Releases: IUrreta/DatabaseEditor
Releases · IUrreta/DatabaseEditor
Database Editor 2.1.14
New features
- Driver/Staff nationalities shown in attributes tab
- In hte contraccts tab, added an icon on the top left of every driver/staff that redirects the used to its attribute page for faster editing
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that would cause a F2 driver moved into an affiliate role of a F1 team to lose his place in F2
Full Changelog: 2.1.11...2.1.14
Database Editor 2.1.11
- Cost cap in F1 Manager 24 saves now will be edited propperly and visible in the cost cap screen (haven't tested F1M23 saves)
- Added possibility to have 24 races long calendar in F1 Manager 24 saves (previously it wouldn' let you add a 24th race if you deleted one)
Full Changelog: 2.1.10...2.1.11
Database Editor 2.1.10
- The performance graph now shows drops in performances. Before, it would show the upper bound for every team, now it shows their latest designs
- Easier to see values inside graphs
Bug fixed
- Fixed a bug that caused staff to appear in driver standings
- Fixed a crash that would happen when adding a race into the calendar
- Fixed a crash that would happen if an edited car stat was set to the minimum
Full Changelog: 2.1.8...2.1.10
Database Editor 2.1.8
New features
- Added button to add new parts in stead of editing the performance of already existing one in the performance tab
- Performance tab will update automatically when editing any team
- Rebalance of strength of general editing buttons on the performance tab
Bug fixed
- Fixed a bug that would make the edited age of a driver/staff be stored incorrectly
- Fixed a bug that would make the affiliate drivers who also raced in F2/F3 when signing for a official driver role not leave F2/F3
- Driver code hidden if editing staff
Full Changelog: 2.1.7...2.1.8
Database Editor 2.1.7
New features
- Added buttons on all parts title on performance editor to be able to edit all parts stats quicker
- Avaliable to edit age of any staff/driver from attributes tab
- Driver name/ team name will now resize in the standings table
- The AI removes the stats from retired drivers, now possible to give them back from the editor
- Added possibility to edit driver code from attributes tab
- Other style improvments
Bug fixes
- #280 right arrow preventing from editing the last affiliate from a team with many affiliates
- Multiple crashes from editing a drivers'/staff name
- #291 and #289 moving an affiliate into a race seat was not freeing the driver from his affiliate contract
- #287 fixed a crash that would happen when the AI gave all available numbers to all drivers
Full Changelog: 2.1.4...2.1.7
Database Editor 2.1.4
New features
- Added icons for staff members in contracts tab
- Added name editor in the attributes section
- Now drivers/staff with names that don't fit in their "components" will slide from left to right to see them
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when moving an F1 driver into another F1 team with standard contract
Full Changelog: 2.1.2...2.1.4
Database Editor 2.1.2
New features
- Added new staff contract managing in the contracts section
- Added contracts for next year in the contract modal
- Added notification icon on drivers/staff who have a contract signed for next season
- Retirement now is editable from the attributes section
- Added gap to winer and gap to pole to the season tables
- Added indicators next to the team performance bars
Bug fixes
- Addressed an issue that would make the app crash when editing the calendar on the second season
- Fixed a crash that woud occur when moving drivers in 23 saves
- Fixed an issue that would happen because drivers wouldn't get fired from their F2/F3 teams
- Fixed #265 China not having label on the forecast tab
- Fixed an issue that would make the tool crash when editing attributes of certain drivers
- Several other crashes fixed
Full Changelog: 2.0.8...2.1.1
Database Editor 2.0.8
Bug fixes in 2.0.8
- Fixed an issue that would cause drivers not to get fired correctly from their team / junior formula
- Fixed another issue related to not having a race engineer assigned
- Fixed #254 where the user could not edit the performance after checking the parts from a specific team
Bug fixes in 2.0.7
- I totally broke transfers with the previous 3 updates, but I think I got them to working just fine again
Bug fixes in 2.0.4
- Addressed an issue causing a crash when editing team details for Stake Sauber or VCARB.
- Resolved an issue that led to a crash when modifying performance in F1 Manager 23 saves.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when editing performance on the first day of a save.
- Fixed a crash that happened when swapping an affiliate and a regular driver without an assigned engineer.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when swapping an affiliate and a regular driver if the affiliate was racing in F2 or F3.
- Affiliates now won't keep racing in F2 or F3 if you do a swap that includes them
- Editing part performances now actually edits expertise (2.0.2)
- Editing mentality now actually will edit the overall mentality of the staff (2.0.2)
- Fixed an issue that would cause the app to crash if editing the custom team performance (2.0.2)
Added in 2.0.4
- Parts list in performance editing, so you can see what new parts each team brings through the season
- I thought I fixed trasnfers but actually I broke them even more. Fixed in 2.0.6
New features
- Complete redesign of the app's interface and visual identity.
- Added support for F1 Manager 24 saves.
- Continued support for F1 Manager 23 saves.
- Moved version info to the bottom right (patch notes can be accessed by clicking on the version).
- Added a general save changes button in the bottom right corner. This button only appears when there are changes to save (saving is not required for driver transfers).
- Added a marketability attribute for drivers.
- Added a button to grant super licenses to drivers.
- The retirement age and driver number editor are now in the attributes tab.
- Added search filters in both the contracts and attributes tabs.
- Added an editor for pit crew statistics in the team editor.
- Added an engine manufacturer selector in the team editor.
- Redesigned calendar cards.
- Added a weather editor for Fridays in each race on the calendar.
- Added a team performance graph.
- Added a car attributes graph for each team.
- Added a team performance graph throughout the season.
- Redesigned the performance editor system, allowing changes to the statistics of each part for each team.
- Visually redesigned the engine editor, allowing comparison and editing of all four engines simultaneously.
- Added new attributes and statistics to the performance editor for F1 Manager 24 saves.
- Added an eleventh team for F1 Manager 24 "Create a Team" mode saves.
- Reorganized the contracts tab.
- Added affiliated driver lists in the contracts tab.
- All interface buttons are now responsive to being held down with the mouse.
- Updated the contracts modal to be in line with the rest of the app.
- Added primary and secondary color selectors for the eleventh team in the editor (default colors are those defined in the save).
- Added support for adding a custom logo for the eleventh team in the editor.
Database Editor 1.8.3
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would make the editor crash if the user moved a driver from F2 or F3 into F1
Database Editor 1.8.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that would make the editor crash if the Renault engine was edited