We need merge support
- Creating a merge commit and resolving conflicts!
Revision Support - At some point we might need support for stuff like HEAD^ https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitrevisions.html
This is medium level task, that requires almost no knowledge about git Take a look at how go-git does it.
Integrate date time tz
Implement delta figuring out
Clean up ObjectStorage (remove function to get an object from a path)
Clean up Packfile tests
Clean up Indexes tests
- WorkTree
- All fs operations go here
- WorkTree
Important -
saving a ref should be updating a ref, and doing that can fail if some other process if attempting to modify it. We need this operation to be atomic.
- Can throw LockFailure
Move expensive code to another isolate
Do not allow concurrent modifications to the isolate
Modifying the index - What if someone else has modified it during that time?
Low Energy Tasks -
- Capabilities
- PktLine Decoder
- git clean
- reset hard/soft - Hard test when there are modifications or some extra files.
- Tests: Use a fixture instead of cloning
- GitStatusResult structure - see SimpleGit
Look at https://github.com/Byron/gitoxide and learn about community building
simple-git has the concept of a queue so that multiple commands cannot be run in parallel. This seems like a good idea that should also enforce?
For git-crypt support, the first step would be to implement git-attributes support. Take a look at go-git's implementation.
I don't believe it makes sense to implement git-crypt support. Only because it's so fucking complex, and transfering the key is not simple. Plus, use git-crypt requires understanding gpg to a certain extent that it's not practical.
Age encryption is much much easier, and there is agebox but that doesn't integrate with git and doesn't encrypt to a plain text version. Though I'm not sure why that is a big issue. It seems like creating a tool like agebox which integrates with git is the best option. All that would be needed is support for modifying the git attributes and clean/smudge/diff support.
Maybe git-crypt with just the password. I can't imagine supporting all of pgp stuff. I can transfer the key via a QR code. -> cat key | base64 | qrencode -t ansiutf8
git-ignore - https://github.com/kaelzhang/node-ignore - go-git - jgit