From c8682249cf6b396eee4e29f14fa9213aed586ae4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pierre Chrzanowski Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 16:12:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update HS_cp.json --- _datasets/json/HS_cp.json | 774 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 677 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-) diff --git a/_datasets/json/HS_cp.json b/_datasets/json/HS_cp.json index 0c5c4222b..3d7eb7655 100644 --- a/_datasets/json/HS_cp.json +++ b/_datasets/json/HS_cp.json @@ -1,99 +1,679 @@ { - "datasets": [ - { - "id": "HS_cp", - "title": "Extreme Heat - Carbon Plan & The Washington Post", - "description": "The final output dataset includes historical and future estimates of WBGT in the shade and in the sun for ~15,300 cities and ~24,000 climatically-similar regions around the world. The full analysis includes 26 global climate models (GCMs) and one emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5). To support different use cases, we've made the results available at a few different levels of granularity and in two different formats.", - "risk_data_type": [ - "hazard" - ], - "publisher": { - "name": "GFDRR", - "url": "" - }, - "purpose": "As part of a collaborative project with The Washington Post, we developed a new dataset modeling extreme heat under a changing climate.", - "project": "Modeling extreme heat in a changing climate", - "spatial": { - "scale": "global" - }, - "license": "CC-BY-4.0", - "contact_point": { - "name": "Pierre Chrzanowski", - "email": "" - }, - "creator": { - "name": "Carbon Plan", - "email": "", - "url": "" - }, - "attributions": [ - { - "id": "0", - "entity": { - "name": "Carbon Plan", - "email": "", - "url": "" - }, - "role": "author" - }, - { - "id": "1", - "entity": { - "name": "The Washington Post", - "url": "" - }, - "role": "author" - } - ], - "sources": [ - { - "id": "0", - "name": "NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6)", - "url": "", - "type": "dataset", - "component": "hazard" - }, - { - "id": "1", - "name": "GHSL - Global Human Settlement Layer", - "url": "", - "type": "dataset", - "component": "hazard" - } - ], - "referenced_by": [ - { - "id": "0", - "name": "Where dangerous heat is surging", - "author_names": [ - "The Washington Post" - ], - "date_published": "2023-09-05", - "url": "" - } - ], - "resources": [ - { - "id": "0", - "title": "WBGT in the shade annual maximum", - "description": "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", - "media_type": "text/csv", - "format": "csv", - "spatial_resolution": 5000, - "coordinate_system": "EPSG:4326", - "download_url": "" - }, - { - "id": "1", - "title": "WBGT in the shade days over 29degC", - "description": "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", - "media_type": "text/csv", - "format": "csv", - "spatial_resolution": 5000, - "coordinate_system": "EPSG:4326", - "download_url": "" - } - ] - } - ] +datasets: [ +{ +id: "HS_cp", +title: "Extreme Heat - Carbon Plan & The Washington Post", +description: "The final output dataset includes historical and future estimates of WBGT in the shade and in the sun for ~15,300 cities and ~24,000 climatically-similar regions around the world. The full analysis includes 26 global climate models (GCMs) and one emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5). To support different use cases, we've made the results available at a few different levels of granularity and in two different formats.", +risk_data_type: [ +"hazard" +], +publisher: { +name: "GFDRR", +url: "" +}, +purpose: "As part of a collaborative project with The Washington Post, we developed a new dataset modeling extreme heat under a changing climate.", +project: "Modeling extreme heat in a changing climate", +spatial: { +countries: [ +"AFG", +"AGO", +"ALB", +"ARE", +"ARG", +"ARM", +"AUS", +"AUT", +"AZE", +"BDI", +"BEL", +"BEN", +"BFA", +"BGD", +"BGR", +"BHR", +"BHS", +"BIH", +"BLR", +"BLZ", +"BOL", +"BRA", +"BRB", +"BRN", +"BTN", +"BWA", +"CAF", +"CAN", +"CHE", +"CHL", +"CHN", +"CIV", +"CMR", +"COD", +"COG", +"COL", +"COM", +"CPV", +"CRI", +"CUB", +"CUW", +"CYP", +"CZE", +"DEU", +"DJI", +"DNK", +"DOM", +"DZA", +"ECU", +"EGY", +"ERI", +"ESH", +"ESP", +"EST", +"ETH", +"FIN", +"FJI", +"FRA", +"GAB", +"GBR", +"GEO", +"GHA", +"GIB", +"GIN", +"GMB", +"GNB", +"GNQ", +"GRC", +"GTM", +"GUY", +"HND", +"HRV", +"HTI", +"HUN", +"IDN", +"IND", +"IRL", +"IRN", +"IRQ", +"ISL", +"ISR", +"ITA", +"JAM", +"JEY", +"JOR", +"JPN", +"KAZ", +"KEN", +"KGZ", +"KHM", +"KOR", +"KWT", +"LAO", +"LBN", +"LBR", +"LBY", +"LKA", +"LSO", +"LTU", +"LUX", +"LVA", +"MAR", +"MCO", +"MDA", +"MDG", +"MDV", +"MEX", +"MKD", +"MLI", +"MLT", +"MMR", +"MNE", +"MNG", +"MOZ", +"MRT", +"MUS", +"MWI", +"MYS", +"NAM", +"NCL", +"NER", +"NGA", +"NIC", +"NLD", +"NOR", +"NPL", +"NZL", +"OMN", +"PAK", +"PAN", +"PER", +"PHL", +"PNG", +"POL", +"PRI", +"PRK", +"PRT", +"PRY", +"PSE", +"PYF", +"QAT", +"ROU", +"RUS", +"RWA", +"SAU", +"SDN", +"SEN", +"SGP", +"SLB", +"SLE", +"SLV", +"SOM", +"SRB", +"SSD", +"STP", +"SUR", +"SVK", +"SVN", +"SWE", +"SWZ", +"SYR", +"TCD", +"TGO", +"THA", +"TJK", +"TKM", +"TLS", +"TTO", +"TUN", +"TUR", +"TWN", +"TZA", +"UGA", +"UKR", +"URY", +"USA", +"UZB", +"VEN", +"VNM", +"YEM", +"ZAF", +"ZMB", +"ZWE" +], +scale: "global" +}, +license: "CC-BY-4.0", +contact_point: { +name: "Pierre Chrzanowski", +email: "" +}, +creator: { +name: "Carbon Plan", +email: "", +url: "" +}, +attributions: [ +{ +id: "0", +entity: { +name: "Carbon Plan", +email: "", +url: "" +}, +role: "author" +}, +{ +id: "1", +entity: { +name: "The Washington Post", +url: "" +}, +role: "author" +} +], +sources: [ +{ +id: "0", +name: "NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6)", +url: "", +type: "dataset", +component: "hazard" +}, +{ +id: "1", +name: "GHSL - Global Human Settlement Layer", +url: "", +type: "dataset", +component: "hazard" +} +], +referenced_by: [ +{ +id: "0", +name: "Where dangerous heat is surging", +author_names: [ +"The Washington Post" +], +date_published: "2023-09-05", +url: "" +} +], +resources: [ +{ +id: "0", +title: "WBGT in the shade annual maximum", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "1", +title: "WBGT in the shade days over 29degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "2", +title: "WBGT in the shade days over 30.5degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "3", +title: "WBGT in the shade days over 32degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "4", +title: "WBGT in the shade days over 35degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "5", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days over 29degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "6", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days over 30.5degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "7", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days over 32degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "8", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days over 35degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "9", +title: "WBGT in the sun annual maximum", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "10", +title: "WBGT in the sun days over 29degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "11", +title: "WBGT in the sun days over 30.5degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "12", +title: "WBGT in the sun days over 32degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "13", +title: "WBGT in the sun days over 35degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "14", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days over 29degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "15", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days over 30.5degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "16", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days over 32degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "17", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days over 35degC", +description: "Medians over time and medians over GCMs", +media_type: "text/csv", +format: "csv", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "18", +title: "WBGT in the shade historical", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "19", +title: "WBGT in the shade ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "20", +title: "WBGT in the shade ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "21", +title: "WBGT in the sun historical", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "22", +title: "WBGT in the sun ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "23", +title: "WBGT in the sun ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Daily projections for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "24", +title: "WBGT in the shade annual maxima, days over threshold historical", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "25", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "26", +title: "WBGT in the shade annual maxima, days over threshold ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "27", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days historical", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "28", +title: "WBGT in the shade annual maxima, days over threshold ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "29", +title: "WBGT in the shade heatwave days ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "30", +title: "WBGT in the sun annual maxima, days over threshold historical", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "31", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "32", +title: "WBGT in the sun annual maxima, days over threshold ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "33", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days historical", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "34", +title: "WBGT in the sun annual maxima, days over threshold ssp2-4.5 (2020-2039)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +}, +{ +id: "35", +title: "WBGT in the sun heatwave days ssp2-4.5 (2040-2059)", +description: "Medians over time for the full ensemble of GCMs", +format: "Zarr", +spatial_resolution: 5000, +coordinate_system: "EPSG:4326", +download_url: "" +} +], +hazard: { +event_sets: [ +{ +id: "0", +analysis_type: "empirical", +frequency_distribution: "user_defined", +seasonality: "user_defined", +calculation_method: "inferred", +temporal: { +start: "1985", +end: "2014" +}, +hazards: [ +{ +id: "0", +type: "extreme_temperature", +processes: [ +"extreme_heat" +], +intensity_measure: "WBGT:c" +} +] +}, +{ +id: "1", +analysis_type: "deterministic", +frequency_distribution: "user_defined", +seasonality: "user_defined", +calculation_method: "simulated", +temporal: { +start: "2020", +end: "2039" +}, +hazards: [ +{ +id: "0", +type: "extreme_temperature", +processes: [ +"extreme_heat" +], +intensity_measure: "WBGT:c" +} +] +}, +{ +id: "2", +analysis_type: "deterministic", +frequency_distribution: "user_defined", +seasonality: "user_defined", +calculation_method: "simulated", +temporal: { +start: "2040", +end: "2059" +}, +hazards: [ +{ +id: "0", +type: "extreme_temperature", +processes: [ +"extreme_heat" +], +intensity_measure: "WBGT:c" +} +] +} +] +}, +links: [ +{ +href: "", +rel: "describedby" +} +] +} +] }