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32 lines (31 loc) · 3.59 KB

File metadata and controls

32 lines (31 loc) · 3.59 KB

Contributing guidelines

Contributors are more than welcome. However to ensure cohesion throughout the project, contributors are asked to follow the contributing guidelines laid out below.

Guidelines for submitting bug reports

  • If you have found a bug, first ensure that you are using the most recent commit of the theme before opening a new issue on GitHub. Also ensure that the issue has not already been reported.
  • Ensure that you report the issue with adqeuate detail and include any steps you have taken to try to mitigate the problem.
  • If possible, include a screenshot. This makes it much easier to pinpoint the cause of the problem.

Guidelines for contributing code

If you have found a bug and have been able to fix it yourself or wish to implement a new feature, great! Before opening a pull request, please ensure that your patch adheres to the guidelines below:

  • Please use tabs, and only tabs, for indendation.
    • If you use spaces for indentation, your pull request will be rejected. You have been warned!
  • Ensure that your patch keeps the theme's appearance consistent with Fedora Core 3.
    • Installing Fedora Core 3 in a virtual machine is recommended for this. Fedora Core 3 ISO files can be found here.
  • Changes to the appearance of widgets should go in the gtk-style.css file.
  • Changes to MATE and Xfce elements should go in the mate.css and xfce.css files respectively.
  • Changes to the classic Red Hat 8 & 9 themes should go in the classic-tweaks.css file.
  • Do not add any additional color definitions to gtk.css. Only add additional color definitions to shade.css if absolutely necessary.
    • Color definitions that are in shade.css generally should be shades of the colors defined in gtk.css.
  • Ensure that there are no profanities or otherwise inappropriate language in the comments.
  • When submitting your pull request, ensure that you describe the issue that you've resolved or the feature that you've added. Include before/after screenshots if possible.

Guidelines for package maintainers

  • When packaging the theme, ensure that it is installed system-wide.
  • The following files should be installed to the corresponding directories (although this may vary depending on your distribution).
    • The GTK 2 engine should be installed to the directory that CMake installs the engine to (this depends on the distribution).
    • The icons should be installed to /usr/share/icons/
    • The themes should be installed to /usr/share/themes/
    • The Luxi fonts should be installed to /usr/local/share/fonts/
  • Ensure that you package the releases and not the latest commit. A new release usually comes every few commits.
  • The version number of your package should be consistent with the version number of the releases released on GitHub.
  • If you have packaged the theme a distribution, please fork the repository and modify the file with instructions on how to install the package. Then submit a pull request. This request will be accepted only if the package is in a distribution's official package repository!
  • Note: If your package goes unmaintained for a long time, the link to the package will be removed from the file.