Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm_GridComp
Releases · GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm_GridComp
Updates 2020-11-25
Zero-diff changes include:
- Removes support for manage externals
- Splits the RRTMG k_g tables into separate files
- changes the Intel Debug flags for MOM6 and FMS
- Fix for C99 compliance for raster/util.c on MacOS
- Updates the CI
Updates 2020-10-28
The latest release is a 0-diff change when running the default catchment. However, it is a non-0-diff change when running CatchmentCN.
- Updates to land:
- SurfParams: Introduced separate parameter collections for different land model choices that are being cross-checked against the land model choice.
- Updates to reproduce Fanwei Zeng’s LDASsa Catchment-CN simulations (science-validated, published) using the 'CN_CLM4' option.
- Restructure/Refactor
(see Issue #362) - Add Docker authentication for pulls.
Updates 2020-10-14
These updates are 0-diff to the previous release for the AGCM, but NON 0-diff for the coupled model. Additionally, there are two new variables (OLRB06RG
and TBRB06RG
) added to irrad_internal restart. Major changes include:
- Add TOA RRTMG Band6 (window region) IR diagnostics.
- Include new diagnostics for the constraints.
- Clean up clumsy logic in GEOS_OpenWaterGridComp.F90 Issue #356
a. removes the AOIL_COMP_SWITCH
b. AOIL now properly works with the coupled model (non 0-diff)
c. maintains 0-diff for uncoupled mode
d. Computations to update the state variables (TW, SW, HW and other internals) are now performed via a call toAOIL_v0
also provides following two options that are turned OFF by default:- provide a more gradual decay of diurnal warming as observed in nature:
- update turbulent heat fluxes after the state variables have been updated:
- provide a more gradual decay of diurnal warming as observed in nature:
Non-zero-diff Bugfixes and Chem upgrade
Non-0-diff changes include:
- Bugfix for computations in uwshcu.F90 that involved MAPL_UNDEF
- Bug fix for GCC 10 with DRHOS0
- Upgrade to GEOSchem_GridComp v1.4.1
Zero-diff updates and bug fixes
- Update to FVdycoreCubed_Gridcomp v1.2.5
- Update RRTMGP to master aug2020
- NCL scripts added to generate MERRA2 forcing for SCM
- Remove clock rewind only in replay logic for GuestOcean
- Add melt_potential and fix Orphan Points for MOM6 plug/Guest ocean
- Subroutines called from within OPENWATERCORE of GEOS_OpenWaterGridComp.F90 have been moved GMAO_Shared to be shared across applications/components
- Clean up/simplify AOIL
- Clean up of Saltwater's children
- Genericize NCAR GWD Beres file location
- PRECIPFRAC functionality for Catch and CatchCN
- Updates to allow GEOS to build without MKL
FV3 Update
Adds an fv3_setup and fv3.j script for the FV3 Standalone
Bugfix for MOM5/MOM6
Enables building of MOM5/MOM6 with GNU compiler
MOM6 and Other Updates
Major new features and enhancements, but still 0-diff to default L72 level configuration. Changes include:
- Updates to GFDL microphysics
- Added NCAR GWD
- Updates for JEDI Integration
- Added MOM6
Updated Vertical Levels
Only 0-diff for 72L 1-MOMENT default configuration. Non-0-diff for ALL other options.
- Support for increased vertical resolution and updates in FV3 and GFDL (still 0-diff for 72-level 1-MOMENT). New 71, 91, and 181-level options which have eta distributions similar to the ECMWF 137-level option. New 127-level option is similar to NCEP. Re-tuned surface mixing results in non-0-diff changes to the 132-level option.
- River routing updates.
- SLES12 bugfix reading LAI, GRN, NIRDF, VISDF and NDVI in (LDAS) ensemble mode.
- CatchCN now gets daylength from MAPL sun code abstractly so it works with the new procession including type of orbit.
- Fix MOM_GEOS5Plug MAPL Timers for RUN2.
- New updates from S2S3 tag in CVS.
- Updated to Chemistry v1.3.5.
RRTMG LW Bugfix & New GEOSchem_GridComp
A Zero-diff update. Changes include:
- Bugfix for array bounds in RRTMG LW
- Move to use Baselibs 6.0.13 in CI
- Uptick to GEOSchem_GridComp v1.3.4