Contributing to ShutNet Thank you for your interest in contributing to ShutNet! This file outlines the guidelines for contributing to the project.
How to Contribute Fork the ShutNet repository to your account. Clone the forked repository to your local machine. Create a new branch from the main branch using the following format: git checkout -b your-username/feature-or-bug-fix. Make changes to the codebase to implement new features or fix issues. Test your changes thoroughly and ensure that they do not break the existing functionality. Commit your changes with a clear commit message: git commit -m "Your commit message here". Push your changes to your forked repository: git push origin your-username/feature-or-bug-fix. Create a pull request to the main branch of the ShutNet repository. Pull Request Guidelines Before starting to work on a new feature or issue, check if there is an existing issue or pull request related to it. If there is, consider contributing to that issue or pull request instead of creating a new one. Make sure your changes are well-tested and do not break the existing functionality. Follow the coding style of the project. Provide a clear and detailed description of the changes you made in the pull request. Include any necessary documentation or usage examples for new features. Issue Reporting Guidelines If you find any issues with the project or if you want to suggest new features, please use the Issues tab on Github. When submitting an issue, please follow these guidelines:
Use a clear and descriptive title. Include a detailed description of the issue or feature request. Include steps to reproduce the issue (if applicable). Include screenshots or error messages (if applicable). Code of Conduct This project follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms. The code of conduct can be found in the file.
License This project is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0. By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under this license. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.