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Before getting started, you need to install additional dependencies as follows:
python -m pip install moviepy
python -m pip install et_xmlfile
python -m pip install paddledet
The SlowFast model is one of the high-precision models in the video field. For action detection task, it is also neccessary to detect the person in current frame. Therefore, the SlowFast_FasterRCNN model takes human detection results and video frames as input, extracts spatiotemporal features through the SlowFast model, and then uses FasterRCNN's head gets the actions and positions of humans in the frame.
The corresponding AI Studio Notebook Link:基于SlowFast+FasterRCNN的动作识别
For details, please refer to the paper SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition.
We use AVA dataset for action detection. The AVA v2.2 dataset contains 430 videos split into 235 for training, 64 for validation, and 131 for test. Each video has 15 minutes annotated in 1 second intervals.
bash download_videos.sh
bash download_annotations.sh
bash fetch_ava_proposals.sh
bash cut_videos.sh
bash extract_rgb_frames.sh
For AVA v2.1, there is a simple introduction to some key files:
- 'ava_videos_15min_frames' dir stores video frames extracted with FPS as the frame rate;
- 'ava_train_v2.1.csv' file stores the trainning annotations;
- 'ava_train_excluded_timestamps_v2.1.csv' file stores excluded timestamps;
- 'ava_dense_proposals_train.FAIR.recall_93.9.pkl' file stores humans' bboxes and scores of key frames;
- 'ava_action_list_v2.1_for_activitynet_2018.pbtxt' file stores为 action list.
: config file path;-w
: weights of model. The pretrained model can be downloaded from the table below;--validate
: evaluate model during training.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
python -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=logdir.ava main.py --validate -w paddle.init_param.pdparams -c configs/detection/ava/ava.yaml
Test model based on the best model:
python main.py --test \
-w output/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn_best.pdparams \
-c configs/detection/ava/ava.yaml
architecture | depth | Pretrain Model | frame length x sample rate | MAP | AVA version | model |
SlowFast | R50 | Kinetics 400 | 8 x 8 | 23.2 | 2.1 | link |
The action detection of this project is divided into two stages. In the first stage, humans' proposals are obtained, and then input into the SlowFast+FasterRCNN model for action recognition.
For human detection,you can use the trained model in PaddleDetection.
Install PaddleDetection:
cd PaddleDetection/
pip install -r requirements.txt
!python setup.py install
Download detection model:
# faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco as an example
wget https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.pdparams
export model:
python tools/export_model.py \
-c configs/detection/ava/ava.yaml \
-o inference_output \
-p output/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn_best.pdparams
inference based on the exported model:
python tools/predict.py \
-c configs/detection/ava/ava.yaml \
--input_file "data/-IELREHXDEMO.mp4" \
--model_file "inference_output/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn.pdmodel" \
--params_file "inference_output/AVA_SlowFast_FastRcnn.pdiparams" \
--use_gpu=True \