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160 lines (108 loc) · 6.23 KB

AHBesser (AHB-Tabellen) Web Application

ℹ️ Overview


You can access the prod version of the application on


You can access the stage version of the application on

This is our test environment where we deploy the latest changes to test them before deploying them to production.

🏛 Architecture

flowchart TD
    raw documents (PDF, docx)") -->|kohlrAHBi🥬| B("machine-readable-
    B -->|sync upload🔄| C("Azure Blob Storage")
    C <--> D("AHBesser
    (AHB tables)")

📂 Project Structure

├── azure-mock/
    ├── data/                     # contains AHB data stored in machine-readable_anwendungshandbuecher repository
    └── upload-documents.ts       # script to upload data/ directory to azure blob storage
├── src/
    ├── app/
        ├── core/
            └── api/              # API config files
        ├── environments/         # config files for dev/stage/prod
        ├── features/             # AHB and landingpage related views and components
        └── shared/               # global components (header, footer, logo, etc.)
    ├── assets/                   # logo, favicon, etc.
    ├── server/
        ├── controller/           # contains code to handle incoming http requests concerning AHB and FormatVersionen
        ├── infrastructure/       # contains code to manage routing of API endpoints and interact with azure blob storage
        └── repository/           # contains CRUD operations to register AHB/FormatVersionen related routers
    ├── index.html                # entry point for the angular web application
    ├── main.ts                   # bootstraps the angular web application
    ├── server.ts                 # sets up backend server
    └── styles.scss               # imports Tailwind base styles, component styles and utility classes
└── ⚙️ <several config files>

⚙️ Setup

Make sure you have the latest version of node.js installed (for instance via the node version manager nvm).

Download and install Angular CLI using the npm package manager (comes with node.js):

$ npm install -g @angular/cli

[Windows] Add node.js to your PATH environment variable:

  • run $ npm config get prefix to retrieve the directory where npm will install global packages (e.g. C:\Program Files\nodejs)
  • open "Edit the system environment variables" and navigate to "Environment Variables" -> "System Variables" -> "Path"
  • edit "Path" and add the node.js directory path
  • restart your PC and check if Angular CLI has been installed successfully by running $ ng --version


Be sure to run $ npm ci during the initial setup to install all required dependencies.

Starting the app via Docker 🐋

Create an .env file in the root directory and paste the contents of the .example.env file.

While having Docker Desktop up and running, start the docker container using

$ docker compose up -d --build

and navigate to http://localhost:4000/.

Starting the app using Angular CLI

To start a dev server, run

$ ng serve

and navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

In order to start both the dev server as well as the server-side watch process to access the blob storage, run

$ npm run start

For further commands, refer to the scripts located in package.json.

🛠️ Build & Development

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

OpenAPI Specification Generation

Run npm run ng-openapi-gen to generate the OpenAPI specification and related TypeScript interfaces. This command will update the API client code based on the OpenAPI specification.

🚀 Deployment

The application can be deployed to two environments: Stage and Production. The deployment process is automated using a combination of GitHub Actions, Pulumi, and Octopus Deploy.

Deployment Process Overview

  1. Build: GitHub Actions builds a Docker image and pushes it to the GitHub Container Registry
  2. Infrastructure: Pulumi manages the Azure resources
  3. Deployment: Octopus Deploy handles the container deployment to Azure by using Pulumi.

Stage Deployment

To deploy to the stage environment:

  1. Create a new release in GitHub
  2. Set the release as "Pre-release"
  3. This will automatically trigger the deployment pipeline
  4. The application will be deployed to

Production Deployment

To deploy to the production environment:

  1. Create a new release in GitHub
  2. Publish it as a full release (not pre-release)
  3. This will trigger the production deployment pipeline
  4. A manual approval step in Octopus Deploy will be required
  5. After approval, the application will be deployed to

🔗 Links