First off, thanks for considering to contribute to this project!
These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
A new branch should be always created from the main branch master
, except in certain cases which require to be justified.
The pattern is: {category}/{slugified-description}
. Where:
is the type of work. Can be:feature
is the description of the work, slugified.
Example: feature/improve-encoding
- the code coverage must be increased or equal, never decreased. If you write some new code, write new tests.
- the code must run without any error on the CI.
A draft Merge Request is a merge request that is not ready to be merged but the code is published to allow other team mates follow the development.
Comments are welcome but they must be global, about the conception, not the details (wait for the WIP status removal).
Make sure your code roughly follows PEP-8 and keeps things consistent with the rest of the code. Related tools:
- docstrings: sphinx-style is used to write technical documentation.
- formatting: black is used to automatically format the code without debate.
- sorted imports: isort is used to sort imports
- static analisis (linter): flake8 is used to catch some dizziness and keep the source code healthy.
We use git hooks through pre-commit to enforce and automatically check some "rules". Please install it before to push any commit: pre-commit install
See the relevant configuration file: .pre-commit-config.yaml