The intent of this project is to create an operator that will sync secrets from bitwarden secrets manager to a cluster's secrets.
The deployment mechanism used for project is helm. Helm will need to be installed.
It is assumed that you have a secret that is usable by the bitwarden secrets manager CLI to authenticate to the bitwarden secrets manager service. Instruction on how to create this secret can be found here.
Here is an example manifest of the secret using the default values within the helm chart.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: bwsm-sa-token
namespace: MyNamespace
.secretAccessToken: MyVeryLongAndSecureSecret
As with any secret please be careful and judicious on where you store this.
You may deploy this secret prior to the helm installation, or you can apply it after the helm installation.
helm upgrade MyRelease ./charts/bitwarden_secrets_manager_operator/ \
-f /path/to/values.yaml --namespace MyNamespace \
--create-namespace --install
helm delete MyRelease
Kind is required for development of this operator, see installation instructions.
# Create the kind cluster
kind create cluster
# Verify Context
kubectl config current-context
> kind-kind
# Build the docker container for local development
docker build . -t bwsm:development
# Load the image into kind
kind load docker-image bwsm:development
# Create the namespace and bitwarden secrets manager secret
kubectl create ns bwsm
kubectl apply -f /path/to/bwsm_token.yaml # Example in examples/bws_token.yaml
# Deploy the helm chart
helm upgrade bwsm ./charts/bitwarden_secrets_manager_operator/ \
--namespace bwsm -f ./development/values.yaml \
--create-namespace --install
# Apply a test bitwarden secret object
kubectl apply -f /path/to/bwsm_secret_resource.yaml # Example in examples/bws_test_resource.yaml
# Delete the kind cluster
kind delete cluster
# Follow the bwsm pod logs
kubectl logs -n bwsm -f $(kubectl get pods -n bwsm -o json | jq -r '.items[0]')
These are the "frameworks" or projects that are utilized to make bitwarden secrets manager to function.
This project is in no way officially affiliated with the company Bitwarden. This is an FOSS project leveraging bitwarden's secrets manager.