% Applicatives, Alternative, and Aeson % Levi Schuck % March 3, 2015
It's hard to talk about applicatives if we don't talk about how functions are applied.
Well, it's kinda mathy..
Let's try a Haskell syntax approach.
append x y = x ++ y
Let's start with http
http x = "http://" ++ x
append x y = x ++ y
What if.. we rewrite this function.
http x = append "http://" x
Okay, but where does currying come in?
So, with the following:
append x y = x ++ y
http x = append "http://" x
We could rewrite http to be infinitesimally shorter!
append x y = x ++ y
http = append "http://"
http = append "http://"
http x = append "http://" x
http :: [Char] -> [Char]
http' = append "http://"
http' :: [Char] -> [Char]
We didn't specify the parameter x, yet the type still takes something.
99 functions of x on the wall, 99 functions of x. Take one down, pass it around, 98 functions of x on the wall.
So, applying a parameter cuts the remaining parameters on the type
append :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append "http://" :: [Char] -> [Char]
append "http://" "google.com" :: [Char]
So, we have established that by applying one parameter to a two-parameter function, we are left with a one parameter function.
Haskell lets us skip parameters in our declaration if the types match up on the tail of the type.
class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
lifts a value into the context of the Applicative functor.<*>
takes a functor of a function, a functor with a value, then applies the first function to the given value, and results in whatever the function decides.
(Not the official implementation, but similar)
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure x = Just x
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
_ <*> Nothing = Nothing
Just x <*> Just y = Just (x y)
main = do -- λ> main
putStr "a: " -- a: 1
a' <- getLine -- b: 2
let a = readMaybe a' :: Maybe Int -- c: Just (1,2)
putStr "b: " -- λ> main
b' <- getLine -- a: Nope
let b = readMaybe b' :: Maybe Int -- b: 4
let c = pure (,) <*> a <*> b -- c: Nothing
putStr "c: " -- λ> main
putStrLn $ show c -- a: 2
-- b: Nope
-- c: Nothing
It's actually just fmap
from functor.
What does Maybe
's fmap
look like?
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
Remember when we used pure?
let c = pure (,) <*> a <*> b
-- It can be rewritten as
let c = (,) <$> a <*> b
let a = Just 1
b = Just 2
c = (,) <$> a <*> b
c = Just (1,) <*> b
c = Just (1,2)
let a = Nothing
b = Just 4
c = (,) <$> a <*> b
c = Nothing <*> b
c = Nothing
let a = Just 4
b = Nothing
c = (,) <$> a <*> b
c = Just (4,) <*> b
c = Nothing
let a = Just 1
b = Just 2
(,) = \x -> \y -> (x,y)
c = (,) <$> a <*> b
c = (,) <$> Just 1 <*> Just 2
c = Just (let x = 1 in \y -> (x,y)) <*> Just 2
c = Just (let x = 1
y = 2 in (x,y))
c = Just (1,2)
With this, we have the ability to take the first thing that works.
class Applicative f => Alternative f where
-- | The identity of '<|>'
empty :: f a
-- | An associative binary operation
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
instance Alternative Maybe where
empty = Nothing
Nothing <|> right = right
left <|> _ = left
Which is to say "if we don't have anything yet, try the next thing"
example = Nothing <|> Just 3 <|> Nothing <|> Just 2 <|> Just 1
example = Just 3
main = do
putStr "a: "
a' <- getLine
let a = readMaybe a' :: Maybe Int
putStr "b: "
b' <- getLine
let b = readMaybe b' :: Maybe Int
let c = a <|> empty <|> b
putStr "c: "
putStrLn $ show c
- When
isJust 1
, no matter whatb
isJust 1
. - When
, andb
isJust 2
isJust 2
. - When
, thenc
. empty
is synonymous toNothing
example2 = Nothing <|> Nothing <|> Just 3 <|> Just 4
example2 = Nothing <|> Just 3 <|> Just 4
example2 = Just 3 <|> Just 4
example2 = Just 3
So, after all these wonderful concepts have been discussed, where are we heading with this?
We can use Currying, Applicatives, and Alternatives to parse JSON documents and get the first reasonable value.
Aeson lets us encode and decode our data types with JSON.
data Person = Person
{ name :: Text
, age :: Int
} deriving Show
instance FromJSON Person where
parseJSON (Object v) = Person <$> v .: "name" <*> v .: "age"
-- A non-Object value is of the wrong type, so fail.
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance ToJSON Person where
toJSON (Person name age) = object ["name" .= name, "age" .= age]
-- (.:) and (.=) are custom aeson infix operators
>>> decode "{\"name\":\"Joe\",\"age\":12}" :: Maybe Person
Just (Person {name = "Joe", age = 12})
See the Currying and Applicative being used?
data Person = Person Text Int
instance FromJSON Person where
parseJSON (Object v) = Person <$> v .: "name" <*> v .: "age"
-- In this case, v .: "name" is :: Parser Text
-- In this case, v .: "age" is :: Parser Int
-- Parser is a member of the Applicative typeclass and
-- acts much like Maybe
Person :: Text -> Int -> Person
Person "Joe" :: Int -> Person
Person "Joe" 12 :: Person
data Color = ARGB Int Int Int Int
| RGB Int Int Int
| HSV Float Float Float
| CMYK Float Float Float Float
Some try to go for something like..
But doesn't that seem a little clunky..?
data Color = ARGB Int Int Int Int | RGB Int Int Int
| HSV Float Float Float | CMYK Float Float Float Float
instance ToJSON Color where
toJSON (ARGB a r g b) = object
["alpha" .= a, "red" .= r, "green" .= g, "blue" .= b]
toJSON (RGB r g b) = object
["red" .= r, "green" .= g, "blue" .= b]
toJSON (HSV h s v) = object
["hue" .= h, "saturation" .= s, "value" .= v]
toJSON (CYMK c y m k) = object
["cyan" .= c, "yellow" .= y, "magenta" .= m, "key" .= k]
encode $ ARGB 255 128 195 237
>>> "{\"red\":128,\"alpha\":255,\"green\":195,\"blue\":237}"
encode $ HSV 203.12 75.17 71.57
>>> "{\"hue\":203.12,\"saturation\":75.17,\"value\":71.57}"
We can do this, but can we recover which constructor to use? (ARGB vs RGB)
instance FromJSON Color where
parseJSON (Object v)
= ARGB <$> v .: "alpha"
<*> v .: "red"
<*> v .: "green"
<*> v .: "blue"
<|> RGB <$> v .: "red"
<*> v .: "green"
<*> v .: "blue"
<|> HSV <$> v .: "hue"
<*> v .: "saturation"
<*> v .: "value"
<|> CYMK <$> v .: "cyan"
<*> v .: "yellow"
<*> v .: "magenta"
<*> v .: "key"
>>> let json = "{\"red\":128,\"alpha\":255,\"green\":195,\"blue\":237}"
>>> decode json :: Maybe Color
Just (ARGB 255 128 195 237)
Well look at that, we could recover the constructor! (ARGB)
Though we do have a little redundancy with our implementation..
instance FromJSON Color where
parseJSON (Object v)
= empty
<|> do r <- v .: "red"
g <- v .: "green"
b <- v .: "blue"
let argb a = ARGB a r g b
(argb <$> v .: "alpha") <|> (pure $ RGB r g b)
<|> HSV <$> v .: "hue"
<*> v .: "saturation"
<*> v .: "value"
<|> CYMK <$> v .: "cyan"
<*> v .: "yellow"
<*> v .: "magenta"
<*> v .: "key"
This shares the "red"
, "green"
, and "blue"
among both RGB
and ARGB
constructors for Color
Let your Haskelling be practical.
And with respect, live long and prosper.