From 4cfa4e4da7746e07042dc7186de15892e99ac784 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sheehan Olver Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 16:55:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Start copying background material --- .gitignore | 3 + LocalPreferences.toml | 2 + Project.toml | 23 + notebooks/Asymptotics.aux | 23 + notebooks/Asymptotics.log | 675 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ notebooks/Asymptotics.out | 5 + notebooks/Asymptotics.pdf | Bin 0 -> 45724 bytes notebooks/Asymptotics.tex | 334 ++++++++++++++ src/MATH50003NumericalAnalysis.jl | 78 ++++ src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd | 192 ++++++++ src/notes/Numbers.jmd | 738 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11 files changed, 2073 insertions(+) create mode 100644 LocalPreferences.toml create mode 100644 Project.toml create mode 100644 notebooks/Asymptotics.aux create mode 100644 notebooks/Asymptotics.log create mode 100644 notebooks/Asymptotics.out create mode 100644 notebooks/Asymptotics.pdf create mode 100644 notebooks/Asymptotics.tex create mode 100644 src/MATH50003NumericalAnalysis.jl create mode 100644 src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd create mode 100644 src/notes/Numbers.jmd diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 29126e4..573a2c7 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ docs/site/ # committed for packages, but should be committed for applications that require a static # environment. 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Computational cost}{3}{subsection.1.3}\protected@file@percent } diff --git a/notebooks/Asymptotics.log b/notebooks/Asymptotics.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a549727 --- /dev/null +++ b/notebooks/Asymptotics.log @@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ +This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=xelatex 2019.9.26) 4 JAN 2023 16:53 +entering extended mode + \write18 enabled. + %&-line parsing enabled. +**Asymptotics.tex +(./Asymptotics.tex +LaTeX2e <2018-12-01> +(/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls +Document Class: article 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class +(/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo +File: size12.clo 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX file (size option) +) +\c@part=\count80 +\c@section=\count81 +\c@subsection=\count82 +\c@subsubsection=\count83 +\c@paragraph=\count84 +\c@subparagraph=\count85 +\c@figure=\count86 +\c@table=\count87 +\abovecaptionskip=\skip41 +\belowcaptionskip=\skip42 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(Unicode): +(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 137. + + +Package amsmath Warning: Foreign command \over; +(amsmath) \frac or \genfrac should be used instead +(amsmath) on input line 148. + +[1 + +] + +Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): +(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 212. + + +Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): +(hyperref) removing `\rightarrow' on input line 212. + + +Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): +(hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 212. + + +Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): +(hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 212. + +[2] +Package microtype Info: Loading generic protrusion settings for font family +(microtype) `lmtt' (encoding: TU). +(microtype) For optimal results, create family-specific settings. +(microtype) See the microtype manual for details. +LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `TU/lmtt/bx/n' in size <10> not available +(Font) Font shape `TU/lmtt/b/n' tried instead on input line 274. + [3] +Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `BeforeClearDocument' on input line 334. + [4] +Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AfterLastShipout' on input line 334. + (./Asymptotics.aux) +Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtVeryEndDocument' on input line 334. +Package atveryend Info: Executing hook `AtEndAfterFileList' on input line 334. +Package rerunfilecheck Info: File `Asymptotics.out' has not changed. +(rerunfilecheck) Checksum: 10CB56C83864291DC8D0AA3EBA5E11F8. +Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtVeryVeryEnd' on input line 334. + ) +Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: + 12953 strings out of 492916 + 189308 string characters out of 6133345 + 318451 words of memory out of 5000000 + 16841 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 + 49999 words of font info for 74 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 + 1348 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 + 31i,9n,45p,641b,931s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s + +Output written on Asymptotics.pdf (4 pages). diff --git a/notebooks/Asymptotics.out b/notebooks/Asymptotics.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27ffe88 --- /dev/null +++ b/notebooks/Asymptotics.out @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{A\040Asymptotics\040and\040Computational\040Cost}{}% 1 +\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.1}{1.\040Asymptotics\040as\040n\040\040}{section.1}% 2 +\BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.1.1.1}{Rules}{subsection.1.1}% 3 +\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.2}{2.\040Asymptotics\040as\040x\040\040x0}{section.1}% 4 +\BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.1.3}{3.\040Computational\040cost}{section.1}% 5 diff --git a/notebooks/Asymptotics.pdf b/notebooks/Asymptotics.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f1c0865ccf5e14b8a7ca9ac2b5aa543245156bc GIT binary patch literal 45724 zcmbT7Q;=xgwxr9pZQI^u+qP}nwriJd+qP}nw)*dmj_7mZp6Ix7UslY=^)g3hej_KT 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+\newcommand{\HLJLc}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLch}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLcm}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLcp}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLcpB}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLcs}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLcsB}[1]{\textcolor[RGB]{153,153,119}{\textit{#1}}} +\newcommand{\HLJLg}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgd}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLge}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgeB}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgh}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgi}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgo}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgp}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgs}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgsB}[1]{#1} +\newcommand{\HLJLgt}[1]{#1} + + +\begin{document} + + + +\section{A Asymptotics and Computational Cost} +We introduce Big-O, little-o and asymptotic notation and see how they can be used to describe computational cost. + +\begin{itemize} +\item[1. ] Asymptotics as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$ + + +\item[2. ] Asymptotics as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0$ + + +\item[3. ] Computational cost + +\end{itemize} +\subsection{1. Asymptotics as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$} +Big-O, little-o, and "asymptotic to" are used to describe behaviour of functions at infinity. + +\textbf{Definition (Big-O)} + +\[ +f(n) = O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$)} +\] +means + +\[ +\left|{f(n) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(n)}\right| +\] +is bounded for sufficiently large $n$. That is, there exist constants $C$ and $N_0$ such that, for all $n \geq N_0$, $|{f(n) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(n)}| \leq C$. + +\textbf{Definition (little-O)} + +\[ +f(n) = o(\ensuremath{\phi}(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$)} +\] +means + +\[ +\lim_{n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}} {f(n) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(n)} = 0. +\] +\textbf{Definition (asymptotic to)} + +\[ +f(n) \ensuremath{\sim} \ensuremath{\phi}(n) \qquad \hbox{(as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$)} +\] +means + +\[ +\lim_{n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}} {f(n) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(n)} = 1. +\] +\textbf{Examples} + +\[ +{\cos n \over n^2 -1} = O(n^{-2}) +\] +as + +\[ +\left|{{\cos n \over n^2 -1} \over n^{-2}} \right| \leq \left| n^2 \over n^2 -1 \right| \leq 2 +\] +for $n \geq N_0 = 2$. + +\[ +\log n = o(n) +\] +as + +\[ +lim_{n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}} {\log n \over n} = 0. +\] +\[ +n^2 + 1 \ensuremath{\sim} n^2 +\] +as + +\[ +{n^2 +1 \over n^2} \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 1. +\] +Note we sometimes write $f(O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n)))$ for a function of the form $f(g(n))$ such that $g(n) = O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n))$. + +\subsubsection{Rules} +We have some simple algebraic rules: + +\textbf{Proposition (Big-O rules)} + + +\begin{align*} +O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n))O(\ensuremath{\psi}(n)) = O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n)\ensuremath{\psi}(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$)} \\ +O(\ensuremath{\phi}(n)) + O(\ensuremath{\psi}(n)) = O(|\ensuremath{\phi}(n)| + |\ensuremath{\psi}(n)|) \qquad \hbox{(as $n \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$)}. +\end{align*} +\subsection{2. Asymptotics as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0$} +We also have Big-O, little-o and "asymptotic to" at a point: + +\textbf{Definition (Big-O)} + +\[ +f(x) = O(\ensuremath{\phi}(x)) \qquad \hbox{(as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0$)} +\] +means + +\[ +|f(x) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(x)| +\] +is bounded in a neighbourhood of $x_0$. That is, there exist constants $C$ and $r$ such that, for all $0 \leq |x - x_0| \leq r$, $|{f(x) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(x)}| \leq C$. + +\textbf{Definition (little-O)} + +\[ +f(x) = o(\ensuremath{\phi}(x)) \qquad \hbox{(as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0$)} +\] +means + +\[ +\lim_{x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0} {f(x) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(x)} = 0. +\] +\textbf{Definition (asymptotic to)} + +\[ +f(x) \ensuremath{\sim} \ensuremath{\phi}(x) \qquad \hbox{(as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0$)} +\] +means + +\[ +\lim_{x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} x_0} {f(x) \over \ensuremath{\phi}(x)} = 1. +\] +\textbf{Example} + +\[ +\exp x = 1 + x + O(x^2) \qquad \hbox{as $x \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 0$} +\] +Since + +\[ +\exp x = 1 + x + {\exp t \over 2} x^2 +\] +for some $t \in [0,x]$ and + +\[ +\left|{{\exp t \over 2} x^2 \over x^2}\right| \leq {3 \over 2} +\] +provided $x \leq 1$. + +\subsection{3. Computational cost} +We will use Big-O notation to describe the computational cost of algorithms. Consider the following simple sum + +\[ +\sum_{k=1}^n x_k^2 +\] +which we might implement as: + + +\begin{lstlisting} +(*@\HLJLk{function}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{sumsq}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{n}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{length}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnfB{0.0}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{for}@*) (*@\HLJLn{k}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLni{1}@*)(*@\HLJLoB{:}@*)(*@\HLJLn{n}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{+}@*) (*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{[}@*)(*@\HLJLn{k}@*)(*@\HLJLp{]}@*)(*@\HLJLoB{{\textasciicircum}}@*)(*@\HLJLni{2}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{end}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) +(*@\HLJLk{end}@*) + +(*@\HLJLn{n}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLni{100}@*) +(*@\HLJLn{x}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{randn}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{n}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) +(*@\HLJLnf{sumsq}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) +\end{lstlisting} + +\begin{lstlisting} +103.37928495486999 +\end{lstlisting} + + +Each step of this algorithm consists of one memory look-up (\texttt{z = x[k]}), one multiplication (\texttt{w = z*z}) and one addition (\texttt{ret = ret + w}). We will ignore the memory look-up in the following discussion. The number of CPU operations per step is therefore 2 (the addition and multiplication). Thus the total number of CPU operations is $2n$. But the constant $2$ here is misleading: we didn't count the memory look-up, thus it is more sensible to just talk about the asymptotic complexity, that is, the \emph{computational cost} is $O(n)$. + +Now consider a double sum like: + +\[ +\sum_{k=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^k x_j^2 +\] +which we might implement as: + + +\begin{lstlisting} +(*@\HLJLk{function}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{sumsq2}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{n}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{length}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnfB{0.0}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{for}@*) (*@\HLJLn{k}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLni{1}@*)(*@\HLJLoB{:}@*)(*@\HLJLn{n}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{for}@*) (*@\HLJLn{j}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLni{1}@*)(*@\HLJLoB{:}@*)(*@\HLJLn{k}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{+}@*) (*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{[}@*)(*@\HLJLn{j}@*)(*@\HLJLp{]}@*)(*@\HLJLoB{{\textasciicircum}}@*)(*@\HLJLni{2}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{end}@*) + (*@\HLJLk{end}@*) + (*@\HLJLn{ret}@*) +(*@\HLJLk{end}@*) + +(*@\HLJLn{n}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLni{100}@*) +(*@\HLJLn{x}@*) (*@\HLJLoB{=}@*) (*@\HLJLnf{randn}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{n}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) +(*@\HLJLnf{sumsq2}@*)(*@\HLJLp{(}@*)(*@\HLJLn{x}@*)(*@\HLJLp{)}@*) +\end{lstlisting} + +\begin{lstlisting} +4309.772948636952 +\end{lstlisting} + + +Now the inner loop is $O(1)$ operations (we don't try to count the precise number), which we do $k$ times for $O(k)$ operations as $k \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \ensuremath{\infty}$. The outer loop therefore takes + +\[ +\ensuremath{\sum}_{k = 1}^n O(k) = O\left(\ensuremath{\sum}_{k = 1}^n k\right) = O\left( {n (n+1) \over 2} \right) = O(n^2) +\] +operations. + + + +\end{document} diff --git a/src/MATH50003NumericalAnalysis.jl b/src/MATH50003NumericalAnalysis.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7cc311 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/MATH50003NumericalAnalysis.jl @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +using Weave + +nkwds = (out_path="notebooks/", doctype = "md2pdf") +pkwds = (out_path="sheets/", jupyter_path="$(homedir())/.julia/conda/3/bin/jupyter", nbconvert_options="--allow-errors --clear-output") +skwds = (out_path="sheets/", jupyter_path="$(homedir())/.julia/conda/3/bin/jupyter", nbconvert_options="--allow-errors") +ekwds = (out_path="exams/", jupyter_path="$(homedir())/.julia/conda/3/bin/jupyter", nbconvert_options="--allow-errors --clear-output") +eskwds = (out_path="exams/", jupyter_path="$(homedir())/.julia/conda/3/bin/jupyter", nbconvert_options="--allow-errors") + +## +# notes +## + +weave("src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd"; nkwds...) + + +notebook("src/Julia.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/Asymptotics.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/SpectralTheorem.jmd"; nkwds...) + +notebook("src/Numbers.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/Differentiation.jmd"; nkwds...) + +notebook("src/StructuredMatrices.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/Decompositions.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/SingularValues.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/DifferentialEquations.jmd"; nkwds...) + +notebook("src/Fourier.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/OrthogonalPolynomials.jmd"; nkwds...) +notebook("src/Quadrature.jmd"; nkwds...) + +notebook("src/Applications.jmd"; nkwds...) + + +## +# problem sheets +## + +notebook("src/week1.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/week2.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/week4.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/week5.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/week9.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/week10.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/advanced1.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/advanced2.jmd"; pkwds...) +notebook("src/advanced3.jmd"; pkwds...) + +## +# solutions +### + +notebook("src/week1s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week2s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week3s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week4s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week5s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week6s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week7s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week8s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week9s.jmd"; skwds...) +notebook("src/week10s.jmd"; skwds...) + + +## +# exams +## + +notebook("src/practice.jmd"; ekwds...) +notebook("src/practices.jmd"; eskwds...) +notebook("src/computerexam.jmd"; ekwds...) +notebook("src/computerexams.jmd"; ekwds...) + +## +# extras +## + +notebook("src/juliasheet.jmd"; skwds...) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd b/src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1fc9b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/notes/Asymptotics.jmd @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +# A Asymptotics and Computational Cost + +We introduce Big-O, little-o and asymptotic notation and see +how they can be used to describe computational cost. + +1. Asymptotics as $n → ∞$ +2. Asymptotics as $x → x_0$ +3. Computational cost + +## 1. Asymptotics as $n → ∞$ + +Big-O, little-o, and "asymptotic to" are used to describe behaviour of functions +at infinity. + +**Definition (Big-O)** +$$ +f(n) = O(ϕ(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n → ∞$)} +$$ +means +$$ +\left|{f(n) \over ϕ(n)}\right| +$$ +is bounded for sufficiently large $n$. That is, +there exist constants $C$ and $N_0$ such +that, for all $n \geq N_0$, $|{f(n) \over ϕ(n)}| \leq C$. + +**Definition (little-O)** +$$ +f(n) = o(ϕ(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n → ∞$)} +$$ +means +$$ +\lim_{n → ∞} {f(n) \over ϕ(n)} = 0. +$$ + +**Definition (asymptotic to)** +$$ +f(n) ∼ ϕ(n) \qquad \hbox{(as $n → ∞$)} +$$ +means +$$ +\lim_{n → ∞} {f(n) \over ϕ(n)} = 1. +$$ + +**Examples** +$$ +{\cos n \over n^2 -1} = O(n^{-2}) +$$ +as +$$ +\left|{{\cos n \over n^2 -1} \over n^{-2}} \right| \leq \left| n^2 \over n^2 -1 \right| \leq 2 +$$ +for $n \geq N_0 = 2$. +$$ +\log n = o(n) +$$ +as +$$ +lim_{n → ∞} {\log n \over n} = 0. +$$ +$$ +n^2 + 1 ∼ n^2 +$$ +as +$$ +{n^2 +1 \over n^2} → 1. +$$ + + +Note we sometimes write $f(O(ϕ(n)))$ for a function of the form +$f(g(n))$ such that $g(n) = O(ϕ(n))$. + +### Rules + +We have some simple algebraic rules: + +**Proposition (Big-O rules)** +$$ +\begin{align*} +O(ϕ(n))O(ψ(n)) = O(ϕ(n)ψ(n)) \qquad \hbox{(as $n → ∞$)} \\ +O(ϕ(n)) + O(ψ(n)) = O(|ϕ(n)| + |ψ(n)|) \qquad \hbox{(as $n → ∞$)}. +\end{align*} +$$ + + +## 2. Asymptotics as $x → x_0$ + +We also have Big-O, little-o and "asymptotic to" at a point: + +**Definition (Big-O)** +$$ +f(x) = O(ϕ(x)) \qquad \hbox{(as $x → x_0$)} +$$ +means +$$ +|f(x) \over ϕ(x)| +$$ +is bounded in a neighbourhood of $x_0$. That is, +there exist constants $C$ and $r$ such +that, for all $0 \leq |x - x_0| \leq r$, $|{f(x) \over ϕ(x)}| \leq C$. + +**Definition (little-O)** +$$ +f(x) = o(ϕ(x)) \qquad \hbox{(as $x → x_0$)} +$$ +means +$$ +\lim_{x → x_0} {f(x) \over ϕ(x)} = 0. +$$ + +**Definition (asymptotic to)** +$$ +f(x) ∼ ϕ(x) \qquad \hbox{(as $x → x_0$)} +$$ +means +$$ +\lim_{x → x_0} {f(x) \over ϕ(x)} = 1. +$$ + +**Example** +$$ +\exp x = 1 + x + O(x^2) \qquad \hbox{as $x → 0$} +$$ +Since +$$ +\exp x = 1 + x + {\exp t \over 2} x^2 +$$ +for some $t \in [0,x]$ and +$$ +\left|{{\exp t \over 2} x^2 \over x^2}\right| \leq {3 \over 2} +$$ +provided $x \leq 1$. + + +## 3. Computational cost + +We will use Big-O notation to describe the computational cost of algorithms. +Consider the following simple sum +$$ +\sum_{k=1}^n x_k^2 +$$ +which we might implement as: +```julia +function sumsq(x) + n = length(x) + ret = 0.0 + for k = 1:n + ret = ret + x[k]^2 + end + ret +end + +n = 100 +x = randn(n) +sumsq(x) +``` +Each step of this algorithm consists of one memory look-up (`z = x[k]`), +one multiplication (`w = z*z`) and one addition (`ret = ret + w`). +We will ignore the memory look-up in the following discussion. +The number of CPU operations per step is therefore 2 (the addition and multiplication). +Thus the total number of CPU operations is $2n$. But the constant $2$ here is +misleading: we didn't count the memory look-up, thus it is more sensible to +just talk about the asymptotic complexity, that is, the _computational cost_ is $O(n)$. + +Now consider a double sum like: +$$ +\sum_{k=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^k x_j^2 +$$ +which we might implement as: +```julia +function sumsq2(x) + n = length(x) + ret = 0.0 + for k = 1:n + for j = 1:k + ret = ret + x[j]^2 + end + end + ret +end + +n = 100 +x = randn(n) +sumsq2(x) +``` + +Now the inner loop is $O(1)$ operations (we don't try to count the precise number), +which we do $k$ times for $O(k)$ operations as $k → ∞$. The outer loop therefore takes +$$ +∑_{k = 1}^n O(k) = O\left(∑_{k = 1}^n k\right) = O\left( {n (n+1) \over 2} \right) = O(n^2) +$$ +operations. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/notes/Numbers.jmd b/src/notes/Numbers.jmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9327028 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/notes/Numbers.jmd @@ -0,0 +1,738 @@ +# Numbers + + +Reference: [Overton]( + +In this chapter, we introduce the [Two's-complement]('s_complement) +storage for integers and the +[IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic]( +There are many possible ways of representing real numbers on a computer, as well as +the precise behaviour of operations such as addition, multiplication, etc. +Before the 1980s each processor had potentially a different representation for +real numbers, as well as different behaviour for operations. +IEEE introduced in 1985 was a means to standardise this across +processors so that algorithms would produce consistent and reliable results. + +This chapter may seem very low level for a mathematics course but there are +two important reasons to understand the behaviour of integers and floating-point numbers: +1. Integer arithmetic can suddenly start giving wrong negative answers when numbers +become large. +2. Floating-point arithmetic is very precisely defined, and can even be used +in rigorous computations as we shall see in the problem sheets. But it is not exact +and its important to understand how errors in computations can accumulate. +3. Failure to understand floating-point arithmetic can cause catastrophic issues +in practice, with the extreme example being the +[explosion of the Ariane 5 rocket]( + + +In this chapter we discuss the following: + +1. Binary representation: Any real number can be represented in binary, that is, +by an infinite sequence of 0s and 1s (bits). We review binary representation. +2. Integers: There are multiple ways of representing integers on a computer. We discuss the +the different types of integers and their representation as bits, and how arithmetic operations behave +like modular arithmetic. As an advanced topic we discuss `BigInt`, which uses variable bit length storage. +2. Floating-point numbers: Real numbers are stored on a computer with a finite number of bits. +There are three types of floating-point numbers: _normal numbers_, _subnormal numbers_, and _special numbers_. +3. Arithmetic: Arithmetic operations in floating-point are exact up to rounding, and how the +rounding mode can be set. This allows us to bound errors computations. +4. High-precision floating-point numbers: As an advanced topic, we discuss how the precision of floating-point arithmetic can be increased arbitrary +using `BigFloat`. + +Before we begin, we load two external packages. SetRounding.jl allows us +to set the rounding mode of floating-point arithmetic. ColorBitstring.jl + implements functions `printbits` (and `printlnbits`) +which print the bits (and with a newline) of floating-point numbers in colour. +```julia +using SetRounding, ColorBitstring +``` + + + +## 1. Binary representation + +Any integer can be presented in binary format, that is, a sequence of `0`s and `1`s. + +**Definition** +For $B_0,\ldots,B_p \in \{0,1\}$ denote a non-negative integer in _binary format_ by: +$$ +(B_p\ldots B_1B_0)_2 := 2^pB_p + \cdots + 2B_1 + B_0 +$$ +For $b_1,b_2,\ldots \in \{0,1\}$, Denote a non-negative real number in _binary format_ by: +$$ +(B_p \ldots B_0.b_1b_2b_3\ldots)_2 = (B_p \ldots B_0)_2 + {b_1 \over 2} + {b_2 \over 2^2} + {b_3 \over 2^3} + \cdots +$$ + + + +First we show some examples of verifying a numbers binary representation: + +**Example (integer in binary)** +A simple integer example is $5 = 2^2 + 2^0 = (101)_2$. + +**Example (rational in binary)** +Consider the number `1/3`. In decimal recall that: +$$ +1/3 = 0.3333\ldots = \sum_{k=1}^\infty {3 \over 10^k} +$$ +We will see that in binary +$$ +1/3 = (0.010101\ldots)_2 = \sum_{k=1}^\infty {1 \over 2^{2k}} +$$ +Both results can be proven using the geometric series: +$$ +\sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k = {1 \over 1 - z} +$$ +provided $|z| < 1$. That is, with $z = {1 \over 4}$ we verify the binary expansion: +$$ +\sum_{k=1}^\infty {1 \over 4^k} = {1 \over 1 - 1/4} - 1 = {1 \over 3} +$$ +A similar argument with $z = 1/10$ shows the decimal case. + + + +## 2. Integers + + +On a computer one typically represents integers by a finite number of $p$ bits, +with $2^p$ possible combinations of 0s and 1s. For _unsigned integers_ (non-negative integers) +these bits are just the first $p$ binary digits: $(B_{p-1}\ldots B_1B_0)_2$. + +Integers on a computer follow [modular arithmetic]( + +**Definition (ring of integers modulo $m$)** Denote the ring +$$ +{\mathbb Z}_{m} := \{0 \ ({\rm mod}\ m), 1 \ ({\rm mod}\ m), \ldots, m-1 \ ({\rm mod}\ m) \} +$$ + +Integers represented with $p$-bits on a computer actually +represent elements of ${\mathbb Z}_{2^p}$ and integer arithmetic on a computer is +equivalent to arithmetic modulo $2^p$. + +**Example (addition of 8-bit unsigned integers)** Consider the addition of +two 8-bit numbers: +$$ +255 + 1 = (11111111)_2 + (00000001)_2 = (100000000)_2 = 256 +$$ +The result is impossible to store in just 8-bits! It is way too slow +for a computer to increase the number of bits, or to throw an error (checks are slow). +So instead it treats the integers as elements of ${\mathbb Z}_{256}$: +$$ +255 + 1 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) = (00000000)_2 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) = 0 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) +$$ +We can see this in Julia: +```julia +x = UInt8(255) +y = UInt8(1) +printbits(x); println(" + "); printbits(y); println(" = ") +printbits(x + y) +``` + + +**Example (multiplication of 8-bit unsigned integers)** +Multiplication works similarly: for example, +$$ +254 * 2 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) = 252 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) = (11111100)_2 \ ({\rm mod}\ 256) +$$ +We can see this behaviour in code by printing the bits: +```julia +x = UInt8(254) # 254 represented in 8-bits as an unsigned integer +y = UInt8(2) # 2 represented in 8-bits as an unsigned integer +printbits(x); println(" * "); printbits(y); println(" = ") +printbits(x * y) +``` + +### Signed integer + +Signed integers use the [Two's complemement]( +convention. The convention is if the first bit is 1 then the number is negative: the number $2^p - y$ +is interpreted as $-y$. +Thus for $p = 8$ we are interpreting +$2^7$ through $2^8-1$ as negative numbers. + +**Example (converting bits to signed integers)** +What 8-bit integer has the bits `01001001`? Adding the corresponding decimal places we get: +```julia +2^0 + 2^3 + 2^6 +``` +What 8-bit (signed) integer has the bits `11001001`? Because the first bit is `1` we know it's a negative +number, hence we need to sum the bits but then subtract `2^p`: +```julia +2^0 + 2^3 + 2^6 + 2^7 - 2^8 +``` +We can check the results using `printbits`: +```julia +printlnbits(Int8(73)) +printbits(-Int8(55)) +``` + +Arithmetic works precisely +the same for signed and unsigned integers. + +**Example (addition of 8-bit integers)** +Consider `(-1) + 1` in 8-bit arithmetic. The number $-1$ has the same bits as +$2^8 - 1 = 255$. Thus this is equivalent to the previous question and we get the correct +result of `0`. In other words: +$$ +-1 + 1 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = 2^p-1 + 1 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = 2^p \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = 0 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) +$$ + + +**Example (multiplication of 8-bit integers)** +Consider `(-2) * 2`. $-2$ has the same bits as $2^{256} - 2 = 254$ and $-4$ has the +same bits as $2^{256}-4 = 252$, and hence from the previous example we get the correct result of `-4`. +In other words: +$$ +(-2) * 2 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = (2^p-2) * 2 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = 2^{p+1}-4 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) = -4 \ ({\rm mod}\ 2^p) +$$ + + + + + +**Example (overflow)** We can find the largest and smallest instances of a type using `typemax` and `typemin`: +```julia +printlnbits(typemax(Int8)) # 2^7-1 = 127 +printbits(typemin(Int8)) # -2^7 = -128 +``` +As explained, due to modular arithmetic, when we add `1` to the largest 8-bit integer we get the smallest: +```julia +typemax(Int8) + Int8(1) # returns typemin(Int8) +``` +This behaviour is often not desired and is known as _overflow_, and one must be wary +of using integers close to their largest value. + + +### Variable bit representation (**advanced**) + +An alternative representation for integers uses a variable number of bits, +with the advantage of avoiding overflow but with the disadvantage of a substantial +speed penalty. In Julia these are `BigInt`s, which we can create by calling `big` on an +integer: +```julia +x = typemax(Int64) + big(1) # Too big to be an `Int64` +``` +Note in this case addition automatically promotes an `Int64` to a `BigInt`. +We can create very large numbers using `BigInt`: +```julia +x^100 +``` +Note the number of bits is not fixed, the larger the number, the more bits required +to represent it, so while overflow is impossible, it is possible to run out of memory if a number is +astronomically large: go ahead and try `x^x` (at your own risk). + + +## Division + + In addition to `+`, `-`, and `*` we have integer division `÷`, which rounds down: +```julia +5 ÷ 2 # equivalent to div(5,2) +``` +Standard division `/` (or `\` for division on the right) creates a floating-point number, +which will be discussed shortly: +```julia +5 / 2 # alternatively 2 \ 5 +``` + + We can also create rational numbers using `//`: +```julia +(1//2) + (3//4) +``` +Rational arithmetic often leads to overflow so it +is often best to combine `big` with rationals: +```julia +big(102324)//132413023 + 23434545//4243061 + 23434545//42430534435 +``` + +## 3. Floating-point numbers + +Floating-point numbers are a subset of real numbers that are representable using +a fixed number of bits. + +**Definition (floating-point numbers)** +Given integers $σ$ (the "exponential shift") $Q$ (the number of exponent bits) and +$S$ (the precision), define the set of +_Floating-point numbers_ by dividing into _normal_, _sub-normal_, and _special number_ subsets: +$$ +F_{σ,Q,S} := F^{\rm normal}_{σ,Q,S} \cup F^{\rm sub}_{σ,Q,S} \cup F^{\rm special}. +$$ +The _normal numbers_ +$F^{\rm normal}_{σ,Q,S} \subset {\mathbb R}$ are defined by +$$ +F^{\rm normal}_{σ,Q,S} = \{\pm 2^{q-σ} \times (1.b_1b_2b_3\ldots b_S)_2 : 1 \leq q < 2^Q-1 \}. +$$ +The _sub-normal numbers_ $F^{\rm sub}_{σ,Q,S} \subset {\mathbb R}$ are defined as +$$ +F^{\rm sub}_{σ,Q,S} = \{\pm 2^{1-σ} \times (0.b_1b_2b_3\ldots b_S)_2\}. +$$ +The _special numbers_ $F^{\rm special} \not\subset {\mathbb R}$ are defined later. + +Note this set of real numbers has no nice algebraic structure: it is not closed under addition, subtraction, etc. +We will therefore need to define approximate versions of algebraic operations later. + +Floating-point numbers are stored in $1 + Q + S$ total number of bits, in the format +$$ +sq_{Q-1}\ldots q_0 b_1 \ldots b_S +$$ +The first bit ($s$) is the sign bit: 0 means positive and 1 means +negative. The bits $q_{Q-1}\ldots q_0$ are the exponent bits: +they are the binary digits of the unsigned integer $q$: +$$ +q = (q_{Q-1}\ldots q_0)_2. +$$ +Finally, the bits $b_1\ldots b_S$ are the significand bits. +If $1 \leq q < 2^Q-1$ then the bits represent the normal number +$$ +x = \pm 2^{q-σ} \times (1.b_1b_2b_3\ldots b_S)_2. +$$ +If $q = 0$ (i.e. all bits are 0) then the bits represent the sub-normal number +$$ +x = \pm 2^{1-σ} \times (0.b_1b_2b_3\ldots b_S)_2. +$$ +If $q = 2^Q-1$ (i.e. all bits are 1) then the bits represent a special number, discussed +later. + + +### IEEE floating-point numbers + +**Definition (IEEE floating-point numbers)** +IEEE has 3 standard floating-point formats: 16-bit (half precision), 32-bit (single precision) and +64-bit (double precision) defined by: +$$ +\begin{align*} +F_{16} &:= F_{15,5,10} \\ +F_{32} &:= F_{127,8,23} \\ +F_{64} &:= F_{1023,11,52} +\end{align*} +$$ + +In Julia these correspond to 3 different floating-point types: + +1. `Float64` is a type representing double precision ($F_{64}$). +We can create a `Float64` by including a +decimal point when writing the number: +`1.0` is a `Float64`. `Float64` is the default format for +scientific computing (on the _Floating-Point Unit_, FPU). +2. `Float32` is a type representing single precision ($F_{32}$). We can create a `Float32` by including a +`f0` when writing the number: +`1f0` is a `Float32`. `Float32` is generally the default format for graphics (on the _Graphics Processing Unit_, GPU), +as the difference between 32 bits and 64 bits is indistinguishable to the eye in visualisation, +and more data can be fit into a GPU's limitted memory. +3. `Float16` is a type representing half-precision ($F_{16}$). +It is important in machine learning where one wants to maximise the amount of data +and high accuracy is not necessarily helpful. + + +**Example (rational in `Float32`)** How is the number $1/3$ stored in `Float32`? +Recall that +$$ +1/3 = (0.010101\ldots)_2 = 2^{-2} (1.0101\ldots)_2 = 2^{125-127} (1.0101\ldots)_2 +$$ +and since $ +125 = (1111101)_2 +$ the exponent bits are `01111101`. +. +For the significand we round the last bit to the nearest element of $F_{32}$, (this is explained in detail in +the section on rounding), so we have +$$ +1.010101010101010101010101\ldots \approx 1.01010101010101010101011 \in F_{32} +$$ +and the significand bits are `01010101010101010101011`. +Thus the `Float32` bits for $1/3$ are: +```julia +printbits(1f0/3) +``` + + +For sub-normal numbers, the simplest example is zero, which has $q=0$ and all significand bits zero: +```julia +printbits(0.0) +``` +Unlike integers, we also have a negative zero: +```julia +printbits(-0.0) +``` +This is treated as identical to `0.0` (except for degenerate operations as explained in special numbers). + + + +### Special normal numbers + +When dealing with normal numbers there are some important constants that we will use +to bound errors. + +**Definition (machine epsilon/smallest positive normal number/largest normal number)** _Machine epsilon_ is denoted +$$ +ϵ_{{\rm m},S} := 2^{-S}. +$$ +When $S$ is implied by context we use the notation $ϵ_{\rm m}$. +The _smallest positive normal number_ is $q = 1$ and $b_k$ all zero: +$$ +\min |F_{σ,Q,S}^{\rm normal}| = 2^{1-σ} +$$ +where $|A| := $\{|x| : x \in A \}$. +The _largest (positive) normal number_ is +$$ +\max F_{σ,Q,S}^{\rm normal} = 2^{2^Q-2-σ} (1.11\ldots1)_2 = 2^{2^Q-2-σ} (2-ϵ_{\rm m}) +$$ + + +We confirm the simple bit representations: +```julia +σ,Q,S = 127,23,8 # Float32 +εₘ = 2.0^(-S) +printlnbits(Float32(2.0^(1-σ))) # smallest positive Float32 +printlnbits(Float32(2.0^(2^Q-2-σ) * (2-εₘ))) # largest Float32 +``` +For a given floating-point type, we can find these constants using the following functions: +```julia +eps(Float32),floatmin(Float32),floatmax(Float32) +``` + +**Example (creating a sub-normal number)** If we divide the smallest normal number by two, we get a subnormal number: +```julia +mn = floatmin(Float32) # smallest normal Float32 +printlnbits(mn) +printbits(mn/2) +``` +Can you explain the bits? + + + + +### Special numbers + +The special numbers extend the real line by adding $\pm \infty$ but also a notion of "not-a-number". + +**Definition (not a number)** +Let ${\rm NaN}$ represent "not a number" and define +$$ +F^{\rm special} := \{\infty, -\infty, {\rm NaN}\} +$$ + +Whenever the bits of $q$ of a floating-point number are all 1 then they represent an element of $F^{\rm special}$. +If all $b_k=0$, then the number represents either $\pm\infty$, called `Inf` and `-Inf` for 64-bit floating-point numbers (or `Inf16`, `Inf32` +for 16-bit and 32-bit, respectively): +```julia +printlnbits(Inf16) +printbits(-Inf16) +``` +All other special floating-point numbers represent ${\rm NaN}$. One particular representation of ${\rm NaN}$ +is denoted by `NaN` for 64-bit floating-point numbers (or `NaN16`, `NaN32` for 16-bit and 32-bit, respectively): +```julia +printbits(NaN16) +``` +These are needed for undefined algebraic operations such as: +```julia +0/0 +``` + + +**Example (many `NaN`s)** What happens if we change some other $b_k$ to be nonzero? +We can create bits as a string and see: +```julia +i = parse(UInt16, "0111110000010001"; base=2) +reinterpret(Float16, i) +``` +Thus, there are more than one `NaN`s on a computer. + + +## 4. Arithmetic + + +Arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers are _exact up to rounding_. +There are three basic rounding strategies: round up/down/nearest. +Mathematically we introduce a function to capture the notion of rounding: + +**Definition (rounding)** ${\rm fl}^{\rm up}_{σ,Q,S} : \mathbb R \rightarrow F_{σ,Q,S}$ denotes +the function that rounds a real number up to the nearest floating-point number that is greater or equal. +${\rm fl}^{\rm down}_{σ,Q,S} : \mathbb R \rightarrow F_{σ,Q,S}$ denotes +the function that rounds a real number down to the nearest floating-point number that is greater or equal. +${\rm fl}^{\rm nearest}_{σ,Q,S} : \mathbb R \rightarrow F_{σ,Q,S}$ denotes +the function that rounds a real number to the nearest floating-point number. In case of a tie, +it returns the floating-point number whose least significant bit is equal to zero. +We use the notation ${\rm fl}$ when $σ,Q,S$ and the rounding mode are implied by context, +with ${\rm fl}^{\rm nearest}$ being the default rounding mode. + + + +In Julia, the rounding mode is specified by tags `RoundUp`, `RoundDown`, and +`RoundNearest`. (There are also more exotic rounding strategies `RoundToZero`, `RoundNearestTiesAway` and +`RoundNearestTiesUp` that we won't use.) + + + +**WARNING (rounding performance, advanced)** These rounding modes are part +of the FPU instruction set so will be (roughly) equally fast as the default, `RoundNearest`. +Unfortunately, changing the rounding mode is expensive, and is not thread-safe. + + + + +Let's try rounding a `Float64` to a `Float32`. + +```julia +printlnbits(1/3) # 64 bits +printbits(Float32(1/3)) # round to nearest 32-bit +``` +The default rounding mode can be changed: +```julia +printbits(Float32(1/3,RoundDown) ) +``` +Or alternatively we can change the rounding mode for a chunk of code +using `setrounding`. The following computes upper and lower bounds for `/`: +```julia +x = 1f0 +setrounding(Float32, RoundDown) do + x/3 +end, +setrounding(Float32, RoundUp) do + x/3 +end +``` + +**WARNING (compiled constants, advanced)**: Why did we first create a variable `x` instead of typing `1f0/3`? +This is due to a very subtle issue where the compiler is _too clever for it's own good_: +it recognises `1f0/3` can be computed at compile time, but failed to recognise the rounding mode +was changed. + +In IEEE arithmetic, the arithmetic operations `+`, `-`, `*`, `/` are defined by the property +that they are exact up to rounding. Mathematically we denote these operations as follows: +$$ +\begin{align*} +x\oplus y &:= {\rm fl}(x+y) \\ +x\ominus y &:= {\rm fl}(x - y) \\ +x\otimes y &:= {\rm fl}(x * y) \\ +x\oslash y &:= {\rm fl}(x / y) +\end{align*} +$$ +Note also that `^` and `sqrt` are similarly exact up to rounding. + + +**Example (decimal is not exact)** `1.1+0.1` gives a different result than `1.2`: +```julia +x = 1.1 +y = 0.1 +x + y - 1.2 # Not Zero?!? +``` +This is because ${\rm fl}(1.1) \neq 1+1/10$, but rather: +$$ +{\rm fl}(1.1) = 1 + 2^{-4}+2^{-5} + 2^{-8}+2^{-9}+\cdots + 2^{-48}+2^{-49} + 2^{-51} +$$ + +**WARNING (non-associative)** These operations are not associative! E.g. $(x \oplus y) \oplus z$ is not necessarily equal to $x \oplus (y \oplus z)$. +Commutativity is preserved, at least. +Here is a surprising example of non-associativity: +```julia +(1.1 + 1.2) + 1.3, 1.1 + (1.2 + 1.3) +``` +Can you explain this in terms of bits? + + +### Bounding errors in floating point arithmetic + +Before we dicuss bounds on errors, we need to talk about the two notions of errors: + +**Definition (absolute/relative error)** If $\tilde x = x + δ_{rm a} = x (1 + δ_{\rm r})$ then +$|δ_{\rm a}|$ is called the _absolute error_ and $|δ_{\rm r}|$ is called the +_relative error_ in approximating $x$ by $\tilde x$. + +We can bound the error of basic arithmetic operations in terms of machine epsilon, provided +a real number is close to a normal number: + +**Definition (normalised range)** The _normalised range_ ${\cal N}_{σ,Q,S} \subset {\mathbb R}$ +is the subset of real numbers that lies +between the smallest and largest normal floating-point number: +$$ +{\cal N}_{σ,Q,S} := \{x : \min |F_{σ,Q,S}| \leq |x| \leq \max F_{σ,Q,S} \} +$$ +When $σ,Q,S$ are implied by context we use the notation ${\cal N}$. + +We can use machine epsilon to determine bounds on rounding: + +**Proposition (rounding arithmetic)** +If $x \in {\cal N}$ then +$$ +{\rm fl}^{\rm mode}(x) = x (1 + \delta_x^{\rm mode}) +$$ +where the _relative error_ is +$$ +\begin{align*} +|\delta_x^{\rm nearest}| &\leq {ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2} \\ +|\delta_x^{\rm up/down}| &< {ϵ_{\rm m}}. +\end{align*} +$$ + + +This immediately implies relative error bounds on all IEEE arithmetic operations, e.g., +if $x+y \in {\cal N}$ then +we have +$$ +x \oplus y = (x+y) (1 + \delta_1) +$$ +where (assuming the default nearest rounding) +$ +|\delta_1| \leq {ϵ_{\rm m} \over 2}. +$ + +**Example (bounding a simple computation)** We show how to bound the error in computing +$$ +(1.1 + 1.2) + 1.3 +$$ +using floating-point arithmetic. First note that `1.1` on a computer is in +fact ${\rm fl}(1.1)$. Thus this computation becomes +$$ +({\rm fl}(1.1) \oplus {\rm fl}(1.2)) \oplus {\rm fl}(1.3) +$$ +First we find +$$ +({\rm fl}(1.1) \oplus {\rm fl}(1.2)) = (1.1(1 + δ_1) + 1.2 (1+δ_2))(1 + δ_3) + = 2.3 + 1.1 δ_1 + 1.2 δ_2 + 2.3 δ_3 + 1.1 δ_1 δ_3 + 1.2 δ_2 δ_3 + = 2.3 + δ_4 + $$ +where (note $δ_1 δ_3$ and $δ_2 δ_3$ are tiny so we just round up our bound to the nearest decimal) +$$ +|δ_4| \leq 2.3 ϵ_{\rm m} +$$ +Thus the computation becomes +$$ +((2.3 + δ_4) + 1.3 (1 + δ_5)) (1 + δ_6) = 3.6 + δ_4 + 1.3 δ_5 + 3.6 δ_6 + δ_4 δ_6 + 1.3 δ_5 δ_6 = 3.6 + δ_7 +$$ +where the _absolute error_ is +$$ +|δ_7| \leq 4.8 ϵ_{\rm m} +$$ +Indeed, this bound is bigger than the observed error: +```julia +abs(3.6 - (1.1+1.2+1.3)), 4.8eps() +``` + + +### Arithmetic and special numbers + +Arithmetic works differently on `Inf` and `NaN` and for undefined operations. +In particular we have: +```julia +1/0.0 # Inf +1/(-0.0) # -Inf +0.0/0.0 # NaN + +Inf*0 # NaN +Inf+5 # Inf +(-1)*Inf # -Inf +1/Inf # 0.0 +1/(-Inf) # -0.0 +Inf - Inf # NaN +Inf == Inf # true +Inf == -Inf # false + +NaN*0 # NaN +NaN+5 # NaN +1/NaN # NaN +NaN == NaN # false +NaN != NaN # true +``` + + +### Special functions (advanced) + +Other special functions like `cos`, `sin`, `exp`, etc. are _not_ part of the IEEE standard. +Instead, they are implemented by composing the basic arithmetic operations, which accumulate +errors. Fortunately many are designed to have _relative accuracy_, that is, `s = sin(x)` +(that is, the Julia implementation of $\sin x$) satisfies +$$ +{\tt s} = (\sin x) ( 1 + \delta) +$$ +where $|\delta| < cϵ_{\rm m}$ for a reasonably small $c > 0$, +_provided_ that $x \in {\rm F}^{\rm normal}$. +Note these special functions are written in (advanced) Julia code, for example, +[sin]( + + +**WARNING (sin(fl(x)) is not always close to sin(x))** This is possibly a misleading statement +when one thinks of $x$ as a real number. Consider $x = \pi$ so that $\sin x = 0$. +However, as ${\rm fl}(\pi) \neq \pi$. Thus we only have relative accuracy compared +to the floating point approximation: +```julia +π₆₄ = Float64(π) +πᵦ = big(π₆₄) # Convert 64-bit approximation of π to higher precision. Note its the same number. +abs(sin(π₆₄)), abs(sin(π₆₄) - sin(πᵦ)) # only has relative accuracy compared to sin(πᵦ), not sin(π) +``` +Another issue is when $x$ is very large: +```julia +ε = eps() # machine epsilon, 2^(-52) +x = 2*10.0^100 +abs(sin(x) - sin(big(x))) ≤ abs(sin(big(x))) * ε +``` +But if we instead compute `10^100` using `BigFloat` we get a completely different +answer that even has the wrong sign! +```julia +x̃ = 2*big(10.0)^100 +sin(x), sin(x̃) +``` +This is because we commit an error on the order of roughly +$$ +2 * 10^{100} * ϵ_{\rm m} \approx 4.44 * 10^{84} +$$ +when we round $2*10^{100}$ to the nearest float. + + +**Example (polynomial near root)** +For general functions we do not generally have relative accuracy. +For example, consider a simple +polynomial $1 + 4x + x^2$ which has a root at $\sqrt 3 - 2$. But +```julia +f = x -> 1 + 4x + x^2 +x = sqrt(3) - 2 +abserr = abs(f(big(x)) - f(x)) +relerr = abserr/abs(f(x)) +abserr, relerr # very large relative error +``` +We can see this in the error bound (note that $4x$ is exact for floating point numbers +and adding $1$ is exact for this particular $x$): +$$ +(x \otimes x \oplus 4x) + 1 = (x^2 (1 + \delta_1) + 4x)(1+\delta_2) + 1 = x^2 + 4x + 1 + \delta_1 x^2 + 4x \delta_2 + x^2 \delta_1 \delta_2 +$$ +Using a simple bound $|x| < 1$ we get a (pessimistic) bound on the absolute error of +$3 ϵ_{\rm m}$. Here `f(x)` itself is less than $2 ϵ_{\rm m}$ so this does not imply +relative accuracy. (Of course, a bad upper bound is not the same as a proof of inaccuracy, +but here we observe the inaccuracy in practice.) + + + + + + +## 5. High-precision floating-point numbers (advanced) + +It is possible to set the precision of a floating-point number +using the `BigFloat` type, which results from the usage of `big` +when the result is not an integer. +For example, here is an approximation of 1/3 accurate +to 77 decimal digits: +```julia +big(1)/3 +``` +Note we can set the rounding mode as in `Float64`, e.g., +this gives (rigorous) bounds on +`1/3`: +```julia +setrounding(BigFloat, RoundDown) do + big(1)/3 +end, setrounding(BigFloat, RoundUp) do + big(1)/3 +end +``` +We can also increase the precision, e.g., this finds bounds on `1/3` accurate to +more than 1000 decimal places: +```julia +setprecision(4_000) do # 4000 bit precision + setrounding(BigFloat, RoundDown) do + big(1)/3 + end, setrounding(BigFloat, RoundUp) do + big(1)/3 + end +end +``` +In the problem sheet we shall see how this can be used to rigorously bound ${\rm e}$, +accurate to 1000 digits. \ No newline at end of file