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76 lines (57 loc) · 2.54 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (57 loc) · 2.54 KB


Small, extensible wrapper around vim-tbone.

Transform vim + tmux into a fully customizable test runner, language agnostic REPL, or whatever your heart desires.

Does NOT replace vim-tbone, vim-dispatch, AsyncRun.vim or vim-test.


Using vim-plug

Plug 'tpope/vim-tbone'
Plug 'Gee19/vim-gbone'
Plug 'tyru/current-func-info.vim' " Optional

Run Usage

  • Send pre-defined run command to a tmux pane in any direction
  • Appends full buffer path

REPL Usage

  • Sends the current line (or visually selected lines) to a tmux pane in any direction, with smart indent level support.
  • Automatically sends the Enter key after each line.

Test Runner Usage

  • Sends your pre-defined test command to a tmux pane in any direction.
  • Appends the full buffer path.
  • Optionally, appends the current line number, class or class & function.
Strategy Description Example
smart Test specific func, class or file depending on cursor location pytest /path/to/file{::className}{::funcName}
line Append line number to test command mix test /path/to/file.exs:12


  • Remembers the last two panes used for each function, until you restart vim.
  • smart strategy requires current-func-info.vim.
  • Supports: C, Go, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, VimL, PL/SQL, sh, Bash, Zsh, Elixir


  let g:gbone_run_mapping = '<leader>x'
  let g:gbone_run_ft_map = {
  \ 'python': 'python3.8',
  \ 'javascript': 'node',
  \ }

  let g:gbone_repl_mapping = '<leader>rl'
  let g:gbone_test_mapping = '<leader>t'

  let g:gbone_ft_map = {
  \ 'python': 'pytest -vvv',
  \ 'javascript': 'yarn test',
  \ 'elixir': 'mix test',
  \ 'spec': 'npx cypress run --browser firefox --spec'
  \ }

  let g:gbone_ft_strategy = {
  \ 'python': 'smart',
  \ 'elixir': 'line',
  \ }


  • BUG: fix visual mode mapping sending full lines?
  • ENHANCEMENT: capture input for direction if last pane doesn't exist
  • localleader might be the move
  • write help text
