Wallet Service initialization
- Start a new wallet
- Send 1.00 HTR from another wallet to the wallet address.
- Create a custom token 'WST0', amount 100.
- Go to Settings and copy the "Unique identifier"
- Go to the unleash dashboard and add it to the list of UserIDs
- Close your wallet (not lock) and open it again.
- Unlock the wallet and check that your history is showing correctly.
- Check that you have balance for HTR (0.99 HTR) and WST0 (100.00 WST0)
- Check that you have authorities for mint and melt for WST0.
- Start a new wallet
Wallet screen
- Check that you have HTR and other custom tokens on your wallet.
- Copy the address and send 1.00 HTR from another wallet to this address.
- Check that we receive a notification for the transaction.
- Check that the transaction appears in the list, the balance was updated and the address also changed.
- Click on 'See all addresses' and see the list.
- Search for the address used to send the transaction and check that it has 'Number of transactions' equal to 1.
Custom tokens
- Click on 'Custom tokens', then 'Create a new token'.
- Create a token 'WS Test Token', 'WTST', amount 100.
- Validate its symbol appeared selected in the token bar.
- The list of transactions should have only one, with type 'Token creation' and amount of 100.00.
- Click on the HTR token (in the token bar) and check if the first transaction is of type 'Token deposit' with amount of 1.00.
Custom token admin
- Click on 'WTST' on the token bar and then on 'Administrative tools'
- Use the 'Melt tokens' to melt all tokens you have.
- Go to 'Balance & History' and check that the 'Total' is 0 and that the melt transaction appears on the list.
- Go back to 'Administrative tools' and use 'Mint tokens' mint 100 tokens.
- Click on 'Balance & History' and check the mint transaction is on the list.
- Check that the 'Total' and 'Available' are 100.00 WTST
- Copy the current address and go back to 'Administrative tools'
- Use the 'Delegate mint' to the address you copied, keep the 'Create another mint output for you?' checked.
- Check that the message under 'Mint authority management' now reads 'You are the owner of 2 mint outputs'.
- Use the 'Destroy mint' to destroy one authority.
- Check that the message under 'Mint authority management' now reads 'You are the owner of 1 mint output'.
- Use the 'Delegate melt' to the address you copied, keep the 'Create another mint output for you?' checked.
- Check that the message under 'Melt authority management' now reads 'You are the owner of 2 melt outputs'.
- Use the 'Destroy melt' to destroy one authority.
- Check that the message under 'Melt authority management' now reads 'You are the owner of 1 melt output'.
- Go to Settings and click on "Change server"
- Use the following urls to connect to testnet wallet service.
- Check that you are connected to the testnet in the upper right corner.
- Check that your address starts with 'W'.
- Go to Settings and click on "Change server"
- Connect to the mainnet wallet service.
- Check that you are connected to the mainnet in the upper right corner.
- Check that your address starts with 'H'.
- Go to Settings and set "Hide zero-balance tokens" to yes.
- Go to "WTST" and melt all tokens.
- Check that "WTST" does not appear on the token bar.
- Go to Settings and set "Hide zero-balance tokens" to no.
- Check that "WTST" appears on the token bar.
- Click on "WTST" and go to "About WS Test Token" and change "Always show this token" to yes.
- Go to Settings and set "Hide zero-balance tokens" to yes.
- Melt all WTST tokens.
- Check that "WTST" is still on the token bar.
- Check that the "WTST" balance is zero.