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Delos Fireflies

The bioluminescent family of winged beetles model not only the on/off behavior of members, but like Byzantine members they are also known for their aggressive mimicry in order to dupe and devour related species.

Delos Fireflies is fundamentally based on the most excellent paper Fireflies: A Secure and Scalable Membership and Gossip Service. Fireflies provides the base secure, byzantine intrusion tolerant communications overlay for the rest of the Delos stack. This implementation relies upon the base Context and Member abstraction from the membership module of Delos.


The Fireflies implementation in Delos differs significantly from the original paper. The Delos implementation combines the ideas of the original Fireflies paper as well as the additional ideas from two most excellent papers:

and synthesizes the three designs into a BFT stable Rapid like membership and secure overlay service.

Stable, Virtually Synchronous View Membership Service

Delos Fireflies provides a stable, virtually synchronous membership view in much the same fashion as the Rapid paper describes. Membership is agreed upon across the group and changes only by consensus within the group. This provides an incredibly stable foundation for utilizing the BFT secure overlay that Fireflies provides.

Members must formally join a context. This is a two phase protocol of first contacting a seed (any one will do) and then following the redirection to further members of the context to await the next view that includes the joining member. To formally join a context (cluster) of nodes, the joining member needs to know the complete membership of the context. This membership can be quite large. Thus, the membership of the view is discovered, rather than returned from the Join prototocol.

The join response the member receives is a Gateway from the redirect members (the seeding members supplied by the first phase of the Join protocol). The Gateway of this join contains a hash of the crown of the view (see view identity below) as well as a tight Bloom Filter that defines the membership set. This scheme is based off the most excellent paper HEX-BLOOM: An Efficient Method for Authenticity and Integrity Verification in Privacy-preserving Computing. This allows the joining member to precisely validate the membership of the joined View that it quickly acquires via the underlying gossip of the View.

This Join protocol is scalable and reuses the underlying Fireflies state reconcilliation to fill out the remaining membership using gossip across the membership. After the Join protocol completes, the member gossips normally with peers in the same view and participates in view changes. A member will not vote upon a view or accept Seed or Join requests until the view it is joining membership has been fully acquired.

Byzantine Fault Tolerant Join Protocol

Delos Fireflies extends the Rapid Join protocol into a BFT form. This fits naturally into the Fireflies model and relies, of course, on the BFT ring structure of the Fireflies View context. When the joining member contacts a seed, the redirect is to the BFT members of the seed's context, returning what would be the successors of the joining member in the current context. The joining member must acquire a BFT majority agreement on the crown of the joining view and the membership bloom filter that defines the membership set. This provides Delos Fireflies with a byzantine fault tolerand and secure Join protocol. Which is pretty cool.

Gossip Optimized Join

Note that Delos Fireflies does not return all the SignedNotes (Delos Fireflies KERI equivalent of an X509 certificate) of all the members known in a view when responding to the Join. During the Join protocol members may not exist in the joining member's context beyond the seed set and cannot be contacted. They are essentially in a pending state where the joining member is awaiting the state transfer of the these members' SignedNotes . Upon obtaining all members' notes the member then computes the crown of the membership and the view ID is the digest value of crown.compact().

Delos Fireflies reuses the redirect part of the original Fireflies protocol to redirect the joining members to their correct successors in the current state of the view. The redirected joining member uses this discovery to fill out it's membership in the context. The underlying gossip state replication provides the state transfer of all the member's SignedNote state for the view to the joining member. This occurs rather quickly and spreads this rather large plug of state transfer required by the join of a view across the system, rather than punishing a member or two haphazardly. It's also async, schocastic and BFT, which is nice.

View Consensus Voting

After a member has joined, the member can then participate in the global consensus that determines the view membership evolution. This process deviates significantly from the Rapid paper. In this implementation, there is a distinct BFT subset of the View membership that are responsible for Observations - that is, the ballots for changing a View from mebership set A to membership set B. This set is chosen using the Context.bftSubset(digest) method and results in a small number of members Fireflies delegates the view change voting responsibilities.

In response to a number of Joins or Leaves, a vote will be scheduled on each View. Only the bft membership subset defined by using the compact hash of the View's HexBloom crown may vote and only their votes are counted across the membership. This gives use a byzantine fault tolerant way of cheaply getting trustworthy votes. When voting occurs, all members count the votes and change the view accordingly, but only the bft meber subset voted. Besides being quite secure and highly available, using this scheme is incredibly cheap as this BFT Subset cardinality is way, way less - in general - than the cardinality of the group.

In the original Rapid paper, a 3/4+1 consensus is used and Fireflies had that for a while as well. However, this would not scale to the extent we would like - e.g. 1,000,000 members. So using the BFT subset, we're reusing the fundamental BFT Ring Structure of the Fireflies context itself which I also find highly satisfying. So for 1,000,000 members rather than having 750,000 ballots we can leverage the View Context's rings to compute the BFT subset and get away with 13-42 (depending on pByz one chooses). This is a dramatic reduction both in state - we don't need 750K ballots to replicate around to everyone, nor do we need to get them to all agree and count them up. So the Voting protocol now seems both secure and efficient.

Only incremental state transfer occurs for existing members during future joins, modulo any state reconcilliation transfer for joining members. Steady state overhead is bounded and independent of the number of members in the view. As this is all based on the underlying gossip protocol, and the network bandwidth and compute spread evenly across the system.

Designed For Stablity

Delos Fireflies leverages the same sort of "almost everywhere" agreement that Rapid provides. Rather than using a clever windowing proxy for stability as Rapid does, Delos reuses the Accusation mechanism of the Fireflies protocol. Member instability is defined as existing rebuttal timers when the vote is proposed. If there are no rebuttal timers, the View is considered to be in a stable state for the member. When a member is stable, and if there are non zero joining/leavings, and the member is an Observer (member of the BFT subset), then a Vote on the new membership view is created and submitted. After the vote is submitted, the member awaits the fast path consensus on the membership.


Delos Fireflies also differs from the original Fireflies by enforcing the shunning of members that have failed. In the original protocol, members can come back to life after failing to rebut accusations if they issue a new note. In Delos Fireflies, like Rapid, the failing member is shunned after failing to rebut and must rejoin the system again.


Delos also implements the same amplification strategy of Rapid. When a member fails to rebut an accusation, the member is now shunned and will not be responded to. All members that witness the failing member that are assigned as monitors of the failing member will issue additional Accusations if they have not already done so. This positive feedback reinforces the consensus decision that the member is dead, Jim, and drives the system to a common decision quite quickly.

View Identity

Views are membership groups and are identified by a hash (32 bytes by default). The crown of a View in Delos Fireflies is a HexBloom (see the cryptography module) and is defined by the set of digest IDs of the total membership XORd together. The identity of the view is the public rehashing of the crowns of the HexBloom. This final rehashing of the crown becomes the View ID. The integration of HexBloom into the calculation of the view id ensures that individual membership identities are authenticated in aggregate simply and compactly and validated with a strong binding through rehashing to produce the view identifier. Group membership is strongly bound to the identifier of the View. When the group membership set changes - i.e. members joining or leaving - the view identifier also changes.

Liveness, Failure Detection and Monitoring

Unlike other popular solutions, Delos Fireflies does not have a separate monitoring ping failure detection protocol. For example, the Fireflies papers and Rapid both use a separate monitoring ping for failure detection. Delos Fireflies depends on the continual gossip with partners and thus the monitored member is also the member gossiped with. Delos Fireflies combines these two logical operations into one. Therefore, a member is considered live if they can complete gossip communication without failure or exception.

Note that failure and liveness now include understanding the state of consensus membership. Views that do not share a common view identity do not communicate with each other and will treat this as a failure and thus accuse appropriately. Likewise when a member is shunned, or the receiving member is in the process of joining a view.

This is a crisp definition of liveness that also matches the functional operation of the protocol. This does mean that, unlike Rapid, Delos Fireflies cannot (currently) monitor non Fireflies members; Delos requires gossip with monitored members to ensure liveness. Delos Fireflies view membership maintenance protocol is intimately tied to the functional use of the system, so this makes perfect sense to me. Also, Delos Fireflies operates over GRPC, which itself does liveness pings, etc. So Delos Fireflies merely leverages this existing communications infrastructure to elide the necessity of a separate monitoring protocol.

Current Limitations

The Fireflies module is functionally complete. Full bootstrap and join integration with Thoth is complete and tested.


Delos Fireflies is functionally complete and is MVP, but certainly quite a bit more scale testing and hardening is always in order.

Current Functionality

  • Byzantine intrusion tolerant secure communications overlay
  • Robust, stable, virtually synchronous view membership
  • Incredibly cheap, highly scalable gossip-based implementation
  • PKI integration
    • Pluggable authentication. KERI-based authorization as well as simple, trad CA authentication.
    • Node identity, validation, and key management managed via Stereotomy Identifiers
  • Certificate key rotation
    • provided by Stereotomy key rotation facilities
  • Identity bootstrapping
    • provided by Gorgoneion module
  • Full generalization of key algorithms, hash and signing algorthm, etc
    • provided by Stereotomy and the crypto utils