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Advanced Configurations

Carson Wang edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

Advanced Configurations

  1. Parallelism, memory, executor number tuning:       Mapper numbers in MR,
                                             partition numbers in Spark
       hibench.default.shuffle.parallelism   Reducer numbers in MR, shuffle
                                             partition numbers in Spark
       hibench.yarn.executors.num            Number executors in YARN mode
       hibench.yarn.executors.cores          Number executor cores in YARN mode
       spark.executors.memory                Executor memory, standalone or YARN mode
       spark.driver.memory                   Driver memory, standalone or YARN mode

    Note: All spark.* properties will be passed to Spark runtime configuration.

  2. Compress options:

       hibench.compress.profile              Compression option `enable` or `disable`
       hibench.compress.codec.profile        Compression codec, `snappy`, `lzo` or `default`
  3. Data scale profile selection:

       hibench.scale.profile                 Data scale profile, `tiny`, `small`, `large`, `huge`, `gigantic`, `bigdata`

    You can add more data scale profiles in conf/10-data-scale-profile.conf. And please don't change conf/00-default-properties.conf if you have no confidence.

  4. Configure for each workload or each language API:

    1. All configurations will be loaded in a nested folder structure:

        conf/*.conf                                         Configure globally
        workloads/<workload>/conf/*.conf                    Configure for each workload
        workloads/<workload>/<language APIs>/.../*.conf     Configure for various languages
    2. For configurations in same folder, the loading sequence will be sorted according to configure file name.

    3. Values in latter configure will override former.

    4. The final values for all properties will be stored in a single config file located at report/<workload><language APIs>/conf/<workload>.conf, which contain all values and pinpoint the source of the configures.

  5. Configure for future Spark release

    By default, bin/ will build HiBench for all running environments:

       - MR1, Spark1.2
       - MR1, Spark1.3
       - MR2, Spark1.2
       - MR2, Spark1.3
       - MR2, Spark1.4
       - MR2, Spark1.4

    And HiBench will probe Hadoop & Spark release version and choose proper HiBench release automatically. However, for furture Spark release (for example, Spark1.4) which is API compatibled with Spark1.3. HiBench'll fail due to lack the profile. You can define Hadoop/Spark release version by setting to force HiBench using Spark1.3 profile:

       hibench.spark.version          spark1.3
  6. Configures for running workloads and language APIs:

The conf/benchmarks.lst file under the package folder defines the workloads to run when you execute the bin/ script under the package folder. Each line in the list file specifies one workload. You can use # at the beginning of each line to skip the corresponding bench if necessary.

You can also run each workload separately. In general, there are 3 different files under one workload folder.

  prepare/            Generate input data in HDFS for
                                running the benchmark
  mapreduce/bin/          run MapReduce language API
  spark/java/bin/         run Spark/java language API
  spark/scala/bin/        run Spark/scala language API
  spark/python/bin/       run Spark/python language API

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