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Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSgcm_GridComp

Updates 2020-11-25

25 Nov 19:43
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Zero-diff changes include:

  1. Removes support for manage externals
  2. Splits the RRTMG k_g tables into separate files
  3. changes the Intel Debug flags for MOM6 and FMS
  4. Fix for C99 compliance for raster/util.c on MacOS
  5. Updates the CI

Updates 2020-10-28

28 Oct 20:23
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The latest release is a 0-diff change when running the default catchment. However, it is a non-0-diff change when running CatchmentCN.

  1. Updates to land:
    1. SurfParams: Introduced separate parameter collections for different land model choices that are being cross-checked against the land model choice.
    2. Updates to reproduce Fanwei Zeng’s LDASsa Catchment-CN simulations (science-validated, published) using the 'CN_CLM4' option.
  2. Restructure/Refactor DO_OBIO (see Issue #362)
  3. Add Docker authentication for pulls.

Updates 2020-10-14

14 Oct 19:33
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These updates are 0-diff to the previous release for the AGCM, but NON 0-diff for the coupled model. Additionally, there are two new variables (OLRB06RG and TBRB06RG) added to irrad_internal restart. Major changes include:

  1. Add TOA RRTMG Band6 (window region) IR diagnostics.
  2. Include new diagnostics for the constraints.
  3. Clean up clumsy logic in GEOS_OpenWaterGridComp.F90 Issue #356
    a. removes the AOIL_COMP_SWITCH
    b. AOIL now properly works with the coupled model (non 0-diff)
    c. maintains 0-diff for uncoupled mode
    d. Computations to update the state variables (TW, SW, HW and other internals) are now performed via a call to AOIL_v0
    e. AOIL_v0 also provides following two options that are turned OFF by default:
    • provide a more gradual decay of diurnal warming as observed in nature: WARM_LAYER_GRAD_DECAY
    • update turbulent heat fluxes after the state variables have been updated: UPDATE_FLUXES_AOIL_SECOND_STEP

Non-zero-diff Bugfixes and Chem upgrade

25 Sep 18:50
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Non-0-diff changes include:

  1. Bugfix for computations in uwshcu.F90 that involved MAPL_UNDEF
  2. Bug fix for GCC 10 with DRHOS0
  3. Upgrade to GEOSchem_GridComp v1.4.1

Zero-diff updates and bug fixes

22 Sep 15:22
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  1. Update to FVdycoreCubed_Gridcomp v1.2.5
  2. Update RRTMGP to master aug2020
  3. NCL scripts added to generate MERRA2 forcing for SCM
  4. Remove clock rewind only in replay logic for GuestOcean
  5. Add melt_potential and fix Orphan Points for MOM6 plug/Guest ocean
  6. Subroutines called from within OPENWATERCORE of GEOS_OpenWaterGridComp.F90 have been moved GMAO_Shared to be shared across applications/components
  7. Clean up/simplify AOIL
  8. Clean up of Saltwater's children
  9. Genericize NCAR GWD Beres file location
  10. PRECIPFRAC functionality for Catch and CatchCN
  11. Updates to allow GEOS to build without MKL

FV3 Update

23 Jul 19:55
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Adds an fv3_setup and fv3.j script for the FV3 Standalone

Bugfix for MOM5/MOM6

20 Jul 20:57
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Enables building of MOM5/MOM6 with GNU compiler

MOM6 and Other Updates

17 Jul 19:53
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Major new features and enhancements, but still 0-diff to default L72 level configuration. Changes include:

  1. Updates to GFDL microphysics
  2. Added NCAR GWD
  3. Updates for JEDI Integration
  4. Added MOM6

Updated Vertical Levels

26 Jun 17:42
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Only 0-diff for 72L 1-MOMENT default configuration. Non-0-diff for ALL other options.

  1. Support for increased vertical resolution and updates in FV3 and GFDL (still 0-diff for 72-level 1-MOMENT). New 71, 91, and 181-level options which have eta distributions similar to the ECMWF 137-level option. New 127-level option is similar to NCEP. Re-tuned surface mixing results in non-0-diff changes to the 132-level option.
  2. River routing updates.
  3. SLES12 bugfix reading LAI, GRN, NIRDF, VISDF and NDVI in (LDAS) ensemble mode.
  4. CatchCN now gets daylength from MAPL sun code abstractly so it works with the new procession including type of orbit.
  5. Fix MOM_GEOS5Plug MAPL Timers for RUN2.
  6. New updates from S2S3 tag in CVS.
  7. Updated to Chemistry v1.3.5.

RRTMG LW Bugfix & New GEOSchem_GridComp

05 Jun 16:29
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A Zero-diff update. Changes include:

  1. Bugfix for array bounds in RRTMG LW
  2. Move to use Baselibs 6.0.13 in CI
  3. Uptick to GEOSchem_GridComp v1.3.4