- Added interstitial ad slot option
- Use of Prebid.js is now optional, you can display ads using only GPT (issue #37, PR #44)
- Ads can now be lazy loaded, through global or individual slot configuration, even when using Prebid (issue #25, PR #47)
- add option to passthrough path information in defineOutOfPageSlots method from outOfPage slots in the config
- Bugfix for null pointer error that occurred in some edge cases (issue #31 / PR #32)
- Renamed library to
- Improved code packaging and CDN delivery
- Added error handler
- Chore, updated dependencies to lodash to fix vulnerability issue
- Add outOfPageSlot functionality - see Google documentation
- Add new plugin hook "setup"
- See PR 14
When the AdvertisingProvider
unmounted when it didn't have a config, a null
pointer execption ocurred. This was fixed.
- See PR 13
You can now update the AdvertisingProvider
by re-rendering it with a different
configuration prop than before.
When the AdvertisingProvider receives a new config prop, it will automatically tear down GPT and Prebid and set them up again with the updated configuration, causing all the ad slots in the container to get refreshed with new ads according to the new config.
- See documentation
Thanks Jason Li for implementing this!
Breaking Change
In previous versions, if the config
prop for the AdvertisingProvider
changed, this was ignored, now it causes GPT and Prebid to be re-initialized and
ad slots to be refreshed with the updated config.
While we believe this to be the desired effect, some users may depend on the old “ignorant” behavior, hence we decided to roll out this change as a major release.
You can now render the AdvertisingProvider
without a config prop. This is
useful when you load the ad config asynchronously and don't want to block
initial page render.
- See documentation
- See issue #10
Thanks Jason Li for implementing this!
- dependency update to fix security issues found by npm audit
- tests and other superfluous files excluded from npm package
- removed obsolete prebid size mapping code that doesn't work with Prebid 1
- added
to advertising config prop type - added
to advertising slot config prop type
- added “displaySlots” to plugin lifecycle phases
- adjusted config prop type for size mapping config, now allowing string for
named sizes (i.e.
- fixed critical issue with responsive ads size mappings; it did not work properly with prior versions
- adjusted prop types for slot config to allow passing just one size
- bug fix: GPT sizes are now added correctly
- adjusted advertising config prop type to allow specifying Prebid price granularity as object
- compatible with React 16.3 and greater
Initial release
- compatible with Prebid 1.x
- compatible with React 15.x