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See the top level README for information on where to find the
schematic and programmers reference manual for the ARM processor
on the raspberry pi.  Also find information on how to load and run
these programs.

There is a free-running 64 bit timer, super easy to use, just read it.

Based on a couple of experiments, without messing with anything else it
appears that the timer is runing at about a megahertz, 1 million ticks
per second.

Hmm, there are comments in the manual about the system clock coming up
at 250MHz.  I wonder if this system timer is 250MHz/256 = 0.976MHz.

This directory contains an example for the ARM11 raspberry pi, for the
ARM11 based A+ and B+ see the plus directory and for the Cortex A7 based
raspberry pi 2 see the pi2 directory.