diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
index ef39dc6..fce3759 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -1,35 +1,27 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/.github/workflows/codeQL.yml
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ name: "CodeQL"
- branches: [ main ]
+ branches: [main]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
- branches: [ main ]
+ branches: [main]
- - cron: '30 14 * * 4'
+ - cron: "30 14 * * 4"
@@ -32,40 +32,40 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false
- language: [ 'javascript' ]
+ language: ["javascript"]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
# https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#changing-the-languages-that-are-analyzed
- - name: Checkout repository
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
- # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- - name: Initialize CodeQL
- uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
- with:
- languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
- # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
- # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
- # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
- # queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
+ # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
+ - name: Initialize CodeQL
+ uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
+ with:
+ languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
+ # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
+ # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
+ # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
+ # queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
- # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
- # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- - name: Autobuild
- uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
+ # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
+ # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
+ - name: Autobuild
+ uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
- # âšī¸ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
- # đ https://git.io/JvXDl
+ # âšī¸ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
+ # đ https://git.io/JvXDl
- # âī¸ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
- # and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
- # uses a compiled language
+ # âī¸ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
+ # and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
+ # uses a compiled language
- #- run: |
- # make bootstrap
- # make release
+ #- run: |
+ # make bootstrap
+ # make release
- - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
- uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
+ - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
+ uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-and-deploy.yml b/.github/workflows/test-and-deploy.yml
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--- a/.github/workflows/test-and-deploy.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test-and-deploy.yml
@@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Skip build
- run: echo "Build skipped!"
\ No newline at end of file
+ run: echo "Build skipped!"
diff --git a/.huskyrc b/.huskyrc
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.huskyrc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "hooks": {
+ "pre-commit": "lint-staged; npm test"
+ }
diff --git a/.lintstagedrc b/.lintstagedrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce2440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.lintstagedrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": ["npm run lint", "npm run format"],
+ "*.{md,json}": ["npm run format"]
diff --git a/.ncurc.json b/.ncurc.json
index d100bd1..2aee223 100644
--- a/.ncurc.json
+++ b/.ncurc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
"upgrade": true,
- "reject": [
- "chai"
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ "reject": ["chai"]
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"],
+ "printWidth": 80,
+ "singleQuote": true
+ }
+ }
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index 2a5f0a8..afc271a 100644
--- a/.releaseconfig.json
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@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
"exec": {
"before_commit": "yarn run build"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5e02359..7bf9b83 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# ioBroker.dysonAirPurifier
![Number of Installations (latest)](http://iobroker.live/badges/dysonairpurifier-installed.svg)
[![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/iobroker.dysonairpurifier.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/iobroker.dysonairpurifier)
@@ -14,483 +14,544 @@
## ioBroker Adapter for Dyson Air Purifiers and fans
This adapter connects ioBroker to various Dyson Air Purifiers.
Fan-Icon in Logo created by [Freepik](https://www.flaticon.com/de/autoren/freepik) from [www.flaticon.com](https://www.flaticon.com/de/).
-> If you like this adapter and consider supporting me
-> [![Donate with payPal](admin/paypal-donate-button.png)](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SPUDTXGNG2MYG)
+> If you like this adapter and consider supporting me > [![Donate with payPal](admin/paypal-donate-button.png)](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=SPUDTXGNG2MYG)
### supported devices
-* Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower (TP02, ProductType 475)
-* Dyson Pure Cool Tower, 2018 model (TP04, ProductType 438)
-* Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde, 2018 model (TP07, ProductType 438E)
-* Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde, 2018 model (TP07, ProductType 438K)
-* Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk (DP01, ProductType 469)
-* Dyson Pure Cool Desk, 2018 model (DP04, ProductType 520)
-* Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link (HP02, ProductType 455)
-* Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link New (ProductType 455A)
-* Dyson Pure Hot+Cool, 2018 model (HP04, ProductType 527)
-* Dyson Pure Hot+Cool (HP07, ProductType 527E)
-* Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (HP09, ProductType 527K)
-* Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool (PH01, ProductType 358)
-* Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool (PH03, ProductType 358E)
-* Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde (PH04, ProductType 358K)
-* Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde HP09
+- Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower (TP02, ProductType 475)
+- Dyson Pure Cool Tower, 2018 model (TP04, ProductType 438)
+- Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde, 2018 model (TP07, ProductType 438E)
+- Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde, 2018 model (TP07, ProductType 438K)
+- Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk (DP01, ProductType 469)
+- Dyson Pure Cool Desk, 2018 model (DP04, ProductType 520)
+- Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link (HP02, ProductType 455)
+- Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link New (ProductType 455A)
+- Dyson Pure Hot+Cool, 2018 model (HP04, ProductType 527)
+- Dyson Pure Hot+Cool (HP07, ProductType 527E)
+- Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (HP09, ProductType 527K)
+- Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool (PH01, ProductType 358)
+- Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool (PH03, ProductType 358E)
+- Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde (PH04, ProductType 358K)
+- Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde HP09
## Features
Connects your Dyson fans, fan heaters, air purifiers, and air humidifiers to ioBroker.
-* Reads values from devices and sensors
-* Can control devices by giving you the ability to change some values (main power, oscillation, heating, fan speed, ...)
-* Reads device list from Dyson servers
-* Handles an *unlimited* number of fans (for sure in fact the resources of your ioBroker host limit the number).
+- Reads values from devices and sensors
+- Can control devices by giving you the ability to change some values (main power, oscillation, heating, fan speed, ...)
+- Reads device list from Dyson servers
+- Handles an _unlimited_ number of fans (for sure in fact the resources of your ioBroker host limit the number).
## How it works
-On startup the dyson cloud gets queried for all known devices bound to your account and their MQTT passwords. With that list in hands the adapter
-connects to all devices locally and interacts with them.
-* The connection to the dyson cloud is only needed to get the list of devices bound to your account and their MQTT passwords.
-* Therefor new devices are only recognized on adapter startup.
-* The dyson cloud only gets queried once during adapter startup.
-* dyson fans act as a MQTT server and the adapter acts as client.
-* All the communication between devices and the adapter happens locally only.
-* All connection information in the adapter gets dropped and build anew during restart.
+On startup the dyson cloud gets queried for all known devices bound to your account and their MQTT passwords. With that list in hands the adapter
+connects to all devices locally and interacts with them.
+- The connection to the dyson cloud is only needed to get the list of devices bound to your account and their MQTT passwords.
+- Therefor new devices are only recognized on adapter startup.
+- The dyson cloud only gets queried once during adapter startup.
+- dyson fans act as a MQTT server and the adapter acts as client.
+- All the communication between devices and the adapter happens locally only.
+- All connection information in the adapter gets dropped and build anew during restart.
## Installation
### Prerequisites
-* This adapter needs Node.js >= version 18.2
-* At least js-Controller 3.0.0 is required
-* At least Admin 6.0.0 is required
-* To get this adapter running you'll need a Dyson account.
-* Make sure to add your fan to your account. Either via App or online.
+- This adapter needs Node.js >= version 18.2
+- At least js-Controller 3.0.0 is required
+- At least Admin 6.0.0 is required
+- To get this adapter running you'll need a Dyson account.
+- Make sure to add your fan to your account. Either via App or online.
### Adapter installation
#### Using npm
-Run ```npm install iobroker.dysonairpurifier``` on your ioBroker installation to grab the latest version of this adapter from the npm repository.
+Run `npm install iobroker.dysonairpurifier` on your ioBroker installation to grab the latest version of this adapter from the npm repository.
#### Alternative: Using GitHub URL
Install through the ioBroker Admin UI by pointing it to the latest stable release on GitHub:
-You can also install older release versions using these methods (by pointing to a version tag, e.g., ```v0.6.0``` instead of ```master```in the URL), but the most recent one is generally preferred.
+You can also install older release versions using these methods (by pointing to a version tag, e.g., `v0.6.0` instead of `master`in the URL), but the most recent one is generally preferred.
### Config-data needed
-* Dyson account username
-* Dyson account password (this adapter can handle passwords up to 32 characters)
-* your fans/air purifiers IP address in your LAN (not in all cases).
+- Dyson account username
+- Dyson account password (this adapter can handle passwords up to 32 characters)
+- your fans/air purifiers IP address in your LAN (not in all cases).
-The dyson username and password are general config data which need to be entered in the config page of the adapter.
-In difference the IP is entered into the field `Hostname` in the device tree on the `devices` tab page.
+The dyson username and password are general config data which need to be entered in the config page of the adapter.
+In difference the IP is entered into the field `Hostname` in the device tree on the `devices` tab page.
#### How to config the adapter
> On the first regular start of this adapter the Dyson API is queried for all your devices and all supported devices will be created in the device tree -- with their basic information provided by the API and an additional field `Hostaddress`.
> So please run the adapter once, and your Dyson devices will be created in the device tree with their basic settings.
> Then stop the adapter, enter the IP(s) into the `Hostaddress` field(s) in the device tree and restart the adapter. After that your Dyson devices in the device tree should be populated with data.
-*Please note*: Due to a non conform mDNS implementation by Dyson you'll need to provide the local IP of the device *after the first run*.
+_Please note_: Due to a non conform mDNS implementation by Dyson you'll need to provide the local IP of the device _after the first run_.
+_Additional Note_: Since Version 0.7.1 the adapter tries to connect to the device by its hostname (serial number) as long as no host address/IP is given. This will work under two prerequisites:
-*Additional Note*: Since Version 0.7.1 the adapter tries to connect to the device by its hostname (serial number) as long as no host address/IP is given. This will work under two prerequisites:
1. There is a DNS Server running in your LAN. Either in your router (e.g. FritzBoxes have a DNS running) or a dedicated one.
2. You haven't changed the default device name.
3. The device name is properly mapped to its IP (in case you manage your DNS manually).
### 2-factor Authentication (since V0.9.0)
-After installation of the adapter it should be started automatically - if not please start it first.
+After installation of the adapter it should be started automatically - if not please start it first.
After an update it will also restart automatically. In both cases it will remain in "yellow" state
and probably show some errors in the log - that's fine for now.
-* Open the config dialog of the adapter
-* At least fill in your eMail address, the password and the country code - the rest is optional
-* Click the 2FA-Code Email button to initiate the process
-* You'll receive a "challengeId" automatically in the according field, an eMail and a dialog with further instructions
-* enter the 6-digit code from the eMail into the field "dyson one time password"
-* Click the "Finish" button
-* after that you should have received a token from dyson (invisible for security purposes)
-* Click save & close after you have completed your setup - the adapter should start anew and turn green.
-All the values will be saved and shown furthermore.
+- Open the config dialog of the adapter
+- At least fill in your eMail address, the password and the country code - the rest is optional
+- Click the 2FA-Code Email button to initiate the process
+- You'll receive a "challengeId" automatically in the according field, an eMail and a dialog with further instructions
+- enter the 6-digit code from the eMail into the field "dyson one time password"
+- Click the "Finish" button
+- after that you should have received a token from dyson (invisible for security purposes)
+- Click save & close after you have completed your setup - the adapter should start anew and turn green.
+All the values will be saved and shown furthermore.
> Usually you don't need to do this 2 FA on a scheduled basis - but you may repeat it when needed.
#### If you are facing the 401 issue during 2-FA. Please try this workaround:
1. Log out of your dyson smartphone app
2. Wait a few minutes
3. Enter your login data to the adapter (if not already done) and follow the 2FA procedure to the end.
4. Adapter should start and turn green.
5. wait a while (up to an hour or maybe more since dyson has a blocker for too many requests in a short time frame)
6. Login back into your dyson smartphone app if you like to use it.
## Controlling your device(s)
This adapter is currently able to control the following states of your devices:
-* FanMode , Mode of device (Manual, Auto, Off)
-* FanSpeed , Current fan speed
-* Nightmode , Night mode state
-* Oscillation , Oscillation of fan (On, Off).
-* OscillationRight , OscillationAngle Upper Boundary
-* OscillationLeft , OscillationAngle Lower Boundary
-* OscillationAngle , OscillationAngle
-* ContinuousMonitoring , Continuous Monitoring of environmental sensors even if device is off.
-* MainPower , Main Power of fan.
-* AutomaticMode , Fan is in automatic mode.
-* Flowdirection , Direction the fan blows to. ON=Front; OFF=Back (aka Jet focus)
-* Jetfocus , Direction the fan blows to. ON=Front; OFF=Back (aka Jet focus)
-* HeatingMode , Heating Mode [ON/OFF]
-* HeatingTargetTemp , Target temperature for heating
-* AirQualityTarget , Target air quality for auto mode.
-* HumidificationMode , On / Off
-* HumidifyAutoMode , Auto / Off
-* AutoHumidificationTarget , Auto HumidificationTarget
-* HumidificationTarget , Manual HumidificationTarget
-* TemperatureUnit , Unit to display temperature values in (Fan display).
-* WaterHardness , Soft, Medium, Hard
+- FanMode , Mode of device (Manual, Auto, Off)
+- FanSpeed , Current fan speed
+- Nightmode , Night mode state
+- Oscillation , Oscillation of fan (On, Off).
+- OscillationRight , OscillationAngle Upper Boundary
+- OscillationLeft , OscillationAngle Lower Boundary
+- OscillationAngle , OscillationAngle
+- ContinuousMonitoring , Continuous Monitoring of environmental sensors even if device is off.
+- MainPower , Main Power of fan.
+- AutomaticMode , Fan is in automatic mode.
+- Flowdirection , Direction the fan blows to. ON=Front; OFF=Back (aka Jet focus)
+- Jetfocus , Direction the fan blows to. ON=Front; OFF=Back (aka Jet focus)
+- HeatingMode , Heating Mode [ON/OFF]
+- HeatingTargetTemp , Target temperature for heating
+- AirQualityTarget , Target air quality for auto mode.
+- HumidificationMode , On / Off
+- HumidifyAutoMode , Auto / Off
+- AutoHumidificationTarget , Auto HumidificationTarget
+- HumidificationTarget , Manual HumidificationTarget
+- TemperatureUnit , Unit to display temperature values in (Fan display).
+- WaterHardness , Soft, Medium, Hard
Possible values for these states are documented below, as far as known.
Fan speed only allows values from 1 to 10 and Auto. If you like to set your fan speed down to 0 you'll need to power off the main power.
Which is what the dyson app does also.
### SystemStates folder (since 2.4.0)
-The devices are capable of reporting failures. This feature has been added in adapter version 2.4.0.
+The devices are capable of reporting failures. This feature has been added in adapter version 2.4.0.
For now there are only rough information on the failures, and the data points vary from device to device.
If you have better information on a failure don't hesitate to report it to me to improve the adapter.
-All states report whether there is a failure or not. `True` means a failure, `false` means "No failure".
+All states report whether there is a failure or not. `True` means a failure, `false` means "No failure".
### Known issues
-* No automatic IP detection of devices
-* Still many unknown device messages (mostly failures and warnings)
-* Filter Reset does not work since the correct mqtt message is unknown
-* Sometimes the adapter loses the MQTT connection to a fan and isn't able to reconnect. `This is usually no issue of the adapter itself, but an issue in your local network!`
- * In some cases it's sufficient to unplug the fan for approximately 10 seconds to reset it and plug it in again. Just give it a try!
- * In other cases it has been an IP/DNS issue. Resetting the DHCP/DNS server (router) solved the issue.
+- No automatic IP detection of devices
+- Still many unknown device messages (mostly failures and warnings)
+- Filter Reset does not work since the correct mqtt message is unknown
+- Sometimes the adapter loses the MQTT connection to a fan and isn't able to reconnect. `This is usually no issue of the adapter itself, but an issue in your local network!`
+ - In some cases it's sufficient to unplug the fan for approximately 10 seconds to reset it and plug it in again. Just give it a try!
+ - In other cases it has been an IP/DNS issue. Resetting the DHCP/DNS server (router) solved the issue.
## Changelog
-### 3.1.7 (2024-04-24) (Marching on)
+### 3.1.8 (2024-05-10) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#266](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/266) HeatingMode switch is now working correctly
+- (arcticon) Upd: Dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: code refactoring
+- (arcticon) Chg: code refactoring
+- (arcticon) Chg: [#273](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/273) Performance improvements
+- (arcticon) Chg: [#274](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/274) Update of outdated certificate
+### 3.1.7 (2024-04-24) (Marching on)
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#266](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/266) HeatingMode switch is now working correctly
### 3.1.6 (2024-04-24) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#266](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/266) HeatingMode switch is now working correctly
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#266](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/266) HeatingMode switch is now working correctly
### 3.1.5 (2024-04-16) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Requesting at least admin v6.13.16 as dependency
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Requesting at least admin v6.13.16 as dependency
### 3.1.4 (2024-03-22) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Lamps (Product type 552) won't generate a warning on startup anymore but show an info that they are not supported by this adapter.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Lamps (Product type 552) won't generate a warning on startup anymore but show an info that they are not supported by this adapter.
### 3.1.3 (2024-02-28) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: 2FA Process is working again - truely
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: 2FA Process is working again - truely
### 3.1.2 (2024-02-26) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: 2FA Process is working again
-* (grizzelbee) New: At least nodeJs V18.2.0 is required
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: 2FA Process is working again
+- (grizzelbee) New: At least nodeJs V18.2.0 is required
### 3.1.1 (2024-02-01) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Fixed PM2.5, PM10, VOC Values to be compliant to the dyson App
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#113](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/113) Fixed NO2 Values to be compliant to the dyson App
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Fixed PM2.5, PM10, VOC Indexes
-* (grizzelbee) New: Changed admin user interface to jsonConfig
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Code cleanup
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Fixed PM2.5, PM10, VOC Values to be compliant to the dyson App
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#113](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/113) Fixed NO2 Values to be compliant to the dyson App
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Fixed PM2.5, PM10, VOC Indexes
+- (grizzelbee) New: Changed admin user interface to jsonConfig
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Code cleanup
### 3.0.0 (2024-01-11) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: updated year of copyright in license
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Added HCHO-Index
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGES:
- * Replaced values in field pm25 with values from pm25r and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
- * Replaced values in field pm10 with values from pm10r and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
- * [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Replaced values in field hcho with values from hchr and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
- * Fields pm25r and pm10r are now deprecated and will be removed
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: updated year of copyright in license
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Added HCHO-Index
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: BREAKING CHANGES:
+ - Replaced values in field pm25 with values from pm25r and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
+ - Replaced values in field pm10 with values from pm10r and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
+ - [#244](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/244) Replaced values in field hcho with values from hchr and calculating them accordingly to the dyson App
+ - Fields pm25r and pm10r are now deprecated and will be removed
### 2.5.9 (2023-08-21) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Updated year in license- and readme file to make adapter checker happy
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Updated year in license- and readme file to make adapter checker happy
### 2.5.8 (2023-08-09) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed calculation of hmax temperatures for heater models.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed calculation of hmax temperatures for heater models.
### 2.5.7 (2022-12-06) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde (PH04, ProductType 358K)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Upgraded axios to 1.2.1
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde (PH04, ProductType 358K)
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Upgraded axios to 1.2.1
### 2.5.6 (2022-11-28) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#213](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/213) Fixed warning due to wrong data type on field FILTER_REPLACEMENT
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#213](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/213) Fixed warning due to wrong data type on field FILTER_REPLACEMENT
### 2.5.4 (2022-11-27) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: [#207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/207) Downgraded axios to 0.27.2 due to an error in version 1.x returning data as binary instead of string.
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: [#207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/207) Downgraded axios to 0.27.2 due to an error in version 1.x returning data as binary instead of string.
### 2.5.3 (2022-11-26) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: [#207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/207) better and easier detection of supported devices
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: [#207](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/207) better and easier detection of supported devices
### 2.5.2 (2022-11-17) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved log message "requesting new state of device" from info to debug
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (Type 527K) to device list.
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde (Type 438K) to device list.
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Dependencies got updated
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: Moved log message "requesting new state of device" from info to debug
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (Type 527K) to device list.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added Dyson Pure Cool Tower Formaldehyde (Type 438K) to device list.
### 2.5.1 (2022-03-23) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Improved layout of config page and added tooltips to the checkboxes
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Improved layout of config page and added tooltips to the checkboxes
### 2.5.0 (2022-03-22) (Halo of the dark)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#185](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/185) Added config option to disable logging of reconnect events
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#185](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/185) Added config option to disable logging of reconnect events
### 2.4.1 (2022-03-20) (Echo from the past)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Changed SystemState from text to boolean data points
+- (grizzelbee) New: Changed SystemState from text to boolean data points
### 2.4.0 (2022-03-17) (Echo from the past)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added warning code to device tree
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added Device-faults as SystemState to device tree
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added donate button to readme and config page
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Switched "Sending data to device" message from loglevel info to debug
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: reduced amount of debug messages
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added warning code to device tree
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added Device-faults as SystemState to device tree
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added donate button to readme and config page
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Switched "Sending data to device" message from loglevel info to debug
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: reduced amount of debug messages
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
### 2.3.2 (2022-03-04) (Fairytale of doom)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed: Sentry-Error: [DYSONAIRPURIFIER-D](https://sentry.io/organizations/grizzelbee/issues/3021418514)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed: Sentry-Error: [DYSONAIRPURIFIER-D](https://sentry.io/organizations/grizzelbee/issues/3021418514)
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
### 2.3.1 (2022-01-14) (Fairytale of doom)
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated documentation
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated documentation
### 2.3.0 (2021-12-02) (Fairytale of doom)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added some GUI elements for air quality in folder icons
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for HEPA PTFE filters
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Combined PTFE filters
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: Fanspeed is now a number (not string anymore) to work properly with IoT-Adapter. Please delete this data point and let get recreated.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added some GUI elements for air quality in folder icons
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for HEPA PTFE filters
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Combined PTFE filters
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: Fanspeed is now a number (not string anymore) to work properly with IoT-Adapter. Please delete this data point and let get recreated.
### 2.2.0 (2021-11-07) (Welcome to my wasteland)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#154](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/154) Added support for dyson Humidify+Cool PH03/358E.
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#154](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/154) Added support for dyson Humidify+Cool PH03/358E.
### 2.1.4 (2021-10-20) (Running to the edge)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#152](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/152) Added token-indicator to config page in admin to show whether a token has already been received and saved or not.
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#152](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/152) Added token-indicator to config page in admin to show whether a token has already been received and saved or not.
### 2.1.3 (2021-10-17) (Running to the edge)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#148](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/148) Hostaddress is used properly when given.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#149](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/149) OscillationAngle "Breeze" is working now
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#150](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/150) Strange delay and jumping of boolean switches is fixed
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#148](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/148) Hostaddress is used properly when given.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#149](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/149) OscillationAngle "Breeze" is working now
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#150](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/150) Strange delay and jumping of boolean switches is fixed
### 2.1.2 (2021-10-07) (Running to the edge)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Removed NO2 from general AirQuality to be more compliant to dyson-app
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Code cleanup
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed delay between sending a command and new values getting displayed (max 30 Secs)
+- (grizzelbee) New: Removed NO2 from general AirQuality to be more compliant to dyson-app
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Code cleanup
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed delay between sending a command and new values getting displayed (max 30 Secs)
### 2.1.1 (2021-10-05) (Running to the edge)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added some more data points
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added switch for temperature unit of the fan display
-* (grizzelbee) New: Improved logging of unknown data points
-* (germanBluefox) Fix: Fixed icon links
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed dependencies badge
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: added missing dependency plugin-sentry
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Setting HumidificationTarget now works
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added some more data points
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added switch for temperature unit of the fan display
+- (grizzelbee) New: Improved logging of unknown data points
+- (germanBluefox) Fix: Fixed icon links
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed dependencies badge
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: added missing dependency plugin-sentry
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Setting HumidificationTarget now works
### 2.0.1 (2021-10-04) (Lost in forever)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Turning on HeatingMode should work now
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Sentry-error [DYSONAIRPURIFIER-7](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2690134161/?project=5735771) -> Cannot read property '3' of undefined
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Turning on HeatingMode should work now
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Sentry-error [DYSONAIRPURIFIER-7](https://sentry.io/organizations/nocompany-6j/issues/2690134161/?project=5735771) -> Cannot read property '3' of undefined
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
### 2.0.0 (2021-09-26) (Lost in forever)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added DeepCleanCycle to known data points
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Switching water hardness now really works
-* (grizzelbee) BREAKING CHANGES: Please recreate your object tree and test your scripts!
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: All ON/OFF switches are now boolean types to be more compliant to ioBroker standards for VIS and other adapters. Please delete those data points and let them being recreated if necessary.
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: All angles are numbers now
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: All 2-way switches are boolean now
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added DeepCleanCycle to known data points
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Switching water hardness now really works
+- (grizzelbee) BREAKING CHANGES: Please recreate your object tree and test your scripts!
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: All ON/OFF switches are now boolean types to be more compliant to ioBroker standards for VIS and other adapters. Please delete those data points and let them being recreated if necessary.
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: All angles are numbers now
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: All 2-way switches are boolean now
### V1.1.0 (2021-09-15) (Coming home)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added correct tier-level to io-package
-* (grizzelbee) New: improved logging of unknown data points
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link (ProductType 455A)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for formaldehyde sensor
-* (grizzelbee) New: oscillation angles can be set
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved OscillationAngle data point to display only the values supported by the current model
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: removed info: undefined is not a valid state value for id "Hostaddress"
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added correct tier-level to io-package
+- (grizzelbee) New: improved logging of unknown data points
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link (ProductType 455A)
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for formaldehyde sensor
+- (grizzelbee) New: oscillation angles can be set
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Improved OscillationAngle data point to display only the values supported by the current model
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: removed info: undefined is not a valid state value for id "Hostaddress"
### V1.0.0 (2021-08-26) (Dim the spotlight)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#130](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/130) Fixed the newly introduced bug showing wrong values for temperatures
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Pushed to version 1.0.0
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#130](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/130) Fixed the newly introduced bug showing wrong values for temperatures
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Pushed to version 1.0.0
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
### V0.9.5 (2021-08-23) (Marching on)
-* (grizzelbee) Doc: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Documented workaround for 2FA 401 Issue in ReadMe
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#128](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/128) Fixed saving of config data
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#107](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/107) Fixed type error on temperatures
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed warnings on startup
+- (grizzelbee) Doc: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Documented workaround for 2FA 401 Issue in ReadMe
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#128](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/128) Fixed saving of config data
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#107](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/107) Fixed type error on temperatures
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed warnings on startup
### V0.9.4 (2021-08-20) ()
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Credentials won't get logged but shown in a popup in admin when failing 2FA process.
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added adminUI tag to io-package
-* (grizzelbee) New: Cleanup of io-package
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Credentials won't get logged but shown in a popup in admin when failing 2FA process.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added adminUI tag to io-package
+- (grizzelbee) New: Cleanup of io-package
### V0.9.3 (2021-08-19) (Paralyzed)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Leading and trailing whitespaces will be removed from all config values when saving
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Password will be logged in clear text in case of a http 401 (unauthorized) error during 2FA
-* (grizzelbee) Chg: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Removed general debug logging of 2FA login data
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Leading and trailing whitespaces will be removed from all config values when saving
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Password will be logged in clear text in case of a http 401 (unauthorized) error during 2FA
+- (grizzelbee) Chg: [#124](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/124) Removed general debug logging of 2FA login data
### V0.9.2 (2021-08-15) (Pearl in a world of dirt)
-* (bvol) New: [#114](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/114) Added Switzerland to country selection in config , Thanks, @BVol, for his code!
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#119](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/119) Updated dyson certificate to enable connection again. Thanks, @Krobipd, for helping with the link
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
+- (bvol) New: [#114](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/114) Added Switzerland to country selection in config , Thanks, @BVol, for his code!
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#119](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/119) Updated dyson certificate to enable connection again. Thanks, @Krobipd, for helping with the link
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Updated dependencies
### V0.9.1 (2021-05-17) (Still breathing)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#105](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/105) TP02, HP02 and others supporting the fmod token are now able to switch from Off to Auto- and manual-mode
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#105](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/105) TP02, HP02 and others supporting the fmod token are now able to switch from Off to Auto- and manual-mode
### V0.9.0 (2021-05-15) (Still breathing)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added ioBroker sentry plugin to report errors automatically
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson Pure Cool TP07 (438E)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson 2-factor login method
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added "keep Sensorvalues" to config to prevent destroying old values when continuous monitoring is off and fan is switched off (TP02)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: FilterLife should now be correctly in hours and percent in two separate data fields for fans supporting this (e.g. TP02)
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added ioBroker sentry plugin to report errors automatically
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson Pure Cool TP07 (438E)
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added support for Dyson 2-factor login method
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added "keep Sensorvalues" to config to prevent destroying old values when continuous monitoring is off and fan is switched off (TP02)
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: FilterLife should now be correctly in hours and percent in two separate data fields for fans supporting this (e.g. TP02)
### V0.8.2 (2021-04-09) (Still breathing)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#80](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/80) fixed npm install hint in documentation
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#82](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/82) fixed common.dataSource type with type >poll<
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#95](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/95) Added support for dyson Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (527E)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#94](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/94) Fixed dustIndex
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#80](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/80) fixed npm install hint in documentation
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#82](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/82) fixed common.dataSource type with type >poll<
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#95](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/95) Added support for dyson Hot+Cool Formaldehyde (527E)
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#94](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/94) Fixed dustIndex
### V0.8.1 (2021-02-19) (Fall into the flames)
-* (grizzelbee) New: added icons to each fan type in device tree
-* (grizzelbee) New: Showing Filter type correctly - not as code anymore
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: updated dependencies
+- (grizzelbee) New: added icons to each fan type in device tree
+- (grizzelbee) New: Showing Filter type correctly - not as code anymore
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: updated dependencies
### V0.8.0 (2021-02-18) (Beyond the mirror)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Log as info if account is active on login; else log as warning.
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#21](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/21) Improvement for humidifier support
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#67](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/67) Adapter sometimes wrote objects instead of values.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Log as info if account is active on login; else log as warning.
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#21](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/21) Improvement for humidifier support
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#67](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/67) Adapter sometimes wrote objects instead of values.
### V0.7.5 (2021-02-12) (I won't surrender)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#65](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/65) Adapter get online again after changes to dyson cloud API login procedure.
-* (grizzelbee) New: Adapter reconnects with new host address when it gets changed manually
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#65](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/65) Adapter get online again after changes to dyson cloud API login procedure.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Adapter reconnects with new host address when it gets changed manually
### V0.7.4 (2021-02-10) (Human)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed adapter traffic light for info.connection
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Minor fixes
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed adapter traffic light for info.connection
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Minor fixes
### V0.7.3 (2021-02-10) (When angels fall)
-* (theimo1221) Fix: [#59](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/59) added default country
-* (theimo1221) New: added function to mask password to dyson-utils.js
-* (grizzelbee) New: extended config test and error logging
-* (grizzelbee) New: added password to protectedNative in io-package.json
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed showing password in config (leftover from testing/fixing)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed detection of needed js-controller features
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed detection if IP is given or not
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: creating all data points with await
+- (theimo1221) Fix: [#59](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/59) added default country
+- (theimo1221) New: added function to mask password to dyson-utils.js
+- (grizzelbee) New: extended config test and error logging
+- (grizzelbee) New: added password to protectedNative in io-package.json
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed showing password in config (leftover from testing/fixing)
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed detection of needed js-controller features
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed detection if IP is given or not
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: creating all data points with await
### V0.7.2 (2021-02-10) (Songs of love and death)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#59](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/59) Fixed bug while loading/saving config which led to wrong values displayed for country and temperature unit
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: switched "Skipping unknown ..." message from info to debug
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#59](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/59) Fixed bug while loading/saving config which led to wrong values displayed for country and temperature unit
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: switched "Skipping unknown ..." message from info to debug
### V0.7.1 (2021-02-06) (Horizons)
-* (grizzelbee) New: When no host address is given - adapter tries to connect via default hostname of the device
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) Filterlifetime is now correctly displayed in hours and percent for devices supporting this
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#48](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/48) Fixed countrycodes for UK and USA
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#52](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/52) Fixed VOCIndex
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Removed option to control Fan state since it corresponds to the state of the fan in auto-mode. Controlling it is senseless.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed await...then antipattern.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed undefined roles
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some bad promises and moved code to dysonUtils
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed encrypting password using js-controller 3.0 build-in routine
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Added topic "Controlling your device(s)" to readme
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed unnecessary saving of MQTT password
-* (grizzelbee) Upd: [#9](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/9) Added some more dyson codes for heaters and humidifiers
+- (grizzelbee) New: When no host address is given - adapter tries to connect via default hostname of the device
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) Filterlifetime is now correctly displayed in hours and percent for devices supporting this
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#48](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/48) Fixed countrycodes for UK and USA
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#52](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/52) Fixed VOCIndex
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Removed option to control Fan state since it corresponds to the state of the fan in auto-mode. Controlling it is senseless.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed await...then antipattern.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed undefined roles
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed some bad promises and moved code to dysonUtils
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed encrypting password using js-controller 3.0 build-in routine
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Added topic "Controlling your device(s)" to readme
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: Removed unnecessary saving of MQTT password
+- (grizzelbee) Upd: [#9](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/9) Added some more dyson codes for heaters and humidifiers
### V0.7.0 (2021-01-08) (Afraid of the dark)
-* (jpwenzel) New: Removing crypto from package dependency list (using Node.js provided version)
-* (jpwenzel) New: Introducing unit tests
-* (jpwenzel) New: At least NodeJs 10.0.0 is required
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#23](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/23) - Introduced new data field AirQuality which represents the worst value of all present indexes.
-* (grizzelbee) New: BREAKING CHANGE! - switched over to the adapter-prototype build-in password encryption. Therefore, you'll need to enter your password again in config.
-* (grizzelbee) New: At least js-controller 3.0.0 is required
-* (grizzelbee) New: At least admin 4.0.9 is required
-* (jpwenzel) Fix: General overhaul of readme
-* (jpwenzel) Fix: Code refactoring
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed some datafield names - please delete the whole device folder and get them newly created.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#18](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/18) - Fixed creating the indexes when there is no according sensor
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Displaying Filter life value in hours again
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Creating additional Filter life value in percent
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: removed materializeTab from ioPackage
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: calling setState now as callback in createOrExtendObject
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Removed non-compliant values for ROLE
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: calling setState in callback of set/createObject now
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: ensuring to clear all timeouts in onUnload-function
+- (jpwenzel) New: Removing crypto from package dependency list (using Node.js provided version)
+- (jpwenzel) New: Introducing unit tests
+- (jpwenzel) New: At least NodeJs 10.0.0 is required
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#23](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/23) - Introduced new data field AirQuality which represents the worst value of all present indexes.
+- (grizzelbee) New: BREAKING CHANGE! - switched over to the adapter-prototype build-in password encryption. Therefore, you'll need to enter your password again in config.
+- (grizzelbee) New: At least js-controller 3.0.0 is required
+- (grizzelbee) New: At least admin 4.0.9 is required
+- (jpwenzel) Fix: General overhaul of readme
+- (jpwenzel) Fix: Code refactoring
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: fixed some datafield names - please delete the whole device folder and get them newly created.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#18](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/18) - Fixed creating the indexes when there is no according sensor
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Displaying Filter life value in hours again
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Creating additional Filter life value in percent
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: removed materializeTab from ioPackage
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: calling setState now as callback in createOrExtendObject
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Removed non-compliant values for ROLE
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: calling setState in callback of set/createObject now
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: ensuring to clear all timeouts in onUnload-function
### V0.6.0 (2020-10-29) (Rage before the storm)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#17](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/17) - Added online-indicator for each device
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#19](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/19) - Extended Password length from 15 characters to 32
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#20](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/20) - Improved error handling on http communication with Dyson API
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed typo within data field anchorpoint - please delete the old ancorpoint manually.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Filter life value is now displayed in percent not in hours
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#17](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/17) - Added online-indicator for each device
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#19](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/19) - Extended Password length from 15 characters to 32
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#20](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/20) - Improved error handling on http communication with Dyson API
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed typo within data field anchorpoint - please delete the old ancorpoint manually.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Filter life value is now displayed in percent not in hours
### V0.5.1 (2020-10-27) (Heart of the hurricane)
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Added missing clearTimeout
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added missing clearTimeout
### V0.5.0 (2020-10-27) (Heart of the hurricane)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Editable data fields have now appropriate value lists
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added more country codes
-* (grizzelbee) New: Target temperature of heater can now be set - **in the configured unit!**
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Filter life value is now displayed in percent not in hours
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#6](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/6) - Changing the fanspeed does now fully work.
+- (grizzelbee) New: Editable data fields have now appropriate value lists
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added more country codes
+- (grizzelbee) New: Target temperature of heater can now be set - **in the configured unit!**
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#13](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/13) - Filter life value is now displayed in percent not in hours
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#6](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/6) - Changing the fanspeed does now fully work.
### V0.4.1 (2020-10-16) (unbroken)
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#8](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/8) - Documented ProductTypes for better overview and user experience in ReadMe
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#9](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/9) - Added some Hot&Cool specific datafields
-* (grizzelbee) New: Logging of from devices, when shutting down the adapter
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#10](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/10) - Polling device data every X (configurable) seconds for new data, hence sensors don't send updates on changing values
-* (grizzelbee) New: [#11](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/11) - Added Austria and France to Country-List
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed bug in error handling when login to Dyson API fails
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: [#12](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/12) - Fixed Dyson API login by completely securing via HTTPS.
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Updated some descriptions in config
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#8](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/8) - Documented ProductTypes for better overview and user experience in ReadMe
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#9](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/9) - Added some Hot&Cool specific datafields
+- (grizzelbee) New: Logging of from devices, when shutting down the adapter
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#10](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/10) - Polling device data every X (configurable) seconds for new data, hence sensors don't send updates on changing values
+- (grizzelbee) New: [#11](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/11) - Added Austria and France to Country-List
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed bug in error handling when login to Dyson API fails
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: [#12](https://github.com/Grizzelbee/ioBroker.dysonairpurifier/issues/12) - Fixed Dyson API login by completely securing via HTTPS.
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Updated some descriptions in config
### V0.4.0 (2020-09-29)
-* (grizzelbee) New: devices are now **controllable**
-* (grizzelbee) New: state-change-messages are processed correctly now
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Added missing °-Sign to temperature unit
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Terminating adapter when starting with missing Dyson credentials
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: NO2 and VOC Indices should work now
-* (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed build errors
+- (grizzelbee) New: devices are now **controllable**
+- (grizzelbee) New: state-change-messages are processed correctly now
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Added missing °-Sign to temperature unit
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Terminating adapter when starting with missing Dyson credentials
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: NO2 and VOC Indices should work now
+- (grizzelbee) Fix: Fixed build errors
### V0.3.0 (2020-09-27) - first version worth giving it a try
-* (grizzelbee) New: Messages received via Web-API and MQTT getting processed
-* (grizzelbee) New: datapoints getting created and populated
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added config item for desired temperature unit (Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Celsius)
-* (grizzelbee) New: Added missing product names to product numbers
-* (grizzelbee) New: Hostaddress/IP is editable / configurable
-* (grizzelbee) New: calculate quality indexes for PM2.5, PM10, VOC and NO2 according to Dyson App
+- (grizzelbee) New: Messages received via Web-API and MQTT getting processed
+- (grizzelbee) New: datapoints getting created and populated
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added config item for desired temperature unit (Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Celsius)
+- (grizzelbee) New: Added missing product names to product numbers
+- (grizzelbee) New: Hostaddress/IP is editable / configurable
+- (grizzelbee) New: calculate quality indexes for PM2.5, PM10, VOC and NO2 according to Dyson App
### V0.2.0 (2020-09-22) - not working! Do not install/use
-* (grizzelbee) New: Login to Dyson API works
-* (grizzelbee) New: Login to Dyson AirPurifier (2018 Dyson Pure Cool Tower [TP04]) works
-* (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-Login to [TP04] works
-* (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-request from [TP04] works
-* (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-request to [TP04] is responding
+- (grizzelbee) New: Login to Dyson API works
+- (grizzelbee) New: Login to Dyson AirPurifier (2018 Dyson Pure Cool Tower [TP04]) works
+- (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-Login to [TP04] works
+- (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-request from [TP04] works
+- (grizzelbee) New: mqtt-request to [TP04] is responding
### V0.1.0 (2020-09-04) - not working! Do not install/use
-* (grizzelbee) first development body (non-functional)
+- (grizzelbee) first development body (non-functional)
## Explanation of Dyson API data (message payload)
@@ -499,9 +560,9 @@ Information copied and extended from
+ if ($this.attr("type") === "checkbox") {
+ obj[id] = $this.prop("checked");
+ } else if ($this.attr("type") === "number") {
+ obj[id] = parseFloat($this.val());
+ } else {
+ let value = $this.val().trim();
+ if (M) M.updateTextFields();
+ if (id === "Password") {
+ obj[id] = encrypt(secret, value);
+ } else {
+ obj[id] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ callback(obj);
+ }
+ async function getDyson2faMail() {
+ let payload = {};
+ payload.email = document.getElementById("email").value.trim();
+ payload.password = document.getElementById("Password").value.trim();
+ payload.country = document.getElementById("country").value;
+ switch (payload.country) {
+ case "DE":
+ payload.locale = "de-DE";
+ break;
+ case "AT":
+ payload.locale = "de-AT";
+ break;
+ case "FR":
+ payload.locale = "fr-FR";
+ break;
+ case "PL":
+ payload.locale = "pl-PL";
+ break;
+ case "NL":
+ payload.locale = "nl-NL";
+ break;
+ case "BE":
+ payload.locale = "fr-BE";
+ break;
+ case "US":
+ payload.locale = "en-US";
+ break;
+ case "GB":
+ payload.locale = "en-GB";
+ break;
+ case "IE":
+ payload.locale = "en-IE";
+ break;
+ case "CA":
+ payload.locale = "en-CA";
+ break;
+ case "RU":
+ payload.locale = "ru-RU";
+ break;
+ case "CN":
+ payload.locale = "cn-CN";
+ break;
+ case "CH":
+ payload.locale = "de-CH";
+ break;
+ }
+ sendTo(null, "getDyson2faMail", payload, (response) => {
+ //JSON.stringify('Response: ' + response);
+ if (response.error) {
+ console.log(
+ "Error: " + typeof response.error === "object"
+ ? JSON.stringify(response.error)
+ : response.error,
+ );
+ showError(
+ "Error: " + typeof response.error === "object"
+ ? JSON.stringify(response.error)
+ : response.error,
+ );
+ $(".progress").addClass("hide");
+ return;
+ } else if (response.challengeId) {
+ console.log(
+ `Setting challengeId [${response.challengeId}] to input.`,
+ );
+ $("input[id=challengeId]").val(response.challengeId).change();
+ if (M) M.updateTextFields();
+ showMessage(
+ 'Received challengeId from dyson. Please check your eMails now and enter the code you received from dyson to the according field. When done click "finish".',
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
- donation
+ async function getDysonToken() {
+ let payload = {};
+ payload.email = document.getElementById("email").value.trim();
+ payload.password = document.getElementById("Password").value.trim();
+ payload.country = document.getElementById("country").value;
+ payload.challengeId = document.getElementById("challengeId").value;
+ payload.PIN = document.getElementById("dyson_code").value.trim();
+ sendTo(null, "getDysonToken", payload, (response) => {
+ if (response.error) {
+ showError(response.error);
+ $(".progress").addClass("hide");
+ return;
+ } else if (response.token) {
+ console.log(
+ `Setting token [${JSON.stringify(response)}] to input.`,
+ );
+ $("input[id=token]").val(response.token).change();
+ document.getElementById("token_inside").checked = true;
+ if (M) M.updateTextFields();
+ showMessage(
+ `Received token [${JSON.stringify(response)}] from dyson and saved it to config.`,
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }