wed Sep 16 23:15:08 2020
- 1.16.2 3rd times the charm - Jared - Tue Aug 25 17:55:44 2020
- fix mapping issue - Jared - Tue Aug 25 17:24:46 2020
- Fixed xp not dropping in dims (1.16.1) Close #192 - Jared - Tue Aug 25 17:16:30 2020
- orb improvements - Jared - Thu Aug 20 20:21:10 2020
- re-fix clumps causing crashes close #35 - Jared - Sun Jul 19 21:03:52 2020
- update version - Jared - Sat Jul 18 01:58:06 2020
- update commit - Jared - Sat Jul 18 01:54:03 2020
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.1 or higher.
- Add getDisplayName to IIngredientMatcher
- Fix issue where JEI plugin (and render type) would crash client [57aaeef77b]
For more details, see v1.0.0-beta.1..v1.0.0-beta.2
- Updated the Spanish translations (thanks to 16N1C0!)
- Added all glass blocks to the "minecraft:impermeable" tag to prevent water from dripping through
Current version:
- Add events for modcompat - Jared - Mon Apr 19 00:40:07 2021
- move to the open link screen. Close #78 - Jared - Tue Mar 2 03:25:12 2021
- Fix tooltips rendering underneath scrollbar and overlaps - Jared - Tue Mar 2 03:11:26 2021
- Re-add an available keys screen. Close #76 - Jared - Thu Feb 11 20:38:33 2021
- Attempt a fix for names being too long - Jared - Thu Feb 11 20:38:33 2021
- port to 1.16.5 and close #75 - Jared - Fri Jan 15 22:38:55 2021
- fix trailing comma. Close #73 - Jared - Sat Nov 14 02:36:06 2020
- port to 1.16.4 - Jared - Fri Nov 13 22:15:46 2020
- Add Italian localization - TheSilkMiner - Mon Oct 19 17:00:56 2020
- Translated to Canadian - Arsnole - Sun Oct 4 05:11:05 2020
- Rename ta-in.json to ta_in.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 19:59:24 2020
- Rename ta-IN.json to ta-in.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 19:37:51 2020
- Create ta-IN.json - Striker Rocker - Fri Oct 2 18:09:36 2020
- Add pt_br translation - Nukeologist - Thu Oct 1 15:27:41 2020
- Added missing override annotations and applied proper mappings to some local variables. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 10:04:56 2020
- Prevent Patreon supporter initialization on the server. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:55:41 2020
- Removed "this" from static method calls. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:52:44 2020
- Add eclipse run configs to .gitignore. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:50:19 2020
- Gave launch configs proper names. - Tyler Hancock - Thu Oct 1 09:49:01 2020
- 1.16.3 update - Jared - Wed Sep 16 21:10:23 2020
- 1.16.2 update - Jared - Thu Aug 20 21:11:50 2020
- Updated Polish translation - Greg-21 - Fri Jul 31 13:43:42 2020
Create 0.3.1c
for Minecraft 1.16.4 & .5
"Frantic bug-fixing"
Notice: Minimum Forge Version raised to 35.1.16
Enhancements, Fixes
- Mechanical Press can no longer create sheets in bulk, unless configured otherwise
- Fixed Mechanical Press missing items passing on a belt while retracting
- Millstone now accepts items from belts/ejectors directly
- Fixed Redstone-triggered components losing tile data after moved by a Contraption
- Super glue between non-solids can now be removed while the glue item is equipped
- Fixed Deployers not able to interact with glued blocks
- Fixed incorrect lang mapping of UI button descriptions
- Placement assist block preview now lights properly, doesn't z-fight and fades in gradually
- Pickaxe and Axe are now effective on piston extension poles
- Fixed block breaking animations inside the ponder UI
- Fixed Ponder Scenes rendering on top of the progress bar
- Fixed Mechanical Press not retracting when items were removed early
- Mechanical Press now makes less noise when pressing onto wool or belts
- Fixed Windmill Bearings allowing to be moved while assembled
- Mechanical Pistons now silence the "missing poles" error after poles were added
- Fixed basins not continuing their processing when items are actively extracted
- Basins now accept full stacks for items thrown into the top manually
- Fixed Smart Chutes not dropping filter items
- Fixed Smart Chutes not updating attached diagonal chutes properly when removed
- Fixed Server-side crash when coupling two minecarts from a glitched self-colliding pile
- Contraptions with exceeding spawn packet sizes no longer get sent to the client
- Minecart Contraptions with exceeding nbt packet sizes can no longer be picked up
- Renamed "Metal Blocks" to "Blocks of Metal"
- Fixed Seat interaction being too restrictive with max reach
- Contraption seats can no longer be mounted while riding something else
Reverted client command registry changes
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Forge Recommended Versioning.
[1.16.5-] - 2021.04.14
- Reverted some changes from previous version so that invalidation only happens due to tag updates, modified curio behavior may cause lingering items but fixes issues with invalidating curios from various mods #124
- Fixed button offset with Quark backpack (thanks BookerCatch!) #119
[1.16.5-] - 2021.03.07
- ICurio#onEquip(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurio#onUnequip(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICuriosHelper#isStackValid(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- Items that are invalidated while in a slot, due to modified tags or changed curio behavior, will now automatically eject from its slot and be given to the player
- Corrected Chinese translation (thanks qsefthuopq!) #106
- ICurio#onEquip(String, int, LivingEntity)
- Icurio#onUnequip(String, int, LivingEntity)
[1.16.5-] - 2021.01.29
- SlotContext for providing and retrieving slot context throughout the API
- ICurio#getEquipSound(SlotContext) #104
- ICurio#canEquipFromUse(SlotContext)
- ICurio#onEquipFromUse(SlotContext)
- ICurio#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID)
- ICurioItem#getEquipSound(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#canEquipFromUse(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#onEquipFromUse(SlotContext, ItemStack)
- ICurioItem#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID, ItemStack)
- ICuriosHelper#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID, ItemStack)
- ICurio#canRightClickEquip() #102
- ICurio#playRightClickEquipSound(LivingEntity) #102
- ICurio#getAttributeModifiers(String)
- ICurioItem#canRightClickEquip(ItemStack) #102
- ICurioItem#playRightClickEquipSound(LivingEntity, ItemStack) #102
- ICurioItem#getAttributeModifiers(String, ItemStack)
- ICuriosHelper#getAttributeModifiers(String, ItemStack)
[1.16.4-] - 2021.01.14
- Fixed crash related to performing logic on empty itemstacks
[1.16.4-] - 2021.01.12
- Fixed command slot type identification for dedicated servers
[1.16.4-] - 2020.12.31
- Added Korean localization (thanks othuntgithub!) #97
[1.16.4-] - 2020.12.26
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
- Create it_it.json
- Fix scrolling guis blocking JEI hotkeys
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1011
- Avoid expensive IngredientSet copy on keySet invocation
Fixes performance issue in large ID storage networks.
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1008
- Formatting. - Tyler Hancock
- Anchor plate now checks if chunk is loaded. Removed despawning feature. - Tyler Hancock
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Diablo Crasher
- BigAl607
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to the format MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
[1.16.5-0.26] - 2021.04.20
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Advent of Ascension (Nevermine)
[1.16.5-0.25] - 2021.04.20
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Charcoal Pit
- Fruitful
- Updated 5-food-group support for:
- Alex's Mobs
[1.16.5-0.24] - 2021.04.12
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Delicate and Dainty
- Added /diet export for logging diet information for foods
[1.16.5-0.23] - 2021.04.05
- Added 5-food-group support for:
- Gilded Ingot
- Supplementaries
- Tinkers' Construct
- Turkish Meals
- Twilight Forest
- Updated 5-food-group support for:
- Create
[1.16.5-0.22] - 2021.04.02
- Added Russian localization (thanks LEDshade!) #32
[1.16.5-0.21] - 2021.04.01
- Added five-food-group support for:
- Endless Oceans: Adventure
- EvilCraft
- Gaia Dimension
- Glow Bats
- Greek Fantasy
- Kray's Magic Candles
- Mowzie's Mobs
- Nether Soups Mob
- Turtlemancy
- Updated five-food-group support for:
- Fins and Tails
- Terrain Incognita
[1.16.5-0.20] - 2021.03.31
Bugfix update
Emendatus Enigmatica
MC 1.16.5 | Version 1.2.4
- Added Cobalt to the Materials List in anticipation of Tinker's Construct full release. (NOTE for Modpack Devs: Review the Config file to activate/deactivate as needed)
- Added the 'Guarded by Piglin' tag to the Gold Ores which should anger Piglins if mined near them, similar to Vanilla Nether Gold Ore
- Added continuous rotation to the Patreon reward renderer, moved it a little higher to avoid interfering with other renderers, and slightly smaller in size.
- Updated Chinese Lang file (credit: Aemande123)
- Updated the Enderium textures to match closer to Thermal Enderium new colour palette (making Shiny happy)
Enchantment Descriptions (EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.0.3.jar⟶EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.0.8.jar)
- Fix Golden Helmet, Golden Leggings, and Turtle Shell Helmet being hidden in JEI. - Tyler Hancock
Like the mod? Consider following me on Twitter and joining the Discord
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon
- Diablo Crasher
- BigAl607
- arcanearchivesmod
- Pongo Sapiens
- Darkosto
- v1.1.13-b2 [F] Fixed explosion resistance values for standard blocks.
[F] Sandstone Ornated Clinker loot table fixed (ty czbuendel, Valen).
- v1.1.13-b1 [F] Hotfix Electrical Furnace inventory import from Storage Drawers (issue #174, ty anto-fire/IchigoGames).
- v1.1.12 [F] Chisels&Bits compatibility addressed (issue #172, ty rodg88).
[F] Labeled Crate drop list made stateless (issue #173, ty HopsandBarley && Harmonised).
- v1.1.11 [F] Fixed Window placement dupe (issue #170, ty NillerMedDild).
- v1.1.10 [A] Added Small Lab Furnace config for accepted speed-boost heaters (PR#165, ty mrh0).
[F] Fixed Labeled Crate mouse scrolling crash (issue #169, ty vaelzan).
- v1.1.9 [A] Dark Shingle Roof Wire Conduit recipe added.
[F] Fixed Ladder climbing (affects forge>=36.0.45, issue #167, thx ZED).
- v1.1.8 [F] Crafting Table Output slot sync rework (issue #138).
[A] Dark Shingle Roof Wire Conduit added (CFR#347).
- v1.1.8-b2 [F] Fixed Iron Hatch isLadder bug (thx jerryw09).
[F] Fixed Block Placer block placing pre-conditions (issue #160, ty XFactHD).
[F] Added explicit scheduled Crafting Table client sync.
[F] Fixed directional waterloggable block default state forwarding (issue #162, ty b52src).
- v1.1.8-b1 [F] Fluid Funnel waterlogged fluid picking fixed (issue #158, thx ZoMadeStuff).
[F] Roof rendering fixes (issues #153/#159, thx Salamance73/Murph).
[A] Recessed Clinkers, Vertically Slit Clinkers, and Structured Vertical Clinker Slab added.
- v1.1.7 [M] 1.16.5 support.
[F] Fixed Labeled Crate include (issue #157, ty NillerMedDild).
- v1.1.6 [F] Added common-config opt-out specification for pack level opt-outs (issue #154,
ty gekkone), will replace server config opt-out in MC1.17.
- v1.1.6-b3 [M] Config logging edited, E-Furnace GUI capacitor tooltip added, E-Furnace power consumption
independent of config speed setting (issue #152 ty Staegrin).
- v1.1.6-b2 [M] Alternative Clinker Brick recipe (swapped Bricks/Nether Bricks) added.
[M] Furnace XP handling simplified (simply stores/releases XP for each smelting process).
[M] Mod devices do not propagate strong Redstone power to adjacent blocks.
[M] Minor "librarizing" changes under the hood.
- v1.1.6-b1 [F] Fixed Metal Crafting Table Hopper access (issue #147, ty umerrr).
[F] Fixed Dark Shingle Roof Chimney placement restriction (issue #149, thx WenXin20).
[F] Door tags added for Wood Door and Metal Sliding Door (issue #150, thx WenXin20).
[A] Electrical Furnace automatically chokes speed and power consumption when the internally
stored power is below 20%.
- v1.1.5 [R] Release build v1.1.5.
[F] Fixed Crafting Table JEI storage slot count.
[F] Fixed Factory Hopper removed item collection dupe bug (issue #146, thx FatheredPuma81).
[F] Increased device GUI access ranges beyond the player block selection range.
[A] Window placement handling improved.
[M] Steel/Wood Pole and Double-T support placement improved (issue #139, thx Biviho).
[M] Metal Sliding Door bottom/top shape when opened added.
- v1.1.4 [R] Release build v1.1.4.
[F] Solar Panel balancing threshold tuned.
[F] Fixed Catwalk default state (issue #140, thx hvdklauw).
[M] Updated lang ru_ru file (PR#137, Smollet777).
[M] Factory Dropper: Added Ignore-External-Redstone mode.
- v1.1.4-b2 [A] Steel Catwalks added (top and bottom aligned).
[A] Steel Railings added.
[F] Fixed Empty Fluid Barrel crafting crash (ty inflamedsebi).
[A] Added Solar Panel power balancing.
Extreme sound muffler (Forge) (Extreme Sound Muffler 3.8 - Forge 1.16.5⟶Extreme Sound Muffler 3.9 - Forge 1.16.5)
Fixed Anchors sometimes not loading. I hope this time for sure.
If you find a bug please report it to GITHUB.
- Fixed the issue "Server mod list is incompatible" message.
- Initial release to Minecraft 1.16.3 and 1.16.4.
- Improved configuration GUI.
- Added a dedicated setting for disabling the HUD.
- Initial release to Minecraft 1.16.2.
- Changed default HUD info to "FPS only".
- Fixed information in mod list.
- Updated pl_pl.json. (Thanks to Grreg21)
- Fixed PAUSE key works unintentionally when the FPS Reducer is disabled.
- Initial release to mc1.16.1.
- Added shortcut key to enter to idle mode manually. (PAUSE key by default)
- Improved sliders to inherit vanilla slider class.
- Improved debug logs.
- Enabled the config button in modlist.
- Added Simplified Chinese translation. (Thanks to cutedobe)
- Added Traditional Chinese translation. (Thanks to cutedobe)
- Added Russian translation. (Thanks to agentrby)
- Initial release for mc1.15.2.
- Fixed the crash when using OpenJ9. (for mc1.12.2)
- Updated Polish translation. (Thanks to Grreg21)
- Updated English lang file. (Thanks to Grreg21)
- Fixed wrong comment in config file.
- Initial release for mc1.15.1.
- Changed default settings: "Reudce FPS when inactive": OFF -> ON
- Changed default settings: "Suppress sound when inactive": OFF -> ON
- Changed default settings: suppressedVolume: 10 -> 20
- Changed the function of "FPS Reducer" button. All suppression functions are now off.
- Changed "Waiting Timer" can be OFF by moving the slider to the right end.
- Added CPU usage information of client thread.
- Added new settings related to CPU usage information. (cpuUsageThread, cpuUsageType)
- Added new GUI for adjusting HUD layout.
- Improved the accuracy of FPS information.
- Updated Polish translation. (Thanks to Grreg21)
- Fixed issue where idle fps mode might not be applied when gui fps mode was enabled.
- Optimized conditions for reducing and recovering FPS.
- Added an option to limit FPS in menu/inventory screen.
- Added Polish translation. (Thanks to Grreg21)
- Fixed an incompatibility with Forge 1.14.4-28.0.45.
- Initial release for mc1.14.4.
- Update, refactor and add "ftbultimine:excluded_tools/strict" tag - Max
0.4.1 - Thinking Out Loud
- Certain actions will now display a status message on your HUD (similar to beds), to assist players regarding successful and failed attempts:
- Trying to plant Rice outside of a shallow puddle;
- Trying to cut an improper item in the Cutting Board;
- Trying to use the wrong tool against a cuttable item in the Cutting Board;
- Shovels can now split Clay into 4 Clay Balls on the Cutting Board (come on, Mojang, make this a thing already...);
- Feasts have been slightly nerfed on Nourished length, to match other equivalent meals;
- Cabbage Rolls have been nerfed just a little bit;
- Recipe changes:
- Raw Pasta is now made 2 at a time with 4 Wheat when using Water Buckets, to ease on water refilling;
- Egg-based Raw Pasta remains the same ratio;
- Fixes:
- Corrected wrong rotation on the Cooking Pot's spoon;
- Horizontal facing blocks will now rotate properly when placed from a structure or command;
- Improved Rich Soil tilling to increase compatibility with modded hoes;
- Updated translations:
- zh_CN (thank you, WuzgXY!);
- ko_KR (thank you, qkrehf2!)
- de_DE (thank you, DaLumma!);
- ja_JP (thank you, haru!);
No actual changes compared to 2.0.3, more specifically only Fabric-specific changes. This build is only being uploaded to make auto-updating behave in the CF app, since that (apparently) updates to the latest build without checking the modloader.
Changelog 1.16.5- (2021-04-22)
(Install Modern UI for better font looking)
- Fix network packet security leaks
- Fix super admin can't transfer ownership to self
Changelog 1.16.5- (2021-01-20)
- Make flux plugs and points waterlogged
- Fix server config not synced to client
- Fix possible crash with some blocks
Changelog 1.16.4- (2020-11-14)
- Add feedback text animation
- Move super admin text from action bar into GUI
- Disable players to be charged by multiple networks
- Fix GUI not closed when block removed
- Fix possible strong reference bug
- Make devices able to disconnect in any case
Changelog 1.16.4- (2020-11-10)
- Fix chunk loading flag not updated when re-entering world
Changelog 1.16.4- (2020-11-10)
- Update localization
- Improve GUI
- Remove debug logs
Changelog 1.16.4- (2020-11-08)
- Fix various GUI bugs
- Optimize GUI code
Changelog 1.16.4- (2020-11-06)
- Update to 1.16.4 (1.16.3 works as well)
- Add energy capacity tooltip for storages
- Improve text display
- Optimize GUI code
- Fix possible crash
- Fix diffuse lighting in GUI
- Fix flux storage rendering
- Fix network buffer limiter
Changelog 1.16.3- (2020-10-26)
- Improve controller transfer logic
- Fix crash caused by bad API implementations of other mods
- Fix client only method crash
Changelog 1.16.3- (2020-10-25)
- Fix some packets without security check
- Fix chunk loading system
- Fix blacklist system
- Fix many other bugs
- Add support for Curios API
- Enhance flux storage capacity limit to Long.MAX_VALUE
- Optimize data synchronization and client cache
- Optimize network transfer
- More code standardizing and optimization
- v1.2.9 [F] Lang file update zh_cn (PR#41, ty kappa-maintainer).
[F] Fixed Power Plant documentation (issue#42, ty Artin).
- v1.2.9-b1 [F] Fixed Stained Redstone Sensitive Glass recipe (issue #40).
- v1.2.8 [R] Release build.
[U] MC1.16.5 enabled.
[M] Block materials unified.
- v1.2.7 [R] Release build v1.2.7.
[F] Opt-out config pack level based.
- v1.2.7-b2 [F] Config load/apply condition fixed.
- v1.2.7-b1 [A] Analog Switch Linking signals added.
[A] Gauges and Indicators can be wirelessly connected to switches.
[A] Comparator Switch and Link Sender support analog data transmissions.
[A] Elevator Button up/down arrows added depending on where the wall is
clicked when placing.
- v1.2.6 [R] Release build 1.2.6.
- v1.2.6-b2 [A] Gauges can be explicitly set to Comparator-Input mode (click with a Redstone Torch).
[A] Auto switch buttons only display the current configurations on first click.
- v1.2.6-b1 [U] Ported to 1.16.4.
- v1.2.5 [R] Release build 1.2.5.
- v1.2.5-b1 [A] Linked switches are marked with particles when holding the Switch Link Pearl.
[U] Partial internal code refurbishments.
- v1.2.4 [U] Updated to Forge 1.16.3-34.1.0.
[A] Indicators and Gauges are invertible (input from Vallen while Forgecraft'ing).
[F] Ambient occlusion and GUI lightning fixes.
- v1.2.4-b8 [U] Ported to MC1.16.3.
- v1.2.4-b7 [U] Updated Forge to 33.0.37 (breaking change).
- v1.2.4-b6 [U] Updated Forge, adapted new mappings to 20200723-1.16.1.
[F] Fixed Contact Switch detection range.
- v1.2.4-b5 [F] Mapping adaption to Forge 1.16.2-33.0.20.
- v1.2.4-b4 [U] Ported to 1.16.2.
- v1.2.4-b2 [F] Door sensor look detection angle fixed.
[A] JEI integration added.
[F] Fixed startup issue by updating to Forge 32.0.97 (issue #28, ty wieselkatze).
- v1.2.4-b1 [M] Coloring of Sensitive Glass ported.
[F] Indicator power issue fixed.
- v1.2.4-a2 [A] Sensitive glass ported, overlay frame style ported.
[M] Modified global switch power placement default setting to strong.
- v1.2.4-a1 [A] Initial port.
- Fixed items with tags always returning a value of 1, causing all stacks to play the animation. #DenimRed/AzureDoom
Industrial Foregoing (industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-⟶industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-3.2.11-55cb112.jar)
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.1 or higher.
- Fix crash when showing all recipes in JEI, Closes #1018
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.1 or higher.
- Fix server crash on some terminal operations, Closes #68
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.11.1 or higher.
- Fix server crash on inconsistent transfer error
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#1010
Actually fixed blocks not dropping
- Update sv_se.json (#2314) - A. Regnander
- Generalize recipe name callback to work for all ingredient types (#2313) - Sara Freimer
- Minor cleanup and error handling improvements - mezz
- Transition various string based APIs over to text components (#2306) - Sara Freimer
- Remove disabled vote prompt code - mezz
- Auto code formatting - mezz
- Fix memory leak when reloading (#2238) - malte0811
- Close #2282 Add hotkey for navigating recipe categories - mezz
- Close the recipe screen even if parent screen is null (#2298) - deirn
- Update ForgeGradle & mappings (#2288) - iTitus
- Co-authored-by: mezz
- Update it_it.json (#2232) - Matteo Tossuto
- Add in support for showing shulker box coloring recipes (#2290) - Sara Freimer
Kotlin for Forge 1.11.1
- Downgraded to coroutines 1.4.2 due to missing class errors
- Added Detector blocks for puzzles, KubeJS tab, improved resource generation a bit - LatvianModder
- automatically generate correct models for leaves in BlockStateProviderBase - noeppi_noeppi
- New major release.
- Fixed issues with custom inventories always referencing the same ItemStack, resulting in any adjustment changing both a) the reference inventory, and b) everyone else's inventory. Oops.
- Added resourcepack compatible trapdoors
- Added two metal trapdoors
- Korean by othuntgithub
- Chinese by Aemande123
- Slovak by Sketch Macaw
- Czech by Sketch Macaw
- Structures in books now render properly, and make use of structure block NBT instead of the JSON format
- Fix text shadows in the book when not desired
- Improve book text wrapping
- Added a config option for the brightness of the mining helmet. Can be set from 0 to 15 and defaults to 12.
- Made the config file more readable.
- Cleanup and optimizations to the dynamic lighting engine
- Fixed flickering when placing/breaking blocks near a mob/player wearing the mining helmet.
[1.7.5] - 2021-04-17
- All new and amazing textures for the gadgets, modification table, and upgrades courtesy of the one and only Ridanisaurus Rid
- All new laser gadgets models! They're all amazing and yes, they're you now have 3 amazing lasers to pick from!
- A new and fancy Modification table
- You can hold shift whilst looking at the table to see what upgrades are on a gadget! It's super nice
- We've also added a super fancy render of the laser on the outside of the block. You'll see what I'm talking about...
- Changed the strength of the render block to stop players being able to hit the block and void its drops. #130
- Modified the gadgets recipes slightly to allow for multiple lasers.
- Added blocking area on JEI to stop the modification gadgets slot overlapping a deletion area when in cheat mode. #142
- Fixed a checking error allowing the freezing mode to replace waterlogged blocks... We now remove its water logged state as long as it's not a tile entity. #139
- Fixed an issue where you could delete upgrades if you attempted to place a different tier of an upgrade into the modification table. #137
Aded chinese translation (DevilJueChen & wisdommen)
- Fixed a server side crash when dispensing tridents
- Updated dependency-related code to ensure compatibility
Fix arbitrary scaling not working. Previously only 1/n where n is an integer scaling worked properly. Scaling may still have issues in some random cases.
Fixed Pedestals not breaking properly
Updated ingame docs to direct to current youtube videos
changed fan texture
added additional tooltip[ for blacklisted advanced upgrades
ItemAdapter can now deserialize an empty stack if passed minecraft:air
Added an event for when items are used
Added compat with Lootr
Added an event for when a player blocks with a shield
Make SpawnerEditor use IWorld
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.11.3-168.jar⟶pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.12.0-177.jar)
2.12.0-177 (16 Apr 2021)
- Logistics Frames are now sided, meaning multiple frames can be placed on one block!
- Greatly reduces the need for auxiliary input/output inventories and tanks when using logistics with machines
- The side can no longer be changed via the GUI; you will need to detach and replace a frame to change its side
- Rendering has been altered to show a frame only on the side that the frame was placed on
- Logistics Frames now have independently-settable item and fluid white/blacklisting
- In addition, the button to switch white/blacklisting is now on the main GUI, not the Filter side tab
- Logistics Frames GUI: clicking a fluid-containing item (e.g. bucket or tank) on a liquid filter slot will now copy the contained fluid into that slot
- Logistics Drones will now completely ignore any frames whose facing side is obstructed by any solid (non-pathfindable) block
- This means that drones won't attempt to handle any frame which already has a Logistics Module on it, so drones and modules now co-exist better
- Breaking machines with a pickaxe now "rewards" the player a new advancement (hinting that using a wrench is preferable)
- Pickaxing pressurized machines now causes particles and a sound to played, indicating that air has been lost
- Thermopneumatic Processing Plant now consumes air and/or heat as it runs, not once when the current recipe run has completed
- Overall air/heat usage has not been changed
- In the Programmer GUI, clicking with an item (other than GPS tools) on the background area now creates an Item Filter widget for that item
- Clicking an existing Item Filter widget with an item updates the item for that widget
- All numeric-entry textfields in all GUI's can now be modified by scrolling the mouse wheel
- Hold Shift while scrolling for a faster adjustment
- The actual modification depends on the context but should make sense for each situation
- Drones will now repair their held item with imported experience orbs if the item is enchanted with Mending
- Reminder: use an Import Entity widget with an @orb filter to import experience orbs (excess Memory Essence fluid can be put in a tank with the Export Fluid widget)
- Changes to rendered fluid levels in fluid-containing tile entities are now interpolated smoothly on the client (for a nicer visual appearance)
- Fixed Blood Magic Lava Crystals (and other container-like items) being consumed by the (Advanced) Air Compressor
- Note that Lava Buckets are still not accepted by Air Compressors (use Liquid Compressors for lava fuel)
- Fixed north & west temperature widgets being swapped in the Thermal Compressor GUI
- Fixed Amadron player-player trading not paying the seller
- Fixed NPE when placing down Pressure Chamber blocks with a Building Gadget
- Fix actually applies to any situation where multiple PNC tile entities are placed in a single tick
- Fixed fluid-containing tile entities not rendering their fluid when any GUI is open
- Placing an item on a Display Table in creative mode no longer removes the item from the player
Project: Vibrant Journeys (projectvibrantjourneys-1.16.5-3.0.0.jar⟶projectvibrantjourneys-1.16.5-3.0.1.jar)
Added overgrown spires and verdant sands (my two favorites) from the previous iteration of the mod
Fixed sea oats/cattails still generating when disabled in the config
Fixed crash with fallen trees when a non-rotatable block uses Minecraft's vanilla tree feature
- Fixed the file containing roughly 2MB of voice files I put there for a meme and forgot to take out lol
- Added a general config to modify advancement visibility depth, which is mostly for personal use so I just stuck it in there but I guess someone else might want it idk
- Fix crashing from bad blockentity names
=Fixed an issue with connecting to servers
Repurposed Structures (Forge) ( Repurposed Structures v2.5.1 (1.16.5 MC) (36.0.25+ Forge)⟶Repurposed Structures v2.6.5 (1.16.5 MC) (36.0.25+ Forge))
(V.2.6.5 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Fixed potential crash if someone set RS's dungeon spawners to not have any nbt.
(V.2.6.4 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Improved the RNG for Dungeon processors.
- Moved Eyes of Ender mixin code out of mixin to be compatible with Better Strongholds.
----- [] -----
- Fixed an error trying to process bee damage immunities, in doing so we actually added the ability for all damage sources including modded ones to be allowed.
----- [] -----
- Fixed a crash when attempting to breed bees with no feed return item
----- [0.6.7b] -----
Added Spider trait, this trait allows bees to pass through spider webs without being slowed.
Changed default bees to use various types of flowers
Updated chinese translation
Added Bottomless Honey Pot, this block allows for voiding of honey with ease.
Added 7 more patreon reward textures.
Added the ability for each bee to have their apiary output types set individually (e.g. "apiaryOutputTypes" : ["COMB", "COMB", "BLOCK", "COMB"],)
Mutations that result or use a bee will now show up in the beepedia breeding tab of that bee
Spawn egg item mutations will now show up in the beepedia breeding tab of that bee
Added flower and hive positions for bees to TOP display
Fixed base layer textures not showing up on additions if the bee had custom colors.
- Fixed honey generator not sending power to immersive engineering wires.
- Fixed the NBT tag persistanceRequired not being respected with bee despawning rules.
- Fixed blocks without items not showing as bee flowers.
- Fixed entity mutations not working when natural spawns are turned off.
- Made optimisations for bees finding their flowers.
- Fixed comb blocks being able to be centrifuged in non multiblock centrifuges.
- Fixed comb block centrifuge timing.
- Fixed custom honey/comb recipes not showing up on multiplayer in some cases.
- Fixed Bees reappearing out of hive makes honeycomb count decrease to miminum of 2.
- Fixed bee shadows not changing with bee size
- Fixed a duplication bug
- Fixed Ender beecon options page in Fifty Shades of Bees not showing up properly
- Disabled an experimental item.
----- [0.6.6a] -----
- Added Honey Congealer (honey goes in, blocks come out)
- added an interface to all honey tanks, you can now input and output honey bottles from the interface
- doubled the capactity of all honey tanks
- fixed a bug causing beecons to not save their inventory properly
- added an extra check to hopefully stop the beepedia from crashing if for SOME reason the comb of a bee suddenly decides to stop existing.
- added missing angry textures for armoured and crop bees.
- added kitten bee base texture for use with patreon bees
- when a bee file breaks it will now crash again, this time with a more detailed crash report stating exactly which bee/honey/trait broke
- fixed a crash when attempting to toggle a beecon's beam/sound on multiplayer
- fixed Hive not getting Tier Modifier as a float preventing T2 Hive from having the correct number of combs and bees.
- fixes for interfaces to hopefully stop them from moving items to other slots in their interfaces when shift clicking an item.
- baby bees are now immune to despawning
Alpha Features - Honey pipes exist in code but do not work and are purely cosmetic in this patch.
----- [0.6.5b] -----
- fixed a crash related to centrifuges when it can't find a valid tank
- cleaned up patchouli effects page
----- [0.6.4b] -----
- fixed bee box not properly supplying bee with data upon release
- updated patchouli (#188) (note: beecon gif doesn't work but doesn't crash now)
fixed various client and serverside issues.
tools tips are now filtered so duplicate restrictions do not appear
fixed level restriction not accepting ==
- Updated fabric version - LatvianModder
- Made Context.getClassShutter() public - LatvianModder
Switched to mixins for better render compat
Fix Exception loading blockstate definition: errors in log for blockstates. New issue tracker created.
Fix grave overwriting waterlogged or non-solid blocks (hoppers, previous graves); it can still spawn in water.
Sophisticated Backpacks (sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.4-⟶sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.4-
Fixed issue in logic that's supposed to clean up backpack data after dead mobs with jukebox upgrade in their backpack. Should now no longer bloat the data in sophisticatedbackpacks.dat.
Added command /sophisticatedbackpacks removeNonPlayer (true|false argument for whether it should only clean up empty inventory ) that can clean up the backpack contents of backpacks that were never open by players and can be used to clean up after this issue.
!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! before running this command make sure that you have backed up sophisticatedbackpacks.dat just in case. It also relies on backpack logging data - a feature that was introduced in 1.16.4- a month ago. So if there are player backpacks that haven't been open since server updated to this or later version they will also get cleared as the logic can't tell they were ever open by a player.
Updated Chinese translation.
- Awesome new logo, reworked by the legendary Vik!
- Compatibility with First Aid (thanks to ichttt)
Bugfixes and cleanup
v 0.12.1:
Way signs will no longer generate in dimensions that have no villages.
Cog block with 1 power has a new texture
v 0.12.0:
Way signs are now a proper structure. That means that they will spawn more spaced out and generally speaking better. They also now are more variated and have an achievement associated with finding one.
They also now show the distance to the nearest village with less precision the more they are away from it. The number itself is rounded up.
Added bombs
Brewing stand now change color depending on what potion they contain
Wall lanterns now visually connect better when attached to a wall or fence
Added crimson lanterns (thanks to Nary for the textures)
Notice boards can now display banner patterns. Only work with piglin snout and skull for now. Supports patterns from ice and fire mod (thanks to Agrona)
Clock blocks don't work in the nether anymore
Copper lanterns nor rarely spawn in mineshaft and sconces in strongholds. Also fixed a possible bug with vanilla mineshafts always generating torches backwards.
Faucet has a new texture and is once again made out of iron.
Changed cog block, copper lantern and flax textures
Added an LOD system for many tile entities so they will get progressively less detailed the further the player is away from them. Sign posts and notice board won't render their text at all when looked from the back
Fixed many small bugs
All 0.2.x versions of the mod are compatible with each other but back-up important worlds just in case :]
- Fixed rare bug that could cause single block tall stone forest spires to generate on coasts
- Adds extra handling & logging for structures that have been configured with settings that will crash the game
-Fixed overwriting bugs with scale wraps! Will no longer delete non-scale wraps if loaded last, or render scale wraps unusable if loaded first.
-Fixed minor graphical bug with scale wraps on single-headed tools using the double-headed tools' model.
-Added Dragonsteel from I&F. Please note that it won't have special effects, won't be affected by the I&F config, and you can't modify normally-crafted dragonsteel tools (this is to prevent accidentally breaking them).
-Added support for Team Abnormals' Environmental and Team Aurora's Bayou Blues.
The Undergarden 0.5.1
- Fixed issue where Frostfields ambience was way too loud
- Reduced volume of Muncher sounds
- Made Muncher chew sound have a random pitch
- The tops of the 3 Deepturf blocks are now randomly rotated, similarly to vanilla grass blocks
- Made all entity glow textures 50% transparent
- Fixed issue where beds did not set your spawn when used in the Undergarden
- Made Nargoyles drop string
Add mod configurations:
"Max Time Rate Power" = 8
"Each Use Duration" = 30
"Average Update Random Tick" = 1365
"Max Stored Time" = 622080000
The configuration file path is: config/tiab-common.toml
- Fix phantoms not being blocked by shroomdog27
- Add kr-kr Translation by myoun
- Add zh-cn Translation by 1478599553
- Update to MC 1.16.5
- Update to MC 1.16.4
- Update to MC 1.16.3
- Update to MC 1.16.2 (Forge 33.0.0)
- replace InvisibleLight Blocks from Feral Flare Lantern with actual light emitting Air Blocks. This should improve compatibility with other mods and MC itself.
- add aggresiveSpawnChecks configuration option. This will override the spawn checks of other mods if they returned "ALLOW" earlier in the chain.
- Remove fatal logging of config changes on disk
- Initial Port to MC 1.16
- Add missing Translations [thanks to ChloeDawn]
- Do not log debug statements by default [thanks to ChloeDawn]
- Last feature release for MC 1.15, sorry no terrain lighter :/
- Fix dread lamp not working at all
- Fix dread lamp hit box
- Upgrade to MC 1.15.2
- Initial Port to 1.15.1
- Fixed feral flare lantern and dreadlamp not dropping when broken.
- Fixed tesselating crash when placing a feral flare lantern
- first release candidate, written from scratch
- Improved Mega Torch from first 1.14 release
- Added Dread Lamp
- Added Feral Flare Lantern (LoS feature is currently missing but will come in the next release candidate)
- Added Frozen Pearl (Not really that useful anymore since the lantern now removes all lights when it gets removed, but just in case)
- Added entity black/white listing for megatorch and dreadlamp via config
Added: Note Block Cargo Module, hit with items versions of the Blocks that goes under a note block to change Instrument, activated by Activator Rails
Added: Rail under Note Block now has Train whistle instrument
Added: Quark Chests as Cargo Modules
Fixed: Shift clicking in Solid Fuel Engine Module crashes client
Fixed: Steam Locomotive Fluid/Item handlers were inaccessible
- Added Russian translations (thanks to Big Energy!)
Fixes the bug that teleportation had a higher priority than block interaction.
Added a clien tconfig to toggle between elevation and teleportation when jumping on a travel anchor.
Overhauled effects to be more in line with default Undergarden tools:
- Threnody of the Deep restricted to Forgotten Metal spears and swords
- Rotbane restricted to Utherium spears and swords
- Bloodlust restricted to Utherium axes
- Frostbite varies in strength depending on tool type
All of the above changes are now available on tools made in the workbench, as well as ones directly modified, with no datapack required!
Changed 'Utheric' prefix to 'Utherium'.
Add methods for using custom GSON instance.
Add ItemSetSelector + relevant GSON adapters.
Generated using ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre10.