diff --git a/api/app/Http/Requests/AnswerFormRequest.php b/api/app/Http/Requests/AnswerFormRequest.php
index 75eec8217..0edc1989d 100644
--- a/api/app/Http/Requests/AnswerFormRequest.php
+++ b/api/app/Http/Requests/AnswerFormRequest.php
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 use Illuminate\Http\Request;
 use Illuminate\Support\Str;
 use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
+use Stevebauman\Purify\Facades\Purify;
 class AnswerFormRequest extends FormRequest
@@ -67,11 +68,16 @@ public function rules()
                 if (isset($data[$field['id']]) && is_array($data[$field['id']])) {
                     $data[$field['id']] = array_map(function ($val) use ($field) {
                         $tmpop = collect($field[$field['type']]['options'])->first(function ($op) use ($val) {
-                            return $op['id'] ?? $op['value'] === $val;
+                            return isset($op['id'], $op['name']) && ($op['id'] === $val || $op['name'] === $val);
-                        return isset($tmpop['name']) ? $tmpop['name'] : '';
+                        return isset($tmpop['name']) ? $tmpop['name'] : $val;
                     }, $data[$field['id']]);
+                } elseif (isset($data[$field['id']])) {
+                    // Handle single select values
+                    $tmpop = collect($field[$field['type']]['options'])->first(function ($op) use ($field, $data) {
+                        return isset($op['id'], $op['name']) && ($op['id'] === $data[$field['id']] || $op['name'] === $data[$field['id']]);
+                    });
+                    $data[$field['id']] = isset($tmpop['name']) ? $tmpop['name'] : $data[$field['id']];
             if (FormLogicPropertyResolver::isRequired($property, $data)) {
@@ -167,6 +173,7 @@ private function getPropertyRules($property): array
         switch ($property['type']) {
             case 'text':
+            case 'rich_text':
             case 'signature':
                 return ['string'];
             case 'number':
@@ -280,6 +287,10 @@ protected function prepareForValidation()
             if ($property['type'] === 'phone_number' && (!isset($property['use_simple_text_input']) || !$property['use_simple_text_input']) && $receivedValue && in_array($receivedValue, $countryCodeMapper)) {
                 $mergeData[$property['id']] = null;
+            if ($property['type'] === 'rich_text' && $receivedValue) {
+                $mergeData[$property['id']] = Purify::clean($receivedValue);
+            }
diff --git a/api/tests/Feature/Forms/FormLogicTest.php b/api/tests/Feature/Forms/FormLogicTest.php
index 456824547..81d038c4d 100644
--- a/api/tests/Feature/Forms/FormLogicTest.php
+++ b/api/tests/Feature/Forms/FormLogicTest.php
@@ -113,3 +113,238 @@
+it('preserves multi-select values during validation with logic conditions', function () {
+    $user = $this->actingAsUser();
+    $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user);
+    // Create a form with a multi-select field and a text field that has logic based on the multi-select
+    $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [
+        'properties' => [
+            [
+                'id' => 'multi_select_field',
+                'name' => 'Multi Select Field',
+                'type' => 'multi_select',
+                'hidden' => false,
+                'required' => true,
+                'multi_select' => [
+                    'options' => [
+                        ['id' => 'option1', 'name' => 'Option 1'],
+                        ['id' => 'option2', 'name' => 'Option 2'],
+                        ['id' => 'option3', 'name' => 'Option 3']
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ],
+            [
+                'id' => 'text_field',
+                'name' => 'Text Field',
+                'type' => 'text',
+                'hidden' => false,
+                'required' => false,
+                'logic' => [
+                    'conditions' => [
+                        'operatorIdentifier' => 'and',
+                        'children' => [
+                            [
+                                'identifier' => 'multi_select',
+                                'value' => [
+                                    'operator' => 'contains',
+                                    'property_meta' => [
+                                        'id' => 'multi_select_field',
+                                        'type' => 'multi_select'
+                                    ],
+                                    'value' => 'Option 1'
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ],
+                    'actions' => ['require-answer']
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]);
+    // Submit form data with multi-select values
+    $formData = [
+        'multi_select_field' => ['Option 1', 'Option 2']
+    ];
+    ray($formData)->blue('Original form data');
+    $response = $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData);
+    // The validation should fail because text_field is required when Option 1 is selected
+    $response->assertStatus(422)
+        ->assertJson([
+            'message' => 'The Text Field field is required.',
+            'errors' => [
+                'text_field' => ['The Text Field field is required.']
+            ]
+        ]);
+    // Check that the multi-select values were preserved in the validation data
+    ray($response->json())->purple('Response data');
+    expect($response->json('errors.multi_select_field'))->toBeNull();
+it('correctly handles multi-select values with complex form logic', function () {
+    $user = $this->actingAsUser();
+    $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user);
+    // Create form with the specific fields from your example
+    $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [
+        'properties' => [
+            [
+                'id' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                'name' => 'Which event would you like to join?',
+                'type' => 'multi_select',
+                'hidden' => false,
+                'required' => true,
+                'multi_select' => [
+                    'options' => [
+                        ['id' => 'Ashkelon Run (March 21)', 'name' => 'Ashkelon Run (March 21)'],
+                        ['id' => 'Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)', 'name' => 'Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)'],
+                        ['id' => 'Neither', 'name' => 'Neither']
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ],
+            [
+                'id' => '0ca51469-6bda-40f4-831c-084f066643d7',
+                'name' => 'Jerusalem Marathon - Run Options',
+                'type' => 'select',
+                'hidden' => true,
+                'required' => false,
+                'select' => [
+                    'options' => [
+                        ['id' => '10km (Most popular)', 'name' => '10km (Most popular)']
+                    ]
+                ],
+                'logic' => [
+                    'conditions' => [
+                        'operatorIdentifier' => 'and',
+                        'children' => [
+                            [
+                                'identifier' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                                'value' => [
+                                    'operator' => 'contains',
+                                    'property_meta' => [
+                                        'id' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                                        'type' => 'multi_select'
+                                    ],
+                                    'value' => 'Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)'
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ],
+                    'actions' => ['require-answer', 'show-block']
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]);
+    // Submit form data matching your payload
+    $formData = [
+        '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b' => ['Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)'],
+        '0ca51469-6bda-40f4-831c-084f066643d7' => '10km (Most popular)'
+    ];
+    ray($formData)->blue('Original form data');
+    $response = $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData);
+    ray($response->json())->purple('Response data');
+    // Should be successful since all required fields are filled
+    $response->assertSuccessful()
+        ->assertJson([
+            'type' => 'success',
+            'message' => 'Form submission saved.'
+        ]);
+    // Now let's verify the saved submission data
+    $submission = $form->submissions()->first();
+    expect($submission->data['93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b'])->toBe(['Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)']);
+it('preserves multi-select values when building validation rules', function () {
+    $user = $this->actingAsUser();
+    $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user);
+    // Create form with the exact fields from your real form
+    $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [
+        'properties' => [
+            [
+                'id' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                'name' => 'Which event would you like to join?',
+                'type' => 'multi_select',
+                'required' => true,
+                'multi_select' => [
+                    'options' => [
+                        ['id' => 'Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)', 'name' => 'Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)'],
+                        ['id' => 'Ashkelon Run (March 21)', 'name' => 'Ashkelon Run (March 21)']
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ],
+            [
+                'id' => '72565901-c345-427a-b988-0ce3de9ad9f4',
+                'name' => 'Additional Days',
+                'type' => 'multi_select',
+                'required' => false,
+                'multi_select' => [
+                    'options' => [
+                        ['id' => 'Thursday', 'name' => 'Thursday'],
+                        ['id' => 'Sunday', 'name' => 'Sunday']
+                    ]
+                ],
+                'logic' => [
+                    'conditions' => [
+                        'operatorIdentifier' => 'and',
+                        'children' => [
+                            [
+                                'identifier' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                                'value' => [
+                                    'operator' => 'contains',
+                                    'property_meta' => [
+                                        'id' => '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b',
+                                        'type' => 'multi_select'
+                                    ],
+                                    'value' => 'Ashkelon Run (March 21)'
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ],
+                    'actions' => ['require-answer']
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]);
+    // Submit form data with Jerusalem Marathon
+    $formData = [
+        '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b' => ['Jerusalem Marathon (April 4)']
+    ];
+    ray($formData)->blue('Original form data');
+    $response = $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData);
+    ray($response->json())->purple('Response data');
+    // Should be successful since Jerusalem Marathon doesn't require Additional Days
+    $response->assertSuccessful();
+    // Now try with Ashkelon Run which requires Additional Days
+    $formData = [
+        '93c8ebe9-b1ba-42ce-841c-bf3b9be1ca4b' => ['Ashkelon Run (March 21)']
+    ];
+    $response = $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData);
+    // Should fail because Additional Days is required when Ashkelon Run is selected
+    $response->assertStatus(422)
+        ->assertJson([
+            'errors' => [
+                '72565901-c345-427a-b988-0ce3de9ad9f4' => ['The Additional Days field is required.']
+            ]
+        ]);
diff --git a/client/components/open/forms/OpenFormField.vue b/client/components/open/forms/OpenFormField.vue
index de3ae22c0..a025cf1d3 100644
--- a/client/components/open/forms/OpenFormField.vue
+++ b/client/components/open/forms/OpenFormField.vue
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ export default {
       return {
         text: 'TextInput',
+        rich_text: 'RichTextAreaInput',
         number: 'TextInput',
         rating: 'RatingInput',
         scale: 'ScaleInput',
diff --git a/client/components/open/forms/components/FormEditorErrorHandler.vue b/client/components/open/forms/components/FormEditorErrorHandler.vue
index 42c969f01..ab09bae5f 100644
--- a/client/components/open/forms/components/FormEditorErrorHandler.vue
+++ b/client/components/open/forms/components/FormEditorErrorHandler.vue
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     errorReport += ` And here are technical details about the error: \`\`\`${error.stack}\`\`\``
     try {
-      crisp.showMessage(`Hi there, we're very sorry to hear you experienced an issue with NoteForms.
+      crisp.showMessage(`Hi there, we're very sorry to hear you experienced an issue with OpnForm.
           We'll be in touch about it very soon! In the meantime, I recommend that you try going back one step, and save your changes.`, 2000)
     } catch (e) {
       console.error('Crisp error', e)
diff --git a/client/components/open/forms/fields/components/FieldOptions.vue b/client/components/open/forms/fields/components/FieldOptions.vue
index cb05c3a00..cbfba69f3 100644
--- a/client/components/open/forms/fields/components/FieldOptions.vue
+++ b/client/components/open/forms/fields/components/FieldOptions.vue
@@ -448,8 +448,15 @@
         :multiple="field.multiple === true"
+      <rich-text-area-input
+        v-else-if="field.type === 'rich_text'"
+        name="prefill"
+        class="mt-3"
+        :form="field"
+        label="Pre-filled value"
+      />
-        v-else-if="!['files', 'signature'].includes(field.type)"
+        v-else-if="!['files', 'signature', 'rich_text'].includes(field.type)"
diff --git a/client/components/open/tables/OpenTable.vue b/client/components/open/tables/OpenTable.vue
index 9807d7f2a..d0687c898 100644
--- a/client/components/open/tables/OpenTable.vue
+++ b/client/components/open/tables/OpenTable.vue
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ export default {
       rafId: null,
       fieldComponents: {
         text: shallowRef(OpenText),
+        rich_text: shallowRef(OpenText),
         number: shallowRef(OpenText),
         rating: shallowRef(OpenText),
         scale: shallowRef(OpenText),
diff --git a/client/components/open/tables/components/OpenText.vue b/client/components/open/tables/components/OpenText.vue
index 09d00796d..783aa4570 100644
--- a/client/components/open/tables/components/OpenText.vue
+++ b/client/components/open/tables/components/OpenText.vue
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-  <span>
-    {{ value }}
-  </span>
+  <div v-html="value" />
diff --git a/client/components/pages/pricing/CustomPlan.vue b/client/components/pages/pricing/CustomPlan.vue
index 53b454122..d0bab23ed 100644
--- a/client/components/pages/pricing/CustomPlan.vue
+++ b/client/components/pages/pricing/CustomPlan.vue
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
                   <template v-else>$200</template>
                 <span class="text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-600">
-                  starting from {{ isYearly ? 'per year' : 'per month' }}
+                  starting from per month
               <div class="flex justify-center">
diff --git a/client/data/blocks_types.json b/client/data/blocks_types.json
index 0a1ac7b9b..2e95d1369 100644
--- a/client/data/blocks_types.json
+++ b/client/data/blocks_types.json
@@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
     "text_class": "text-blue-900",
     "is_input": true
+  "rich_text": {
+    "name": "rich_text",
+    "title": "Rich Text Input",
+    "icon": "i-heroicons-bars-3-20-solid",
+    "default_block_name": "Description",
+    "bg_class": "bg-blue-100",
+    "text_class": "text-blue-900",
+    "is_input": true
+  },
   "date": {
     "name": "date",
     "title": "Date Input",
diff --git a/client/pages/home.vue b/client/pages/home.vue
index c8425a42e..f0686d169 100644
--- a/client/pages/home.vue
+++ b/client/pages/home.vue
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
                 <template #description>
                   <div class="flex flex-wrap sm:flex-nowrap gap-4 items-start">
                     <p class="flex-grow">
-                      Remove NoteForms branding, customize forms further, use your custom domain, integrate with your
+                      Remove OpnForm branding, customize forms further, use your custom domain, integrate with your
                       favorite tools, invite users, and more!
diff --git a/client/pages/subscriptions/success.vue b/client/pages/subscriptions/success.vue
index 2941c5445..ea7dc66a7 100644
--- a/client/pages/subscriptions/success.vue
+++ b/client/pages/subscriptions/success.vue
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const redirectIfSubscribed = () => {
 const checkSubscription = () => {
   // Fetch the user.
-  return noteFormsFetch('user').then((data) => {
+  return opnFetch('user').then((data) => {
   }).catch((error) => {