diff --git a/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv b/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
index ba1f7ad..d9d7825 100644
--- a/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
+++ b/zcash_fpga/src/rtl/top/zcash_fpga_pkg.sv
@@ -1,170 +1,170 @@
- Parameter values and tasks for the FPGA system.
- Copyright (C) 2019 Benjamin Devlin and Zcash Foundation
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
-package zcash_fpga_pkg;
- import equihash_pkg::equihash_bm_t;
- import equihash_pkg::cblockheader_sol_t;
- import equihash_pkg::N;
- import equihash_pkg::K;
- import secp256k1_pkg::secp256k1_ver_t;
- import bls12_381_pkg::point_type_t;
- parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h01_04_02; //v1.4.2
- // What features are enabled in this build
- parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 0;
- parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 0;
- parameter bit ENB_BLS12_381 = 1;
- localparam [63:0] FPGA_CMD_CAP = {{60'd0},
- ENB_BLS12_381,
- (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 144 && equihash_pkg::K == 5), // N = 144, K = 5 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
- (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 200 && equihash_pkg::K == 9)}; // N = 200, K = 9 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
- localparam BLS12_381_USE_KARATSUBA = "NO"; // ["YES" | "NO"], defines to use Karatsuba multiplier ("YES"), otherwise accum_mod with RAM reduction
- // These are all the command types the FPGA supports
- // Reply messages from the FPGA to host all have the last
- // bit set (start at 0x80000000). Messages with bits [31:16] == 0 are processed by a different state machine
- typedef enum logic [31:0] {
- RESET_FPGA = 'h0000_00_00,
- FPGA_STATUS = 'h0000_00_01,
- VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 'h0000_01_00,
- VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 'h0000_01_01,
- // Replies from the FPGA
- RESET_FPGA_RPL = 'h80_00_00_00,
- FPGA_STATUS_RPL = 'h80_00_00_01,
- FPGA_IGNORE_RPL = 'h80_00_00_02,
- VERIFY_EQUIHASH_RPL = 'h80_00_01_00,
- VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL = 'h80_00_01_01,
- BLS12_381_INTERRUPT_RPL = 'h80_00_02_00
- } command_t;
- // Data sent to the FPGA must start with a header aligned to
- // a 8 byte boundary.
- typedef struct packed {
- command_t cmd;
- logic [31:0] len;
- } header_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- header_t hdr;
- } fpga_reset_rpl_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- logic [63:0] ignore_hdr;
- header_t hdr;
- } fpga_ignore_rpl_t;
- // These are registers we use for debug
- typedef struct packed {
- logic [3:0] padding;
- logic [2:0] typ1_state;
- logic error; // Any error on FPGA will have this set
- } fpga_state_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- fpga_state_t fpga_state;
- logic [63:0] cmd_cap;
- logic [63:0] build_host;
- logic [63:0] build_date;
- logic [31:0] version;
- header_t hdr;
- } fpga_status_rpl_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- cblockheader_sol_t cblockheader_sol;
- logic [63:0] index;
- header_t hdr;
- } verify_equihash_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- equihash_bm_t bm;
- logic [63:0] index;
- header_t hdr;
- } verify_equihash_rpl_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- logic [255:0] Qy;
- logic [255:0] Qx;
- logic [255:0] hash;
- logic [255:0] r;
- logic [255:0] s;
- logic [63:0] index;
- header_t hdr;
- } verify_secp256k1_sig_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- logic [15:0] cycle_cnt;
- secp256k1_ver_t bm;
- logic [63:0] index;
- header_t hdr;
- } verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t;
- typedef struct packed {
- logic [5+24-1:0] padding;
- bls12_381_pkg::point_type_t data_type;
- logic [31:0] index;
- header_t hdr;
- } bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t;
- // We have a function for building each type of reply from the FPGA
- function fpga_reset_rpl_t get_fpga_reset_rpl();
- get_fpga_reset_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:RESET_FPGA_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_reset_rpl_t)/8};
- endfunction
- function fpga_ignore_rpl_t get_fpga_ignore_rpl(header_t hdr);
- get_fpga_ignore_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:FPGA_IGNORE_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_ignore_rpl_t)/8};
- get_fpga_ignore_rpl.ignore_hdr = hdr;
- endfunction
- function fpga_status_rpl_t get_fpga_status_rpl(input [63:0] build_host, build_date, fpga_state_t fpga_state);
- get_fpga_status_rpl.cmd_cap = FPGA_CMD_CAP;
- get_fpga_status_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:FPGA_STATUS_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_status_rpl_t)/8};
- get_fpga_status_rpl.version = FPGA_VERSION;
- get_fpga_status_rpl.build_host = build_host;
- get_fpga_status_rpl.build_date = build_date;
- get_fpga_status_rpl.fpga_state = fpga_state;
- endfunction
- function verify_equihash_rpl_t get_verify_equihash_rpl(input equihash_bm_t mask, logic [63:0] index);
- get_verify_equihash_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:VERIFY_EQUIHASH_RPL, len:$bits(verify_equihash_rpl_t)/8};
- get_verify_equihash_rpl.index = index;
- get_verify_equihash_rpl.bm = mask;
- endfunction
- function verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl(input secp256k1_ver_t mask, logic [63:0] index, logic [15:0] cycle_cnt);
- verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL, len:$bits(verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t)/8};
- verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.index = index;
- verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.bm = mask;
- verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.cycle_cnt = cycle_cnt;
- endfunction
- function bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t bls12_381_interrupt_rpl(input logic [15:0] index, point_type_t data_type);
- bls12_381_interrupt_rpl = 0;
- bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:BLS12_381_INTERRUPT_RPL, len:($bits(bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t)/8)};
- bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.data_type = data_type;
- bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.index = index;
- endfunction
+ Parameter values and tasks for the FPGA system.
+ Copyright (C) 2019 Benjamin Devlin and Zcash Foundation
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+package zcash_fpga_pkg;
+ import equihash_pkg::equihash_bm_t;
+ import equihash_pkg::cblockheader_sol_t;
+ import equihash_pkg::N;
+ import equihash_pkg::K;
+ import secp256k1_pkg::secp256k1_ver_t;
+ import bls12_381_pkg::point_type_t;
+ parameter FPGA_VERSION = 32'h01_04_03; //v1.4.3
+ // What features are enabled in this build
+ parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 1;
+ parameter bit ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 0;
+ parameter bit ENB_BLS12_381 = 0;
+ localparam [63:0] FPGA_CMD_CAP = {{60'd0},
+ ENB_BLS12_381,
+ (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 144 && equihash_pkg::K == 5), // N = 144, K = 5 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
+ (ENB_VERIFY_EQUIHASH && equihash_pkg::N == 200 && equihash_pkg::K == 9)}; // N = 200, K = 9 for VERIFY_EQUIHASH command
+ localparam BLS12_381_USE_KARATSUBA = "NO"; // ["YES" | "NO"], defines to use Karatsuba multiplier ("YES"), otherwise accum_mod with RAM reduction
+ // These are all the command types the FPGA supports
+ // Reply messages from the FPGA to host all have the last
+ // bit set (start at 0x80000000). Messages with bits [31:16] == 0 are processed by a different state machine
+ typedef enum logic [31:0] {
+ RESET_FPGA = 'h0000_00_00,
+ FPGA_STATUS = 'h0000_00_01,
+ VERIFY_EQUIHASH = 'h0000_01_00,
+ VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG = 'h0000_01_01,
+ // Replies from the FPGA
+ RESET_FPGA_RPL = 'h80_00_00_00,
+ FPGA_STATUS_RPL = 'h80_00_00_01,
+ FPGA_IGNORE_RPL = 'h80_00_00_02,
+ VERIFY_EQUIHASH_RPL = 'h80_00_01_00,
+ VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL = 'h80_00_01_01,
+ BLS12_381_INTERRUPT_RPL = 'h80_00_02_00
+ } command_t;
+ // Data sent to the FPGA must start with a header aligned to
+ // a 8 byte boundary.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ command_t cmd;
+ logic [31:0] len;
+ } header_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ header_t hdr;
+ } fpga_reset_rpl_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [63:0] ignore_hdr;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } fpga_ignore_rpl_t;
+ // These are registers we use for debug
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [3:0] padding;
+ logic [2:0] typ1_state;
+ logic error; // Any error on FPGA will have this set
+ } fpga_state_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ fpga_state_t fpga_state;
+ logic [63:0] cmd_cap;
+ logic [63:0] build_host;
+ logic [63:0] build_date;
+ logic [31:0] version;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } fpga_status_rpl_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ cblockheader_sol_t cblockheader_sol;
+ logic [63:0] index;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } verify_equihash_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ equihash_bm_t bm;
+ logic [63:0] index;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } verify_equihash_rpl_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [255:0] Qy;
+ logic [255:0] Qx;
+ logic [255:0] hash;
+ logic [255:0] r;
+ logic [255:0] s;
+ logic [63:0] index;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } verify_secp256k1_sig_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [15:0] cycle_cnt;
+ secp256k1_ver_t bm;
+ logic [63:0] index;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [5+24-1:0] padding;
+ bls12_381_pkg::point_type_t data_type;
+ logic [31:0] index;
+ header_t hdr;
+ } bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t;
+ // We have a function for building each type of reply from the FPGA
+ function fpga_reset_rpl_t get_fpga_reset_rpl();
+ get_fpga_reset_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:RESET_FPGA_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_reset_rpl_t)/8};
+ endfunction
+ function fpga_ignore_rpl_t get_fpga_ignore_rpl(header_t hdr);
+ get_fpga_ignore_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:FPGA_IGNORE_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_ignore_rpl_t)/8};
+ get_fpga_ignore_rpl.ignore_hdr = hdr;
+ endfunction
+ function fpga_status_rpl_t get_fpga_status_rpl(input [63:0] build_host, build_date, fpga_state_t fpga_state);
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.cmd_cap = FPGA_CMD_CAP;
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:FPGA_STATUS_RPL, len:$bits(fpga_status_rpl_t)/8};
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.version = FPGA_VERSION;
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.build_host = build_host;
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.build_date = build_date;
+ get_fpga_status_rpl.fpga_state = fpga_state;
+ endfunction
+ function verify_equihash_rpl_t get_verify_equihash_rpl(input equihash_bm_t mask, logic [63:0] index);
+ get_verify_equihash_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:VERIFY_EQUIHASH_RPL, len:$bits(verify_equihash_rpl_t)/8};
+ get_verify_equihash_rpl.index = index;
+ get_verify_equihash_rpl.bm = mask;
+ endfunction
+ function verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl(input secp256k1_ver_t mask, logic [63:0] index, logic [15:0] cycle_cnt);
+ verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:VERIFY_SECP256K1_SIG_RPL, len:$bits(verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl_t)/8};
+ verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.index = index;
+ verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.bm = mask;
+ verify_secp256k1_sig_rpl.cycle_cnt = cycle_cnt;
+ endfunction
+ function bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t bls12_381_interrupt_rpl(input logic [15:0] index, point_type_t data_type);
+ bls12_381_interrupt_rpl = 0;
+ bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.hdr = '{cmd:BLS12_381_INTERRUPT_RPL, len:($bits(bls12_381_interrupt_rpl_t)/8)};
+ bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.data_type = data_type;
+ bls12_381_interrupt_rpl.index = index;
+ endfunction