- [Bug] Fixed arrow functions without params not being used
- [Bug] TS casted params were incorrectly annotated by one column.
- [Feature] Annotations will now be added / remove in real time without needing to save.
- [Hotfix] Fixed CI breaking
- [Hotfix] Rest params with a space between the ... operator and the param name now annotated
- [Bug] Continued working on cleaning up parameter splitting algorithm. Now doesn't break with functions
- [Feature] Wrote unit tests for splitToParamList function
- [Bug] Importing functions with require don't cause issues with annotations anymore.
- [Bug] TS functions with Generic types now properly annotate
- [Hotfix] Duplicate diagnostics were showing up in problems panel. Fixed this in this patch.
- [Hotfix] Added settings to hide either of the diagnostics or error annotations
- [Feature] Invalid parameters in JS will now appear in the Problems panel
- [Bug] Definitions with extra spaces caused incorrect annotations
- [Bug] Param capturing did not fully capture definition parameter list. Switched off of a regex to properly capture string
- [Bug] Typescript functions with access modifiers were returning the modifiers instead of param names
- [Feature] Added config options for annotation font-weight and font-style
- [Bug] Fixed issue where arguments that weren't supposed to be there were being annotated with undefined
- [Hotfix] Made nested new object expressions annotated
- [Feature] new object expressions now annotated
- [Hotfix] Made the last bug fix work with deeply nested object properties (ex: a.b.c.d)
- [Bug] Array access params (a[2]) and object property params (foo.bar) were not being annotated.
- [Feature] functions with variadic parameter will be spread across function calls
- [Bug] fixed issue where #! would break parser and cause annotations not to occur.
- [Hotfix] switched jsannotations.hideIfEqual to be on by default
- [Feature] new config: jsannotations.hideIfEqual - will not display annotation if the name of the argument matches the name of the parameter (configured to be false by default).
- [Bug] for-of loop iterating through functions could cause incorrect decoration.
- [Bug] callback functions could cause incorrect decorations.
- [Bug] files using tabs as indentation were misaligning annotation
- [Hotfix] Updated Readme
- [Feature] Now supports Typescript
- [Hotfix] Added keybinding for toggling annotations ('ctrl/cmd+k a' by default)
- [Hotfix] Switched color config to use builtin 'colors' contributes property
- [Feature] Configuration for enabling / disabling annotations: jsannotations.enabled
- [Feature] Configuration for changing color of annotations on light and dark themes: jsannotations.colors
- [Feature] Command to hide / show annotations: "JS Annotations: Hide / Show Annotations
- [Bug] Fixed to only made decorate run on JS files
- Initial Release