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Relationship Synthesis

Entities and relationships provide the connective tissue for telemetry data.

They enable visualization and exploration of large data sets across account boundaries, functioning as the building blocks for a unified, connected user experience for different products where users can explore, navigate and troubleshoot their complex systems.

In this context, Relationship synthesis provides an easy-to-use mechanism to detect and create relationships.

It enables New Relic product teams, solutions consultants and customers to create topologies of connected entities in order to extend the New Relic platform to provide data-driven insights and empower the world’s engineers to build better digital experiences.

From a technical point of view, Relationship synthesis is a mechanism that detects and creates relationships out of telemetry through applying predefined rules on telemetry data points. It supports creating relationships to both instrumented and uninstrumented entities while providing powerful capabilities to identify both ends of a potential relationship.

In the next section, we explain the steps needed to define a new Relationship Synthesis rule.

How to create a new Relationship Synthesis rule

In the same way Entities are synthesized through predefined rules from telemetry, we want to offer a similar mechanism to connect two entities with a relationship. This is achieved through the creation of relationship synthesis rules.

In order to create a new relationship synthesis rule, we need to follow the given steps:

  1. Create a <ENTITY_TYPE-to-ENTITY_TYPE>.yml file under the relationships/synthesis directory.
    1. In this directory, you'll find all existing relationship synthesis rules, so it's also an excellent source of inspiration for crafting new ones.


| - definitions/ (entityTypes)
| - relationships/
  | - candidates/
  | - synthesis/
  1. Fill in the required fields (name, version, origins, conditions, relationship) following the instructions in the next section.

  2. Create a new pull request and make sure all the automatic validations are successfully executed.

  3. Wait for our team to review the pull request and iterate on the feedback.

  4. Once approved, merged to the main branch and a new release is issued, it is available for you to use.

  5. Enjoy your new relationship synthesis rule being applied automatically to your data! 🎉

How to configure a new Relationship Synthesis rule

Relationship synthesis allows users to determine and create relationships based on provided rules in a simple two-phase process.

Define the Data Source: First, you need to determine the data source from which the relationship will be derived. You can refer to the example below and to the origins section to understand how to identify the relevant attributes and values and apply conditions to them.

Create the Relationship Rule: Next, you'll define the relationship rule that specifies how the relationship will be created from the data source.

This involves deciding how to apply the existing resolvers to the source and target entities:

a. Extract: Use the extractGuid operation to specify how to determine the GUID for the source and target entities.

b. Build: Utilize the buildGuid operation to define the relationship type (guid to guid, candidate, or proposal) and how the source and target GUIDs should be created.

c. Lookup: If the GUID cannot be inferred directly from the data source, you can use the lookupGuid resolver to perform a lookup using candidates, as described in the dedicated documentation.

By following these steps, users can easily create meaningful relationships between entities based on their specific requirements.

Example of a complete relationship definition:

  - name: extServiceCallsExtPixieDns
    version: "1"
      - OpenTelemetry
      - attribute: entity.type
        anyOf: [ "PIXIE_DNS" ]
      expires: P75M
      relationshipType: CALLS
            attribute: accountId
            value: EXT
            value: SERVICE
              - attribute:
            hashAlgorithm: FARM_HASH
          attribute: entity.guid

In the provided example, you can observe the various sections of a valid relationship definition: name, origins, conditions and relationship. Each of these sections is necessary for the rule to be considered valid.

Below, we offer a more detailed explanation of how to complete each section properly.

Define the data source


The name property serves as a unique identifier for the rule and must be distinct from all other rules. It should adhere to the camelCase format.


- name: apmCallsDatabase
- name: apmApplicationCallsInfraRedisInstance
- name: extServiceCallsExtPixieRedis


The version field indicates the rule version. This allows for introducing new breaking changes to the formats without requiring immediate updates to all engines. The engine discards any unsupported versions.

The expected data format for this field is a string representation of an integer.


    version: "1"


The origins field represents a closed list of values that indicate the source of telemetry. When defining a rule, a list of these values must be provided.


- origins:
    - OpenTelemetry

The full list of supported origins (as of July 2023) is the following:

Origin source Description
APM Metrics Uses metric timeslice data generated by the New Relic APM agent(s). More information here.
Infrastructure Agent Uses data generated by the New Relic Infrastructure Agent(s).
Metric API Uses data generated by New Relic metrics API product.
Distributed Tracing Uses data generated by the New Relic Distributed Tracing product.
AWS Integration Uses data generated by the New Relic AWS Integration.
GCP Integration Uses data generated by the New Relic GCP Integration.
Azure Integration Uses data generated by the New Relic Azure Integration.
Kubernetes Integration Uses data generated by the New Relic Kubernetes Integration.
Pixie Uses data generated by the New Relic Pixie Integration.
Prometheus Uses data generated by the New Relic Prometheus Integration.
OpenTelemetry Uses data generated by OpenTelemetry Integrations.
OnHost Integration Uses data generated by the New Relic OnHost Integration.

One rule can be applied to multiple sources, as shown in the example. These origins are used by our internal services to filter which rules to evaluate and which ones to ignore. The mapping of origins to sources allows for performance improvements when evaluating rules via the matching system.


Conditions are used to determine if a rule should be applied to a given data point. The proposal for conditions is an iterative improvement over the existing rules format to allow for future changes without major breaking updates.

A condition is composed by an attribute and a matcher (that can be of multiple types), we explain what are the valid combinations on the next sub-sections.


The attribute field specifies the name of the attribute in the data point, and the operation to perform is defined below using matchers.


The operation describes the action to be performed on a given data point to extract its information.

The list of supported operations can be found on the table below:

Matcher Description
present Commonly used with a specific attribute, to match it on the telemetry data point.
anyOf Commonly used with the eventType attribute, to match a list of events.
startsWith Commonly used with the metricName attribute, to match on the prefix of the metric.
regex Commonly used with the metricName attribute, to extract match more complex use cases (e.g. URI(s)).

Only one matcher should be present in each condition, and matching is case-insensitive by default unless specified otherwise with caseSensitive: true. Multiple conditions must all match for the rule to apply; there is no support for OR conditions.

In the following subsections, we will provide an example for each possible matcher usage.



  - attribute: host.guid
    present: true


  - attribute: eventType
    anyOf: ["NginxSample", "K8sPodSample", "K8sContainerSample"]


  - attribute: metricName
    startsWith: "DurationByCaller/"
    caseSensitive: true


  - attribute: metricName
    regex: ".*\.rds\.amazonaws\.com.*"
    caseSensitive: false

Create the Relationship Rule


The relationship section defines aspects related to the relationship we want to synthesize.

Example of a valid relationship section:

      expires: P75M
      relationshipType: CALLS
            attribute: accountId
            value: EXT
            value: SERVICE
              - attribute:
            hashAlgorithm: FARM_HASH
          attribute: entity.guid

In the provided example, you can observe the various sections of a valid relationship section: expires, relationshipType, source and target. Each of these sections is necessary for the relationship section to be considered valid.

Below, we offer a more detailed explanation of how to complete each part properly.


The expires field allows configuring the duration for which the relationship should exist if it is not reported within that timeframe. By default, this field is set to 75 minutes (the default for the relationship platform). The value for expires follows the ISO-8601 format and must be between 10 minutes and 72 hours (inclusive), which is the time interval currently supported by the platform.

Explicitly providing the expires field is recommended for clarity, even though the default is 75 minutes.


The relationshipType field specifies the type of relationship to create. Only predefined values from the supported relationship types list are accepted.

The full list of supported relationship type options (as of July 2023) is the following:

Relationship type Description
CONTAINS Represents the set relationship between two or more entities (e.g. A cloud region contains a set of Virtual Machines)
CALLS Represents that one entity calls another (e.g. API calls between downstream and upstream services).
HOSTS Represents that one entity hosts another (e.g. One application that runs on top of a given Virtual Machine).
SERVES Represents that one entity serves another (e.g. A backend application serves HTTP requests to a browser application).
IS Represents that both entities linked by this relationship are perspectives of the same thing.
OPERATES_IN Represents that one entity operates using another (e.g. A host operates in a certain region or datacenter.
CONNECTS_TO Represents that one entity is connected to another (e.g. Interconnected network endpoints).
BUILT_FROM Represents that one entity was built using data from another (e.g. a git repository contains code for an application).
MEASURES Represents that one entity measures another in some way.
PRODUCES Indicates that an application or process produces messages to a system (e.g. one application produces messages to a queue).
CONSUMES Indicates that an application or process consume messages from a system (e.g. one application consumes messages from a queue).
MANAGES Indicates that a system manages other subsystems (e.g. queue managers managing their queues).
OWNS Indicates ownership of one entity to the other via their relationship.
TEST Used for testing purposes, might be a good option for experimentation.
Source & Target

Source and Target define the methods for determining the GUIDs of both entities involved in the relationship. To achieve this, we provide support for the following GUID resolvers:

  1. extractGuid: Extracts the GUID from an existing attribute in the telemetry.
  2. buildGuid: Constructs the GUID using various pieces of information from the telemetry.
  3. lookupGuid: Performs a GUID lookup based on telemetry attributes.

The extractGuid resolver is the simplest and allows specifying an attribute to use as the GUID.


      attribute: entity.guid
      attribute: cluster.guid 

Another additional feature of the extractGuid is the ability to define the entity type.

In the example below, you'll see how to define the entity type using an attribute in the target relationship.


        attribute: entity.guid
      attribute: cluster.guid

Lastly, in special cases, you can provide a hardcoded value for the entityType. We briefly discuss this in its dedicated section here.


The buildGuid resolver allows constructing the GUID from different pieces of information.

Entity GUIDs are composed of 4 parts: account, domain, type and identifier.

You can read more about the usage of those fields on the GUID here.


      attribute: accountId
      # or lookup: yes
      value: EXT
      value: SERVICE
      - value: "k8s:"
      - attribute: ""
      - value: ":pod:"
      hashAlgorithm: FARM_HASH

The account field can be defined using an attribute in the telemetry or by specifying a lookup attribute. When a lookup attribute is defined, it will be searched within the accounts of the trusted account for the current data point.

The domain and type fields can be either hardcoded values or attributes.

The identifier can be constructed using one or multiple fragments. Each fragment can be either a hardcoded string, an attribute value, or a part of an attribute value.

Optionally, the identifier can be hashed using one of the supported algorithms. Currently, the only supported algorithm is farmHash.

Finally, for specific scenarios, you have the option to extract the type from the GUID. We provide a brief discussion of this feature in its dedicated section here.


The lookupGuid resolver comes into play when the GUID cannot be determined from the telemetry, requiring a lookup process using candidates.

Candidate relationships serve as a powerful mechanism for handling more intricate use cases and are further explained in their dedicated documentation.

Make sure to explore this resource if you find situations where your desired relationship cannot be created using only extractGuid or buildGuid.


  candidateCategory: DATABASE
    - field: endpoint

The lookupGuid points to the candidate category to be used and maps the fields required for the lookup to the attributes in the telemetry.

Dealing with unknown infrastructure types

Due to internal limitations, we cannot precisely know the type for some infrastructure entity domainTypes. Due to that, we need to provide type hints for relationships in some scenarios. Below we explain how to overcome this issue by resolver type.

INFRA-NA for extractGuid

In case the resolved GUID corresponds to an INFRA-NA GUID, it is necessary to supply the actual type associated with the GUID. This can be accomplished by providing a second field that either specifies a hardcoded value for the entity type or retrieves it from an existing attribute.

In the following definition, you'll find an instance of a hardcoded entity type used in the source relationship, as well as an example of using an attribute to define the entity type in the target relationship.


      attribute: host.guid
        value: HOST
      attribute: entityGuid
        attribute: nr.entityType
INFRA-NA for buildGuid

The type field enables you to specify the value as the type in the GUID using valueInGuid, which is particularly helpful for constructing INFRA-NA GUIDs.

In other words, in scenarios where a GUID contains NA as its type, the value fields will be used instead. For instance, in the example below, the SERVICE value will replace NA:

      attribute: accountId
      value: EXT
      value: SERVICE
      valueInGuid: NA
      - value: "k8s:"
      - attribute: ""
      - value: ":pod:"
      hashAlgorithm: FARM_HASH