OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
Licence Information
License Summary
OGRE is released under an open source license, specifically the MIT License.
<a name="MIT"></a><p class="mainheader" align="left">MIT License</p>
Under the MIT License you may use Ogre for any purpose you wish, without warranty, and modify it if you require, subject to one condition:
- "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software."
In practice this means that whenever you distribute your application, whether as binary or as source code, you must include somewhere in your distribution the text in this file. This might be in the printed documentation, as a file on delivered media, or even on the credits / acknowledgements of the runtime application itself; any of those would satisfy the requirement.
Licenses for 3rd-party libraries used in OGRE
Several 3rd-party libraries are used in OGRE for various purposes, and the licensing details of each are given here.
Core Dependencies
These are the libraries which the core of OGRE depends on, and are
therefore prerequisites for any use of OGRE. None of these libraries
have been modified from their original distributions, and they are all
licensed under liberal terms. You should read the detail of the
licenses when distributing an application since most require you to
include the license in your documentation. All the license texts are
included in the Docs/licenses folder.
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Hervé Drolon and Floris van den Berg<br />
<td>http://freeimage.sourceforge.net<br />
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/freeimage.txt">FreeImage Public License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg<br /></td>
<td>http://www.freetype.org<br />
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/freetype.txt">FreeType License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Thomas G. Lane, Independent JPEG Group<br /></td>
<td>http://www.ijg.org/<br /></td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/libjpeg.txt">LibJPEG License</a><br /></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Gerard Juyn, Glenn Randers-Pehrson, Raphael Assenat, John Stiles</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/libmng.txt">LibMNG License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Guy Eric Schalnat, Andreas Dilger, Glenn Randers-Pehrson and others</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/libpng.txt">LibPNG License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Sam Leffler, Silicon Graphics Inc</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/libtiff.txt">LibTIFF License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/zlib.txt">Zlib License</a></td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Author:</td>
<td>Guido Draheim</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="licenses/mpl.txt">Mozilla Public License 1.1</a></td>
Optional Dependencies
These dependencies are only needed if you use the plugins they relate to, or you enable them in the source build.
Original Authors: | Many |
Website: | http://www.boost.org |
Licensed Under: | Boost License |
Needed By: | If you enable OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT |
Original Authors: | Niall Douglas |
Website: | http://www.nedprod.com/programs/portable/nedmalloc/ |
Licensed Under: | Boost License |
NVidia Cg
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td>Custom free license (binary only)</td>
<td>Needed By:</td>
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Industrial Light and Magic</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td><a href="http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5">Modified BSD License</a></td>
<td>Needed By:</td>
Sample Program Dependencies
These dependencies are only used by our sample programs, and thus you do not need to use them to use OGRE, if you don't want to.
<td style="width: 20%;">Original Authors:</td>
<td>Phillip Castaneda</td>
<td>Licensed Under:</td>
<td>Zlib License</td>
Source code used in-place in OGRE
Many of the maths/spatial routines were adapted from work by Geometric Tools, LLC, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 and licensed under the Boost software license.
</li> <li>Custom memory allocator is <a href="http://www.nedprod.com/programs/portable/nedmalloc/">nedmalloc</a>, licensed under the Boost software license. </li>
Art credits for demos
Matt Anderson at www.The3dStudio.com who kindly gave permission for the use of some textures. These textures are used with permission of www.The3dStudio.com and may not be re-distributed, sold, or given away except in the form of rendered images, animations, or real time 3D applications when credit is given to www.The3dStudio.com.
Jonathan Clark at http://www.jonathanclark.com for some Golgotha textures thet were released to the public domain.
The 'Raptor Assault Gunboat' mesh & texture are © 2002 by Adrian 'cearny' Cearnau.
The robot andn ninja mesh and animation are by Psionic, kindly made available from the CharacterFX site
The 'Razor 2' mesh is by Dennis Verbeek
Skyboxes in cubemapJS.zip are ©Johannes Schlorb, used with permission.
Grass texture is courtesy of Mathias 'freezer' Walc
The 'Cuckoo' TrueType font is provided by http://www.grsites.com.
- SoftImage|XSI sample media files (facial.mesh, jaiqua.mesh and associated files) are provided courtesy of Avid Technology, Inc.
© 2004 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Avid is either a registered trademark or trademark of Avid Technology, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. -
The Sibenik Cathedral model by Marko Dabrovic - [email protected].
Copyright © 2013 by The OGRE Team