- Go on https://git-scm.com/download/win
- Download the file .exe
- Once the installation is completed press win + r and type in "cmd"
- Type in:
cd Download
- Then type in:
git-install-2.31.1.exe /SILENT
Then follow the instructions underneath
- Open the cmd
- Navigate to your desktop typing:
cd Desktop
- Then type in:
git clone https://github.com/INeddHelp/ShutNet
After you installed the package, read how to start the .exe or .ps1 file correctly
- Download and extract the zip / tar.gz file
- Make sure you are connected to a wifi connection
- Right click on ShutNet.exe
- Click on 'Run as administrator'
- Download and extract the zip / tar.gz file
- Make sure you are connected to a wifi connection
- Open 'powershell' with the administator privileges
- Paste this line into the terminal:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
- On Windows:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
- Now navigate with the 'cd' command to the directory of the extracted Content
- Now run the command .\ShutNet.ps1
- Press enter and after the command executed you can safely close the terminal