diff --git a/ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/scripts/generate_files.py b/ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/scripts/generate_files.py
index dc7a617..edc8848 100644
--- a/ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/scripts/generate_files.py
+++ b/ip_cores/accum_mult_mod/scripts/generate_files.py
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ def get_accum_gen():
         end_padding = max(start+max_bits-end-start_padding, 0)
         coef_l.append('{{{{{}{{1\'d0}}}},mul_grid[{}][{}][{}+:{}],{{{}{{1\'d0}}}}}}'.format(end_padding, j[0], j[1], start-offset, bitwidth, start_padding))
   # Create compressor trees and output
@@ -144,6 +142,8 @@ def get_accum_gen():
       # Generate the init file lines - need to take into account earlier address bits
       max_bits_value = max_bits + ram_bit_low
+      if (max_bits_value < RAM_A_W):
+        max_bits_value = RAM_A_W
       #print("max_bits {} ram_bit_low {}".format( max_bits, ram_bit_low))
       for i in range(1 << max_bits_value):
         # The value of a bit here will depend on the GRID and posisition of bit
diff --git a/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv b/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
index 1599108..ba1f7ad 100644
--- a/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
+++ b/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ package zcash_fpga_pkg;
   parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h01_04_02;  //v1.4.2
   // What features are enabled in this build
-  parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 1;
-  parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 1;
+  parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 0;
+  parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 0;
   parameter bit ENB_BLS12_381 = 1;
   localparam [63:0] FPGA_CMD_CAP = {{60'd0},
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ package zcash_fpga_pkg;
                                     (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 144 && equihash_pkg::K == 5),       // N = 144, K = 5 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
                                     (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 200 && equihash_pkg::K == 9)};      // N = 200, K = 9 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
-  localparam BLS12_381_USE_KARATSUBA = "YES"; // ["YES" | "NO"], defines to use Karatsuba multiplier ("YES"), otherwise accum_mod with RAM reduction
+  localparam BLS12_381_USE_KARATSUBA = "NO"; // ["YES" | "NO"], defines to use Karatsuba multiplier ("YES"), otherwise accum_mod with RAM reduction
   // These are all the command types the FPGA supports
   // Reply messages from the FPGA to host all have the last
diff --git a/zcash_fpga/src/tb/bls12_381_top_tb.sv b/zcash_fpga/src/tb/bls12_381_top_tb.sv
index ce92fac..c3f634d 100644
--- a/zcash_fpga/src/tb/bls12_381_top_tb.sv
+++ b/zcash_fpga/src/tb/bls12_381_top_tb.sv
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ task init_ram();
       max_rams = i;
-    $fclose(fd); 
+    $fclose(fd);
   if (max_rams == 99)
@@ -833,15 +833,17 @@ task init_ram();
     for (int i = 0; i < max_rams; i++) begin
       fd = $fopen ($sformatf("mod_ram_%0d.mem", i), "r");
       curr_line = 0;
-      eod = $feof(fd);
-      while((curr_line <= nxt_line) && (eod == 0)) begin
+      while((curr_line <= nxt_line)) begin
+        eod = $feof(fd);
+        if (eod) break;
         $fscanf(fd,"%h\n", dat);
       dat_flat[i*381 +: 381] = dat;
-      $fclose(fd); 
+      $fclose(fd);
     // Now shift in data
     for (int j = ((max_rams*381+31)/32); j >= 0; j--) begin
       axi_lite_if.poke(.addr(32'h18), .data(dat_flat[j*32 +: 32]));