The lab is to finish a Heap
- Student support code is at link.
- Submit your code file
- Submit your test file
Your task is to implement the Heap class by completeing the following methods:
Heap(Comparator<E> comparator)
The heap constructor containing the keys and comparator.
Returns the top of this heap. This will be the lowest priority
key. This method should throw a NoSuchElementException
if the heap
is empty.
push(E key)
Adds a key to the heap, maintaining the heap invariant, placing it in the correct priority order.
Removes and returns the lowest priority key in this heap. This
method should throw a NoSuchElementException
if the heap is empty.
swap(int i, int j)
Exchanges the elements in the heap at the given indices in keys.
Returns the number of keys in this heap.
getLeft(int p)
Returns the index of the left child of p.
getRight(int p)
Returns the index of the right child of p.
getParent(int p)
Returns the index of the parent of p.
Write test cases in
with one method named test()
This method should thoroughly test the Heap
Test and debug your own code from Problem 1 locally and then submit both your code and your test cases to Autograder for grading.
The Autograder will apply your tests to buggy implementations of the
class. You receive 1 point for each bug detected.
The Autograder will also apply your tests to a correct implementation
to rule out false positives.
- You have reached the end of the lab. Yay!