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PHP stack

JM Marcastel edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 19 revisions
Table of contents
PHP base setup 1. Language component, patterns and required extension librariries
Core framework 2. The core framework which is required for all applications
Essential packages 3. Frequently used packages which will be used in all but slim environments
On-demand packages 4. Packages provided point-solutions for specific requirements and functionality
Build tools 5. Tools used to build HTML5 front-ends (and which overlap Make-Bootstrap
PHP base setup
PHP The popular general purpose scripting language for web development
ext-curl → Curl library support
ext-dom → DOM API
PHP-FIG Moving PHP forward through collaboration and standards
PSR 1 → Basic coding standard
PSR 3 → Logger interface
PSR 4 → Autoloading standard
PSR 6 → Caching interface
PSR 7 → HTTP message interface
PSR 11 → Container interface
PSR 12 → Extended coding style guide
PSR 13 → Hypermedia links
PSR 14 → Event dispatcher
PSR 15 → HTTP handlers
PSR 16 → Simple cache
PSR 17 → HTTP factories
PSR 18 → HTTP client
🔙 Core framework
Symfony Set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for web projects
Console → Console component
Event dispatch → Event dispatcher component
Filesystem → Filesystem component
Finder → Finder component
Img. Optim. → Easily optimize images using PHP
PF PHP 7.3+ → Polyfill backporting some PHP 7.3+ features to lower PHP versions
PF Iconv → Polyfill for the Iconv extension
Process → Process component
Property → PropertyAccess component
Serializer → Serializer Component
Var-dumper → Mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables
YAML → YAML component
🔙 Essential packages
CA-bundle Find path to system CA bundle (with fallback to the Mozilla CA bundle)
Climate Terminal output colored text, special formatting, and more
Crontab Cron syntax handling in PHP
DebugBar Display profiling data from any part of your application
Doctrine Popular cache implementation
Doctrine collections → Library that contains classes for working with arrays of data.
DOM string DOMDocument iterators allowing traversal of a DOMNode
Dot notation Access deep data structures via a dot notation
Gregwar Image manipulation library.
Guzzle PSR-7 HTTP message library.
Humbug accessing HTTPS resources for PHP 5.3+ (archived)
Intervention Image handling and manipulation library (supports GD an Imagick)
Miljar Object-oriented EXIF parsing
Monolog Log to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
MP3 info The fastest php library to extract mp3 tags & meta information.
MyClabs enum PHP enum support.
Negotiation Content Negotiation tools for PHP provided as a standalone library
Pimple Simple PHP dependency injection container
Nylhom PSR7 Super lightweight PSR-7 implementation
PSR7 Server Use any PSR7 implementation as your main request and response
RocketTheme RocketTheme toolbox library
Slugify Converts a string to a slug. Integrates with Symfony and Twig.
Twig The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Twig defer → An extension that allows to defer block rendering
Twig extension → Common additional features for Twig that do not directly belong in core
User agent Lightning fast, minimalist PHP user agent string parser.
Watcher Resource watcher using Symfony Finder
Whoops Deal with errors and exceptions in a less painful way
🔙 On-demand packages
Parsedown Self-described as better Markdown parser in PHP
Parsedown-extra → Extension that adds Markdown Extra support
🔙 Build tools
HTML minifier HTML compressor and minifier
Minify CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP
SCSSPHP Compiler for SCSS written in PHP
    "ext-json": "*",
    "ext-mbstring": "*",
    "ext-openssl": "*",
    "ext-zip": "*",
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