This document provides a listing of h5fortran public
scoped user-facing procedures and methods with a summary of their parameters.
All examples assume:
use h5fortran, only: hdf5_file
use hdf5, only: HSIZE_T, HID_T
type(hdf5_file) :: h
Query HDF5 library version:
use h5fortran, only : hdf5version
print *, hdf5version()
More than one HDF5 file can be open in a program, by declaring unique file handle (variable) like:
type(hdf5_file) :: h1, h2, h3
call h%open(filename, action, comp_lvl)
!! Opens hdf5 file
character(*), intent(in) :: filename
character(*), intent(in), optional :: action !< 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'rw' (default 'r')
integer, intent(in), optional :: comp_lvl !< 0: no compression. 1-9: ZLIB compression, higher is more compressior
call h%close(close_hdf5_interface)
!! This must be called on each open file to flush buffers to disk
!! data loss can occur if program terminates before this procedure
!! close_hdf5_interface is when you know you have exactly one HDF5 file in your
!! application, if true it closes ALL files, even those invoked directly from HDF5.
logical, intent(in), optional :: close_hdf5_interface
To avoid memory leaks or corrupted files, always "close" files before STOPping the Fortran program.
call h%flush()
To allocate variables before reading data, inquire about dataset characteristics with these procedures.
rank = h%ndim(dataset_name)
character(*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
Get disk dataset shape (1D vector)
call h%shape(dataset_name, dims)
character(*), intent(in) :: dataset_name
integer(HSIZE_T), intent(out), allocatable :: dims(:)
Get attribute shape (1D vector)
call h%shape(dataset_name, dims, attr_name)
character(*), intent(in) :: dataset_name, attr_name
integer(HSIZE_T), intent(out), allocatable :: dims(:)
Dataset "dname" data class (i.e. integer, float, string, ...)
integer :: class
class = h%class(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Dataset "dname" datatype
integer(HID_T) :: dtype
dtype = h%dtype(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Does dataset "dname" exist in this HDF5 file?
tf = h%exist(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Does attribute "attr" exist for object "obj" in this file?
tf = h%exist_attr(obj, attr)
character(*), intent(in) :: obj, attr
Is dataset "dname" contiguous on disk?
tf = h%is_contig(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is dataset compact (< 64K)
tf = h%is_compact(dname)
!! is dataset compact layout
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is dataset chunked?
tf = h%is_chunked(dname)
!! is dataset chunked
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
Is this an HDF5 file?
use h5fortran, only: is_hdf5
tf = is_hdf5('myfile.txt') !< probably false
tf = is_hdf5('myfile.h5') !< true if a valid HDF5 file
These are more advanced inquiries into the memory layout of the dataset, for advanced users:
Layout = h%layout(dname)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
call h%chunks(dname, chunk_size)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
integer, intent(out) :: chunk_size(:)
One of the key features of HDF5 is the ability to create dataset softlinks within an HDF5 file:
call h%softlink(target, link)
character(*), intent(in) :: target, & !< target path to link dataset
link !< soft link path to create
call h%write(dname, A, chunk_size, istart, iend, stride, compact)
!! write 0d..7d dataset
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
class(*), intent(in) :: A(:) !< array to write
integer, intent(in), optional :: chunk_size(rank(A))
integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: istart, iend, stride !< array slicing
logical, intent(in), optional :: compact !< faster I/O for sub-64 kB datasets
Write dataset attribute (e.g. units or instrument)
call h%writeattr(dname, attr, attrval)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname, attr !< dataset name, attribute name
class(*), intent(in) :: attrval(:) !< character, real, integer
Create group and write attributes
call h % create_group("/elephants")
call h % write_attr("/elephants", "regions", ["Asia", "Africa"])
Read data from disk to memory
call h%read(dname, A, istart, iend, stride)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname
class(*), intent(out) :: A(:) !< read array to this ALLOCATED variable
integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: istart, iend, stride !< array slicing
Read dataset attribute into memory
call h%readattr(dname, attr, attrval)
character(*), intent(in) :: dname, attr !< dataset name, attribute name
class(*), intent(out) :: attrval(:) !< character, real, integer
call h%delete_attr(dname, attr)
These are single-call operations that are slower than the object-oriented methods above. The runtime penalty may be insignificant unless you call these functions many times, say in a for loop.
The h5write
opens filename
with action='rw'
(create if not present, append if existing).
call h5write(filename, dname, A)
character(*), intent(in) :: filename, dname
class(*), intent(in) :: A(:)
The h5read
opens filename
with action='r'
(error if file not exist).
call h5read(filename, dname, A)
character(*), intent(in) :: filename, dname
class(*), intent(out) :: A(:)